* RFC3927 ZeroConf IPv4 Link - Local addressing
* ( see < http : //www.zeroconf.org/>)
* Copied from BusyBox - networking / zcip . c
* Copyright ( C ) 2003 by Arthur van Hoff ( avh @ strangeberry . com )
* Copyright ( C ) 2004 by David Brownell
* Copyright ( C ) 2010 by Joe Hershberger
* Licensed under the GPL v2 or later
# include <common.h>
# include <net.h>
# include "arp.h"
# include "net_rand.h"
/* We don't need more than 32 bits of the counter */
# define MONOTONIC_MS() ((unsigned)get_timer(0) * (1000 / CONFIG_SYS_HZ))
enum {
/* */
LINKLOCAL_ADDR = 0xa9fe0000 ,
IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 ,
IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0x0000ffff ,
/* protocol timeout parameters, specified in seconds */
} ;
/* States during the configuration process. */
static enum ll_state_t {
PROBE = 0 ,
} state = DISABLED ;
static struct in_addr ip ;
static int timeout_ms = - 1 ;
static unsigned deadline_ms ;
static unsigned conflicts ;
static unsigned nprobes ;
static unsigned nclaims ;
static int ready ;
static unsigned int seed ;
static void link_local_timeout ( void ) ;
* Pick a random link local IP address on 169.254 / 16 , except that
* the first and last 256 addresses are reserved .
static struct in_addr pick ( void )
unsigned tmp ;
struct in_addr ip ;
do {
tmp = rand_r ( & seed ) & IN_CLASSB_HOST ;
} while ( tmp > ( IN_CLASSB_HOST - 0x0200 ) ) ;
ip . s_addr = htonl ( ( LINKLOCAL_ADDR + 0x0100 ) + tmp ) ;
return ip ;
* Return milliseconds of random delay , up to " secs " seconds .
static inline unsigned random_delay_ms ( unsigned secs )
return rand_r ( & seed ) % ( secs * 1000 ) ;
static void configure_wait ( void )
if ( timeout_ms = = - 1 )
return ;
/* poll, being ready to adjust current timeout */
if ( ! timeout_ms )
timeout_ms = random_delay_ms ( PROBE_WAIT ) ;
/* set deadline_ms to the point in time when we timeout */
deadline_ms = MONOTONIC_MS ( ) + timeout_ms ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_DEV_PKT , " ...wait %d %s nprobes=%u, nclaims=%u \n " ,
timeout_ms , eth_get_name ( ) , nprobes , nclaims ) ;
net_set_timeout_handler ( timeout_ms , link_local_timeout ) ;
void link_local_start ( void )
ip = getenv_ip ( " llipaddr " ) ;
if ( ip . s_addr ! = 0 & &
( ntohl ( ip . s_addr ) & IN_CLASSB_NET ) ! = LINKLOCAL_ADDR ) {
puts ( " invalid link address " ) ;
net_set_state ( NETLOOP_FAIL ) ;
return ;
net_netmask . s_addr = IN_CLASSB_NET ;
seed = seed_mac ( ) ;
if ( ip . s_addr = = 0 )
ip = pick ( ) ;
state = PROBE ;
timeout_ms = 0 ;
conflicts = 0 ;
nprobes = 0 ;
nclaims = 0 ;
ready = 0 ;
configure_wait ( ) ;
static void link_local_timeout ( void )
switch ( state ) {
case PROBE :
/* timeouts in the PROBE state mean no conflicting ARP packets
have been received , so we can progress through the states */
if ( nprobes < PROBE_NUM ) {
struct in_addr zero_ip = { . s_addr = 0 } ;
nprobes + + ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_LL_STATE , " probe/%u %s@%pI4 \n " ,
nprobes , eth_get_name ( ) , & ip ) ;
arp_raw_request ( zero_ip , net_null_ethaddr , ip ) ;
timeout_ms = PROBE_MIN * 1000 ;
timeout_ms + = random_delay_ms ( PROBE_MAX - PROBE_MIN ) ;
} else {
/* Switch to announce state */
state = ANNOUNCE ;
nclaims = 0 ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_LL_STATE , " announce/%u %s@%pI4 \n " ,
nclaims , eth_get_name ( ) , & ip ) ;
arp_raw_request ( ip , net_ethaddr , ip ) ;
timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000 ;
break ;
/* timeouts in the RATE_LIMIT_PROBE state mean no conflicting
ARP packets have been received , so we can move immediately
to the announce state */
state = ANNOUNCE ;
nclaims = 0 ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_LL_STATE , " announce/%u %s@%pI4 \n " ,
nclaims , eth_get_name ( ) , & ip ) ;
arp_raw_request ( ip , net_ethaddr , ip ) ;
timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000 ;
break ;
/* timeouts in the ANNOUNCE state mean no conflicting ARP
packets have been received , so we can progress through
the states */
if ( nclaims < ANNOUNCE_NUM ) {
nclaims + + ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_LL_STATE , " announce/%u %s@%pI4 \n " ,
nclaims , eth_get_name ( ) , & ip ) ;
arp_raw_request ( ip , net_ethaddr , ip ) ;
timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000 ;
} else {
/* Switch to monitor state */
state = MONITOR ;
printf ( " Successfully assigned %pI4 \n " , & ip ) ;
net_copy_ip ( & net_ip , & ip ) ;
ready = 1 ;
conflicts = 0 ;
timeout_ms = - 1 ;
/* Never timeout in the monitor state */
net_set_timeout_handler ( 0 , NULL ) ;
/* NOTE: all other exit paths should deconfig ... */
net_set_state ( NETLOOP_SUCCESS ) ;
return ;
break ;
case DEFEND :
/* We won! No ARP replies, so just go back to monitor */
state = MONITOR ;
timeout_ms = - 1 ;
conflicts = 0 ;
break ;
default :
/* Invalid, should never happen. Restart the whole protocol */
state = PROBE ;
ip = pick ( ) ;
timeout_ms = 0 ;
nprobes = 0 ;
nclaims = 0 ;
break ;
configure_wait ( ) ;
void link_local_receive_arp ( struct arp_hdr * arp , int len )
int source_ip_conflict ;
int target_ip_conflict ;
struct in_addr null_ip = { . s_addr = 0 } ;
if ( state = = DISABLED )
return ;
/* We need to adjust the timeout in case we didn't receive a
conflicting packet . */
if ( timeout_ms > 0 ) {
unsigned diff = deadline_ms - MONOTONIC_MS ( ) ;
if ( ( int ) ( diff ) < 0 ) {
/* Current time is greater than the expected timeout
time . This should never happen */
debug_cond ( DEBUG_LL_STATE ,
" missed an expected timeout \n " ) ;
timeout_ms = 0 ;
} else {
debug_cond ( DEBUG_INT_STATE , " adjusting timeout \n " ) ;
timeout_ms = diff | 1 ; /* never 0 */
#if 0
/* XXX Don't bother with ethernet link just yet */
if ( ( fds [ 0 ] . revents & POLLIN ) = = 0 ) {
if ( fds [ 0 ] . revents & POLLERR ) {
* FIXME : links routinely go down ;
bb_error_msg ( " iface %s is down " , eth_get_name ( ) ) ;
if ( ready )
run ( argv , " deconfig " , & ip ) ;
continue ;
# endif
debug_cond ( DEBUG_INT_STATE , " %s recv arp type=%d, op=%d, \n " ,
eth_get_name ( ) , ntohs ( arp - > ar_pro ) ,
ntohs ( arp - > ar_op ) ) ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_INT_STATE , " \t source=%pM %pI4 \n " ,
& arp - > ar_sha ,
& arp - > ar_spa ) ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_INT_STATE , " \t target=%pM %pI4 \n " ,
& arp - > ar_tha ,
& arp - > ar_tpa ) ;
if ( arp - > ar_op ! = htons ( ARPOP_REQUEST ) & &
arp - > ar_op ! = htons ( ARPOP_REPLY ) ) {
configure_wait ( ) ;
return ;
source_ip_conflict = 0 ;
target_ip_conflict = 0 ;
if ( memcmp ( & arp - > ar_spa , & ip , ARP_PLEN ) = = 0 & &
memcmp ( & arp - > ar_sha , net_ethaddr , ARP_HLEN ) ! = 0 )
source_ip_conflict = 1 ;
* According to RFC 3927 , section 2.2 .1 :
* Check if packet is an ARP probe by checking for a null source IP
* then check that target IP is equal to ours and source hw addr
* is not equal to ours . This condition should cause a conflict only
* during probe .
if ( arp - > ar_op = = htons ( ARPOP_REQUEST ) & &
memcmp ( & arp - > ar_spa , & null_ip , ARP_PLEN ) = = 0 & &
memcmp ( & arp - > ar_tpa , & ip , ARP_PLEN ) = = 0 & &
memcmp ( & arp - > ar_sha , net_ethaddr , ARP_HLEN ) ! = 0 ) {
target_ip_conflict = 1 ;
debug_cond ( DEBUG_NET_PKT ,
" state = %d, source ip conflict = %d, target ip conflict = "
" %d \n " , state , source_ip_conflict , target_ip_conflict ) ;
switch ( state ) {
case PROBE :
/* When probing or announcing, check for source IP conflicts
and other hosts doing ARP probes ( target IP conflicts ) . */
if ( source_ip_conflict | | target_ip_conflict ) {
conflicts + + ;
state = PROBE ;
if ( conflicts > = MAX_CONFLICTS ) {
debug ( " %s ratelimit \n " , eth_get_name ( ) ) ;
timeout_ms = RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL * 1000 ;
/* restart the whole protocol */
ip = pick ( ) ;
timeout_ms = 0 ;
nprobes = 0 ;
nclaims = 0 ;
break ;
case MONITOR :
/* If a conflict, we try to defend with a single ARP probe */
if ( source_ip_conflict ) {
debug ( " monitor conflict -- defending \n " ) ;
state = DEFEND ;
timeout_ms = DEFEND_INTERVAL * 1000 ;
arp_raw_request ( ip , net_ethaddr , ip ) ;
break ;
case DEFEND :
/* Well, we tried. Start over (on conflict) */
if ( source_ip_conflict ) {
state = PROBE ;
debug ( " defend conflict -- starting over \n " ) ;
ready = 0 ;
net_ip . s_addr = 0 ;
/* restart the whole protocol */
ip = pick ( ) ;
timeout_ms = 0 ;
nprobes = 0 ;
nclaims = 0 ;
break ;
default :
/* Invalid, should never happen. Restart the whole protocol */
debug ( " invalid state -- starting over \n " ) ;
state = PROBE ;
ip = pick ( ) ;
timeout_ms = 0 ;
nprobes = 0 ;
nclaims = 0 ;
break ;
configure_wait ( ) ;