sshd implementation in Go, for the sole purpose of restricting the ports that clients can request using direct-tcpip and tcpip-forward / forwarded-tcpip.
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
Merlijn Wajer 2c1c81aecd Use defer for closing the listenmutex 7年前
alpine Add (and mention) init script 7年前
gentoo Add (and mention) init script 7年前
COPYING Add EUPLv1.2 license 7年前
README.rst Update README; remove TODO 7年前
signal_unix.go Clean up code and more comments 7年前
signal_windows.go Clean up code and more comments 7年前
sshd.go Use defer for closing the listenmutex 7年前



sshd implementation in Go, for the sole purpose of restricting the ports that
clients can request using direct-tcpip and tcpip-forward / forwarded-tcpip.

OpenSSH so far refuses to merge patches to support this, but there is a fork of
OpenSSH with patches that achieve something similar to this. [1]_

You might like this server if:

* You want to limit the addresses/ports clients can listen to and/or connect
to, something OpenSSH only implement for `direct-tcpip`, not for
* You want to support a lot of clients without having to fork() for every
* You want to use a ssh server written in a memory safe language, which
doesn't depend on OpenSSL or similar libraries.

.. [1]

authorized_keys format

Compatible with OpenSSH authorized_keys format, not in specific options.

The options field contains the ports that are allowed to be forwarded, colon separated::

remoteports=3333:4444 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHPWEWu85yECrbmtL38wlFua3tBSqxTekCX/aU+dku+w COMMENTHERE

Adding allowed hosts along with these ports is something that needs to be done
in the future.

Running as non-root user

You should not run this program as root. Due to the way Go is implemented,
setuid is non-trivial, so instead you need to set the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
capability on the resulting binary:

setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' go-sshd

In combination with the `forwarded-tcpip` feature this might allow processes to
listen to priviledged ports, so be careful.

Init script

There is an init script for gentoo/alpine (OpenRC) users. SSHD_LISTEN needs to
be set in /etc/conf.d/go-sshd and the init-script goes in /etc/init.d/go-sshd

Known issues / TODO

* The current remoteports= and localports= syntax only supports single ports. It
might make sense to support ranges of ports, and also support host-port
* USR1 is not available on Windows, but otherwise the SSH server works fine on
Windows (just comment out the signal-related parts)