ftl: split up code

S.J.R. van Schaik 7 years ago
parent a899f35562
commit 770860d621
  1. 580
  2. 130
  3. 3
  4. 456
  5. 12

@ -9,578 +9,8 @@
#include <ftl.h>
#include <macros.h>
#define ERR_NOT_FOUND 2
/* Given the current user page, this function computes the page number of the
* next user page by incrementing the page number. However, if incrementing the
* page number results in the page number of a page containing page
* descriptors, the page number is incremented again to have it point to the
* first user page of the next page group. Finally, if incrementing the page
* number results in a page number that is larger than the total amount of
* possible pages on the devices, the page number of the very first user page
* is returned instead.
static uint32_t next_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t p)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
if (is_aligned(p + 1, j->log2_pages_per_group))
if (p >= (j->nblocks << log2_pages_per_block))
p = 0;
return p;
/* Determines the amount of user pages to store in a page group by determining
* how many page descriptors the last page of the page group can contain at
* most. Because the page group consists of $2^n$ pages, $2^{n - 1}$ of those
* pages will end up becoming user pages. Once the amount of pages in a page
* group has been determined, the amount of page groups within an erase block
* can also be determined, as a single page group may not cover a whole erase
* block.
static int find_block_div(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_block_size - j->log2_page_size;
size_t nbytes_avail = (1 << j->log2_page_size) -
sizeof(struct ftl_page_group);
size_t nbytes = sizeof(struct ftl_page_desc);
j->log2_pages_per_group = 1;
while (j->log2_pages_per_group < log2_pages_per_block) {
nbytes = 2 * nbytes + sizeof(struct ftl_page_desc);
if (nbytes > nbytes_avail)
j->log2_groups_per_block = log2_pages_per_block - j->log2_pages_per_group;
return 0;
static void reset_journal(struct ftl_journal *j)
j->log2_erase_size = ilog2(4 * KIB);
j->log2_page_size = ilog2(4 * KIB);
j->log2_block_size = ilog2(64 * KIB);
j->nblocks = flash_get_size(j->dev) >> j->log2_block_size;
j->head = 0;
j->tail = 0;
j->root = UINT32_MAX;
j->nused_pages = 0;
j->epoch = 0;
int ftl_init_journal(struct ftl_journal *j, struct flash_dev *dev)
j->dev = dev;
return 0;
/* Given a block number, this function attempts to find the first block that is
* in use. A block is considered to be in use when the first page group is in
* use, as a block can only be erased as a whole. Therefore, if the first page
* group is not in use, neither will the other page groups in a block.
static int find_block(struct ftl_journal *j, struct ftl_page_group *group,
uint32_t *where, uint32_t block)
uint32_t page;
unsigned attempt;
for (attempt = 0; block < j->nblocks && attempt < FTL_MAX_ATTEMPTS;
++attempt, ++block) {
page = block << j->log2_block_size;
page |= ((UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1) << j->log2_page_size;
if (flash_read(j->dev, page, group, sizeof *group) < 0)
if (memcmp(group->magic, "FTL", sizeof group->magic) != 0)
*where = block;
return 0;
return -1;
/* Given the block number of the first block, attempts to use binary search to
* find the last block that is in use.
static uint32_t find_last_block(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t first)
struct ftl_page_group group;
uint32_t mid, low = first, high = j->nblocks - 1;
uint32_t found, next;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (find_block(j, &group, &found, mid) < 0 ||
group.epoch != j->epoch) {
if (!mid)
return first;
high = mid - 1;
if (((found + 1) > j->nblocks) ||
find_block(j, &group, &next, found + 1) < 0 ||
group.epoch != j->epoch)
return found;
low = next;
return first;
/* Given a page number, this function checks whether the page is fully erased
* by checking if all bits are set to ones.
static int is_page_erased(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t page)
uint8_t data[64];
size_t i, nbytes, len = j->log2_page_size;
uint32_t addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
while (len) {
nbytes = min(sizeof data, len);
if (flash_read(j->dev, addr, data, nbytes) < 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < nbytes; ++i) {
if (data[i] != 0xff)
return 0;
addr += nbytes;
len -= nbytes;
return 1;
/* Given the group number, this function checks if a page group is erased by
* checking if the pages that compose the page group are erased.
static int is_group_erased(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t group)
uint32_t npages = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t page = group << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < npages; ++i) {
if (!is_page_erased(j, page + i))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Attempts to find the last page group that is in use within a block by
* performing a binary search on the page groups.
static uint32_t find_last_group(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t block)
uint32_t ngroups = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_groups_per_block;
uint32_t mid, low = 0, high = ngroups - 1;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (is_group_erased(j, mid)) {
high = mid - 1;
if (((mid + 1) >= ngroups) ||
is_group_erased(j, mid + 1))
return (block << j->log2_groups_per_block) + mid;
low = mid + 1;
return block << j->log2_groups_per_block;
int read_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc, uint32_t upage);
static int find_root(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t group)
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint32_t upage;
upage = group << j->log2_pages_per_group;
do {
j->root = upage;
upage = next_upage(j, upage);
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
} while (page_desc.va != UINT32_MAX ||
page_desc.nused_pages == 0);
return 0;
/* Attempts to find the first free page within a page group by looking for the
* first page that is considered to be erased. If no such page could be found
* within the page group, the first user page of the next page group should be
* used as that page group should not be in use.
static int find_head(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
j->head = j->root;
do {
j->head = next_upage(j, j->head);
if (is_aligned(j->head, log2_pages_per_block))
return 0;
} while (!is_page_erased(j, j->head));
return 0;
int read_page_group(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_group *group, uint32_t group_no);
/* Resumes the journal by finding the first block that is in use, the last
* block that is in use, the last page group that is in use, and setting the
* head to the first free user page.
int ftl_resume_journal(struct ftl_journal *j)
struct ftl_page_group group;
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint32_t first, last, group_no;
if (!j)
return -1;
if (find_block(j, &group, &first, 0) < 0) {
return -1;
j->epoch = group.epoch;
last = find_last_block(j, first);
group_no = find_last_group(j, last);
if (find_root(j, group_no) < 0)
return -1;
if (find_head(j) < 0)
return -1;
if (read_page_group(j, &group, j->root >> j->log2_pages_per_group) < 0)
return -1;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, j->root) < 0)
return -1;
j->tail = group.tail;
j->nused_pages = page_desc.nused_pages;
return 0;
/* Writes the page descriptor to the footer of the current page group and
* increments the head to point to the next free user page.
static int ftl_write_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc)
struct ftl_page_group group;
uint32_t group_no, page, addr, offset, head;
group_no = j->head >> j->log2_pages_per_group;
page = ((group_no + 1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1;
addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
/* Write the page group header. */
if (is_page_erased(j, page)) {
memcpy(&group.magic, "FTL", sizeof group.magic);
group.epoch = j->epoch;
group.tail = j->tail;
if (flash_write(j->dev, addr, &group, sizeof group) < 0)
return -1;
offset = sizeof group + (j->head & ((1 << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1)) *
sizeof *page_desc;
if (flash_write(j->dev, addr + offset, page_desc, sizeof *page_desc) < 0)
return -1;
j->root = j->head;
head = j->head;
j->head = next_upage(j, j->head);
if (j->head < head)
return 0;
/* Given the page number of a user page, reads the page descriptor associated
* with the user page by locating the footer and more specifically the page
* descriptor within the page group.
int read_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc, uint32_t upage)
uint32_t group_no, page, addr, offset;
group_no = upage >> j->log2_pages_per_group;
page = ((group_no + 1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1;
addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
offset = sizeof(struct ftl_page_group) +
(upage & ((1 << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1)) * sizeof *page_desc;
return flash_read(j->dev, addr + offset, page_desc, sizeof *page_desc);
int read_page_group(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_group *group, uint32_t group_no)
uint32_t page, addr;
page = ((group_no + 1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1;
addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
return flash_read(j->dev, addr, group, sizeof *group);
/* Trace a path for a given virtual target address by comparing each of the
* bits in the target address with the virtual address of our root. In case of
* a mismatch, we proceed our traversal with the given subtree at the current
* depth until we have either found that there is no further subtree to
* traverse or until we have found the actual user page.
static int trace_path(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *new_page_desc, uint32_t *loc, uint32_t va)
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint8_t depth = 0;
uint32_t upage = j->root;
if (new_page_desc)
new_page_desc->va = va;
if (upage == UINT32_MAX)
goto err_not_found;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
for (; depth < 32; ++depth) {
if (page_desc.va == UINT32_MAX)
goto err_not_found;
if (!((va ^ page_desc.va) & (1 << (32 - depth - 1)))) {
if (new_page_desc)
new_page_desc->subtrees[depth] = page_desc.subtrees[depth];
if (new_page_desc)
new_page_desc->subtrees[depth] = upage;
if ((upage = page_desc.subtrees[depth]) == UINT32_MAX) {
goto err_not_found;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
if (loc)
*loc = upage;
return 0;
if (new_page_desc) {
for (; depth < 32; ++depth) {
new_page_desc->subtrees[depth] = UINT32_MAX;
return -ERR_NOT_FOUND;
static int ftl_write_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, const uint8_t *page,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc);
/* For a given user page, attempt to claim more free space by checking if no
* recent mapping has obsoleted the older mapping. If a more recent mapping
* exists, the page can be safely ignored and erased. Otherwise, we preserve
* the page by copying the page to create a new mapping such that the old page
* can be ignored and erased.
static int free_page(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t upage)
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint32_t found_upage, va;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
va = page_desc.va;
if (trace_path(j, &page_desc, &found_upage, va) < 0)
return -1;
if (upage != found_upage)
return 0;
page_desc.nused_pages = j->nused_pages;
if (flash_copy(j->dev, j->head << j->log2_page_size,
upage << j->log2_page_size, 1 << j->log2_page_size) < 0)
return -1;
return ftl_write_upage(j, NULL, &page_desc);
/* Claim more free space by checking which user pages in a page group are
* mapped and for which the mappings have been obsoleted by a more recent
* mapping. The mapped user pages are preserved by copying.
static int free_group(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t group)
uint32_t npages = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t page = group << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < npages; ++i) {
if (free_page(j, page + i) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Claim more free space by checking which user pages in a block are mapped and
* for which the mappings have been obsoleted by a more recent mapping. The
* mapped user pages are preserved by copying.
static int free_block(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t block)
uint32_t ngroups = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_groups_per_block;
uint32_t group = block << j->log2_groups_per_block;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ngroups; ++i) {
if (free_group(j, group + i) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Checks if there are sufficient pages available for writing. Otherwise this
* function attempts to claim more free space from unmapped pages for which
* newer pages have obsoleted the mapping. Further, we move the user pages that
* are still mapped as these should be preserved.
static int free_tail(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
size_t npages = j->nblocks << log2_pages_per_block;
size_t dist;
if (j->head < j->tail)
dist = j->tail - j->head;
dist = npages - j->head + j->tail;
if (dist > (UINT32_C(1) << log2_pages_per_block))
return 0;
if (free_block(j, j->tail >> log2_pages_per_block) < 0)
return -1;
j->tail += 1 << log2_pages_per_block;
if (j->tail >= npages)
j->tail -= npages;
return 0;
/* Prepare the head for writing. If the user page to be written to is not
* aligned on a block boundary, the block must already be erased and there is
* nothing to be done. Otherwise, we free the tail if necessary and erase the
* block for writing.
static int prepare_head(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
if (!is_aligned(j->head, log2_pages_per_block))
return 0;
if (free_tail(j) < 0)
return -1;
return flash_erase(j->dev, j->head >> log2_pages_per_block,
/* Prepares the head for writing, writes the user page to the current available
* user page and finally writes the page descriptor to the footer of the page
* group, whereupon the head is incremented to point to the next available user
* page.
static int ftl_write_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, const uint8_t *page,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc)
if (prepare_head(j) < 0)
return -1;
if (page && flash_write(j->dev, j->head << j->log2_page_size, page,
j->log2_page_size) < 0)
return -1;
return ftl_write_page_desc(j, page_desc);
#include "gc.h"
#include "map.h"
int ftl_read(struct ftl_journal *j, void *data, size_t len, uint32_t va)
@ -617,7 +47,7 @@ int ftl_write(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t va, const uint8_t *data)
page_desc.nused_pages = j->nused_pages;
return ftl_write_upage(j, data, &page_desc);
return write_upage(j, data, &page_desc);
int ftl_trim(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t va)
@ -649,7 +79,7 @@ int ftl_trim(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t va)
memset(&page_desc, 0xff, sizeof page_desc);
page_desc.nused_pages = 0;
return ftl_write_upage(j, NULL, &page_desc);
return write_upage(j, NULL, &page_desc);
if (read_page_desc(j, &alt_page_desc, alt_va) < 0)
@ -667,7 +97,7 @@ int ftl_trim(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t va)
page << j->log2_page_size, 1 << j->log2_page_size) < 0)
return -1;
return ftl_write_upage(j, NULL, &page_desc);
return write_upage(j, NULL, &page_desc);
/* Returns the amount of used pages with a unique virtual address multiplied by

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#include <flash.h>
#include <ftl.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include "gc.h"
int read_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc, uint32_t upage);
int trace_path(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *new_page_desc, uint32_t *loc, uint32_t va);
int write_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, const uint8_t *page,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc);
/* For a given user page, attempt to claim more free space by checking if no
* recent mapping has obsoleted the older mapping. If a more recent mapping
* exists, the page can be safely ignored and erased. Otherwise, we preserve
* the page by copying the page to create a new mapping such that the old page
* can be ignored and erased.
static int free_page(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t upage)
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint32_t found_upage, va;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
va = page_desc.va;
if (trace_path(j, &page_desc, &found_upage, va) < 0)
return -1;
if (upage != found_upage)
return 0;
page_desc.nused_pages = j->nused_pages;
if (flash_copy(j->dev, j->head << j->log2_page_size,
upage << j->log2_page_size, 1 << j->log2_page_size) < 0)
return -1;
return write_upage(j, NULL, &page_desc);
/* Claim more free space by checking which user pages in a page group are
* mapped and for which the mappings have been obsoleted by a more recent
* mapping. The mapped user pages are preserved by copying.
static int free_group(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t group)
uint32_t npages = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t page = group << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < npages; ++i) {
if (free_page(j, page + i) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Claim more free space by checking which user pages in a block are mapped and
* for which the mappings have been obsoleted by a more recent mapping. The
* mapped user pages are preserved by copying.
static int free_block(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t block)
uint32_t ngroups = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_groups_per_block;
uint32_t group = block << j->log2_groups_per_block;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ngroups; ++i) {
if (free_group(j, group + i) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Checks if there are sufficient pages available for writing. Otherwise this
* function attempts to claim more free space from unmapped pages for which
* newer pages have obsoleted the mapping. Further, we move the user pages that
* are still mapped as these should be preserved.
static int free_tail(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
size_t npages = j->nblocks << log2_pages_per_block;
size_t dist;
if (j->head < j->tail)
dist = j->tail - j->head;
dist = npages - j->head + j->tail;
if (dist > (UINT32_C(1) << log2_pages_per_block))
return 0;
if (free_block(j, j->tail >> log2_pages_per_block) < 0)
return -1;
j->tail += 1 << log2_pages_per_block;
if (j->tail >= npages)
j->tail -= npages;
return 0;
/* Prepare the head for writing. If the user page to be written to is not
* aligned on a block boundary, the block must already be erased and there is
* nothing to be done. Otherwise, we free the tail if necessary and erase the
* block for writing.
int prepare_head(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
if (!is_aligned(j->head, log2_pages_per_block))
return 0;
if (free_tail(j) < 0)
return -1;
return flash_erase(j->dev, j->head >> log2_pages_per_block,

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#pragma once
int prepare_head(struct ftl_journal *j);

@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <bitops.h>
#include <flash.h>
#include <ftl.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include "gc.h"
#include "map.h"
/* Given a page number, this function checks whether the page is fully erased
* by checking if all bits are set to ones.
static int is_page_erased(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t page)
uint8_t data[64];
size_t i, nbytes, len = j->log2_page_size;
uint32_t addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
while (len) {
nbytes = min(sizeof data, len);
if (flash_read(j->dev, addr, data, nbytes) < 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < nbytes; ++i) {
if (data[i] != 0xff)
return 0;
addr += nbytes;
len -= nbytes;
return 1;
/* Given the group number, this function checks if a page group is erased by
* checking if the pages that compose the page group are erased.
static int is_group_erased(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t group)
uint32_t npages = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t page = group << j->log2_pages_per_group;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < npages; ++i) {
if (!is_page_erased(j, page + i))
return 0;
return 1;
/* Given the current user page, this function computes the page number of the
* next user page by incrementing the page number. However, if incrementing the
* page number results in the page number of a page containing page
* descriptors, the page number is incremented again to have it point to the
* first user page of the next page group. Finally, if incrementing the page
* number results in a page number that is larger than the total amount of
* possible pages on the devices, the page number of the very first user page
* is returned instead.
static uint32_t next_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t p)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
if (is_aligned(p + 1, j->log2_pages_per_group))
if (p >= (j->nblocks << log2_pages_per_block))
p = 0;
return p;
/* Reads the header of the given page group.
int read_page_group(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_group *group, uint32_t group_no)
uint32_t page, addr;
page = ((group_no + 1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1;
addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
return flash_read(j->dev, addr, group, sizeof *group);
/* Given the page number of a user page, reads the page descriptor associated
* with the user page by locating the footer and more specifically the page
* descriptor within the page group.
int read_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc, uint32_t upage)
uint32_t group_no, page, addr, offset;
group_no = upage >> j->log2_pages_per_group;
page = ((group_no + 1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1;
addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
offset = sizeof(struct ftl_page_group) +
(upage & ((1 << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1)) * sizeof *page_desc;
return flash_read(j->dev, addr + offset, page_desc, sizeof *page_desc);
/* Writes the page descriptor to the footer of the current page group and
* increments the head to point to the next free user page.
static int write_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc)
struct ftl_page_group group;
uint32_t group_no, page, addr, offset, head;
group_no = j->head >> j->log2_pages_per_group;
page = ((group_no + 1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1;
addr = page << j->log2_page_size;
/* Write the page group header. */
if (is_page_erased(j, page)) {
memcpy(&group.magic, "FTL", sizeof group.magic);
group.epoch = j->epoch;
group.tail = j->tail;
if (flash_write(j->dev, addr, &group, sizeof group) < 0)
return -1;
offset = sizeof group + (j->head & ((1 << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1)) *
sizeof *page_desc;
if (flash_write(j->dev, addr + offset, page_desc, sizeof *page_desc) < 0)
return -1;
j->root = j->head;
head = j->head;
j->head = next_upage(j, j->head);
if (j->head < head)
return 0;
/* Prepares the head for writing, writes the user page to the current available
* user page and finally writes the page descriptor to the footer of the page
* group, whereupon the head is incremented to point to the next available user
* page.
int write_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, const uint8_t *page,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc)
if (prepare_head(j) < 0)
return -1;
if (page && flash_write(j->dev, j->head << j->log2_page_size, page,
j->log2_page_size) < 0)
return -1;
return write_page_desc(j, page_desc);
/* Determines the amount of user pages to store in a page group by determining
* how many page descriptors the last page of the page group can contain at
* most. Because the page group consists of $2^n$ pages, $2^{n - 1}$ of those
* pages will end up becoming user pages. Once the amount of pages in a page
* group has been determined, the amount of page groups within an erase block
* can also be determined, as a single page group may not cover a whole erase
* block.
static int find_block_div(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_block_size - j->log2_page_size;
size_t nbytes_avail = (1 << j->log2_page_size) -
sizeof(struct ftl_page_group);
size_t nbytes = sizeof(struct ftl_page_desc);
j->log2_pages_per_group = 1;
while (j->log2_pages_per_group < log2_pages_per_block) {
nbytes = 2 * nbytes + sizeof(struct ftl_page_desc);
if (nbytes > nbytes_avail)
j->log2_groups_per_block = log2_pages_per_block - j->log2_pages_per_group;
return 0;
/* Given a block number, this function attempts to find the first block that is
* in use. A block is considered to be in use when the first page group is in
* use, as a block can only be erased as a whole. Therefore, if the first page
* group is not in use, neither will the other page groups in a block.
static int find_block(struct ftl_journal *j, struct ftl_page_group *group,
uint32_t *where, uint32_t block)
uint32_t page;
unsigned attempt;
for (attempt = 0; block < j->nblocks && attempt < FTL_MAX_ATTEMPTS;
++attempt, ++block) {
page = block << j->log2_block_size;
page |= ((UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_pages_per_group) - 1) << j->log2_page_size;
if (flash_read(j->dev, page, group, sizeof *group) < 0)
if (memcmp(group->magic, "FTL", sizeof group->magic) != 0)
*where = block;
return 0;
return -1;
/* Given the block number of the first block, attempts to use binary search to
* find the last block that is in use.
static uint32_t find_last_block(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t first)
struct ftl_page_group group;
uint32_t mid, low = first, high = j->nblocks - 1;
uint32_t found, next;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (find_block(j, &group, &found, mid) < 0 ||
group.epoch != j->epoch) {
if (!mid)
return first;
high = mid - 1;
if (((found + 1) > j->nblocks) ||
find_block(j, &group, &next, found + 1) < 0 ||
group.epoch != j->epoch)
return found;
low = next;
return first;
/* Attempts to find the last page group that is in use within a block by
* performing a binary search on the page groups.
static uint32_t find_last_group(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t block)
uint32_t ngroups = UINT32_C(1) << j->log2_groups_per_block;
uint32_t mid, low = 0, high = ngroups - 1;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (is_group_erased(j, mid)) {
high = mid - 1;
if (((mid + 1) >= ngroups) ||
is_group_erased(j, mid + 1))
return (block << j->log2_groups_per_block) + mid;
low = mid + 1;
return block << j->log2_groups_per_block;
static int find_root(struct ftl_journal *j, uint32_t group)
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint32_t upage;
upage = group << j->log2_pages_per_group;
do {
j->root = upage;
upage = next_upage(j, upage);
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
} while (page_desc.va != UINT32_MAX ||
page_desc.nused_pages == 0);
return 0;
/* Attempts to find the first free page within a page group by looking for the
* first page that is considered to be erased. If no such page could be found
* within the page group, the first user page of the next page group should be
* used as that page group should not be in use.
static int find_head(struct ftl_journal *j)
size_t log2_pages_per_block = j->log2_pages_per_group +
j->head = j->root;
do {
j->head = next_upage(j, j->head);
if (is_aligned(j->head, log2_pages_per_block))
return 0;
} while (!is_page_erased(j, j->head));
return 0;
static void reset_journal(struct ftl_journal *j)
j->log2_erase_size = ilog2(4 * KIB);
j->log2_page_size = ilog2(4 * KIB);
j->log2_block_size = ilog2(64 * KIB);
j->nblocks = flash_get_size(j->dev) >> j->log2_block_size;
j->head = 0;
j->tail = 0;
j->root = UINT32_MAX;
j->nused_pages = 0;
j->epoch = 0;
int ftl_init_journal(struct ftl_journal *j, struct flash_dev *dev)
j->dev = dev;
return 0;
/* Resumes the journal by finding the first block that is in use, the last
* block that is in use, the last page group that is in use, and setting the
* head to the first free user page.
int ftl_resume_journal(struct ftl_journal *j)
struct ftl_page_group group;
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint32_t first, last, group_no;
if (!j)
return -1;
if (find_block(j, &group, &first, 0) < 0) {
return -1;
j->epoch = group.epoch;
last = find_last_block(j, first);
group_no = find_last_group(j, last);
if (find_root(j, group_no) < 0)
return -1;
if (find_head(j) < 0)
return -1;
if (read_page_group(j, &group, j->root >> j->log2_pages_per_group) < 0)
return -1;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, j->root) < 0)
return -1;
j->tail = group.tail;
j->nused_pages = page_desc.nused_pages;
return 0;
/* Trace a path for a given virtual target address by comparing each of the
* bits in the target address with the virtual address of our root. In case of
* a mismatch, we proceed our traversal with the given subtree at the current
* depth until we have either found that there is no further subtree to
* traverse or until we have found the actual user page.
int trace_path(struct ftl_journal *j, struct ftl_page_desc *new_page_desc,
uint32_t *page, uint32_t va)
struct ftl_page_desc page_desc;
uint8_t depth = 0;
uint32_t upage = j->root;
if (new_page_desc)
new_page_desc->va = va;
if (upage == UINT32_MAX)
goto err_not_found;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
for (; depth < 32; ++depth) {
if (page_desc.va == UINT32_MAX)
goto err_not_found;
if (!((va ^ page_desc.va) & (1 << (32 - depth - 1)))) {
if (new_page_desc)
new_page_desc->subtrees[depth] = page_desc.subtrees[depth];
if (new_page_desc)
new_page_desc->subtrees[depth] = upage;
if ((upage = page_desc.subtrees[depth]) == UINT32_MAX) {
goto err_not_found;
if (read_page_desc(j, &page_desc, upage) < 0)
return -1;
if (page)
*page = upage;
return 0;
if (new_page_desc) {
for (; depth < 32; ++depth) {
new_page_desc->subtrees[depth] = UINT32_MAX;
return -ERR_NOT_FOUND;

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#define ERR_NOT_FOUND 2
int read_page_group(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_group *group, uint32_t group_no);
int read_page_desc(struct ftl_journal *j,
struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc, uint32_t upage);
int write_upage(struct ftl_journal *j, const uint8_t *page,
const struct ftl_page_desc *page_desc);
int trace_path(struct ftl_journal *j, struct ftl_page_desc *new_page_desc,
uint32_t *page, uint32_t va);