* Copyright ( C ) 2005 - 2006 Atmel Corporation
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
# include <common.h>
# if defined(CONFIG_MACB) \
& & ( defined ( CONFIG_CMD_NET ) | | defined ( CONFIG_CMD_MII ) )
* The u - boot networking stack is a little weird . It seems like the
* networking core allocates receive buffers up front without any
* regard to the hardware that ' s supposed to actually receive those
* packets .
* The MACB receives packets into 128 - byte receive buffers , so the
* buffers allocated by the core isn ' t very practical to use . We ' ll
* allocate our own , but we need one such buffer in case a packet
* wraps around the DMA ring so that we have to copy it .
* Therefore , define CFG_RX_ETH_BUFFER to 1 in the board - specific
* configuration header . This way , the core allocates one RX buffer
* and one TX buffer , each of which can hold a ethernet packet of
* maximum size .
* For some reason , the networking core unconditionally specifies a
* 32 - byte packet " alignment " ( which really should be called
* " padding " ) . MACB shouldn ' t need that , but we ' ll refrain from any
* core modifications here . . .
# include <net.h>
# include <malloc.h>
# include <linux/mii.h>
# include <asm/io.h>
# include <asm/dma-mapping.h>
# include <asm/arch/clk.h>
# include "macb.h"
# define barrier() asm volatile("" ::: "memory")
# define CFG_MACB_TX_TIMEOUT 1000
struct macb_dma_desc {
u32 addr ;
u32 ctrl ;
} ;
# define RXADDR_USED 0x00000001
# define RXADDR_WRAP 0x00000002
# define RXBUF_FRMLEN_MASK 0x00000fff
# define RXBUF_FRAME_START 0x00004000
# define RXBUF_FRAME_END 0x00008000
# define RXBUF_TYPEID_MATCH 0x00400000
# define RXBUF_ADDR4_MATCH 0x00800000
# define RXBUF_ADDR3_MATCH 0x01000000
# define RXBUF_ADDR2_MATCH 0x02000000
# define RXBUF_ADDR1_MATCH 0x04000000
# define RXBUF_BROADCAST 0x80000000
# define TXBUF_FRMLEN_MASK 0x000007ff
# define TXBUF_FRAME_END 0x00008000
# define TXBUF_NOCRC 0x00010000
# define TXBUF_EXHAUSTED 0x08000000
# define TXBUF_UNDERRUN 0x10000000
# define TXBUF_MAXRETRY 0x20000000
# define TXBUF_WRAP 0x40000000
# define TXBUF_USED 0x80000000
struct macb_device {
void * regs ;
unsigned int rx_tail ;
unsigned int tx_head ;
unsigned int tx_tail ;
void * rx_buffer ;
void * tx_buffer ;
struct macb_dma_desc * rx_ring ;
struct macb_dma_desc * tx_ring ;
unsigned long rx_buffer_dma ;
unsigned long rx_ring_dma ;
unsigned long tx_ring_dma ;
const struct device * dev ;
struct eth_device netdev ;
unsigned short phy_addr ;
} ;
# define to_macb(_nd) container_of(_nd, struct macb_device, netdev)
static void macb_mdio_write ( struct macb_device * macb , u8 reg , u16 value )
unsigned long netctl ;
unsigned long netstat ;
unsigned long frame ;
netctl = macb_readl ( macb , NCR ) ;
netctl | = MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , netctl ) ;
frame = ( MACB_BF ( SOF , 1 )
| MACB_BF ( RW , 1 )
| MACB_BF ( PHYA , macb - > phy_addr )
| MACB_BF ( REGA , reg )
| MACB_BF ( CODE , 2 )
| MACB_BF ( DATA , value ) ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , MAN , frame ) ;
do {
netstat = macb_readl ( macb , NSR ) ;
} while ( ! ( netstat & MACB_BIT ( IDLE ) ) ) ;
netctl = macb_readl ( macb , NCR ) ;
netctl & = ~ MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , netctl ) ;
static u16 macb_mdio_read ( struct macb_device * macb , u8 reg )
unsigned long netctl ;
unsigned long netstat ;
unsigned long frame ;
netctl = macb_readl ( macb , NCR ) ;
netctl | = MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , netctl ) ;
frame = ( MACB_BF ( SOF , 1 )
| MACB_BF ( RW , 2 )
| MACB_BF ( PHYA , macb - > phy_addr )
| MACB_BF ( REGA , reg )
| MACB_BF ( CODE , 2 ) ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , MAN , frame ) ;
do {
netstat = macb_readl ( macb , NSR ) ;
} while ( ! ( netstat & MACB_BIT ( IDLE ) ) ) ;
frame = macb_readl ( macb , MAN ) ;
netctl = macb_readl ( macb , NCR ) ;
netctl & = ~ MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , netctl ) ;
return MACB_BFEXT ( DATA , frame ) ;
# if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NET)
static int macb_send ( struct eth_device * netdev , volatile void * packet ,
int length )
struct macb_device * macb = to_macb ( netdev ) ;
unsigned long paddr , ctrl ;
unsigned int tx_head = macb - > tx_head ;
int i ;
paddr = dma_map_single ( packet , length , DMA_TO_DEVICE ) ;
ctrl = length & TXBUF_FRMLEN_MASK ;
ctrl | = TXBUF_FRAME_END ;
if ( tx_head = = ( CFG_MACB_TX_RING_SIZE - 1 ) ) {
ctrl | = TXBUF_WRAP ;
macb - > tx_head = 0 ;
} else
macb - > tx_head + + ;
macb - > tx_ring [ tx_head ] . ctrl = ctrl ;
macb - > tx_ring [ tx_head ] . addr = paddr ;
barrier ( ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , MACB_BIT ( TE ) | MACB_BIT ( RE ) | MACB_BIT ( TSTART ) ) ;
* I guess this is necessary because the networking core may
* re - use the transmit buffer as soon as we return . . .
for ( i = 0 ; i < = CFG_MACB_TX_TIMEOUT ; i + + ) {
barrier ( ) ;
ctrl = macb - > tx_ring [ tx_head ] . ctrl ;
if ( ctrl & TXBUF_USED )
break ;
udelay ( 1 ) ;
dma_unmap_single ( packet , length , paddr ) ;
if ( i < = CFG_MACB_TX_TIMEOUT ) {
if ( ctrl & TXBUF_UNDERRUN )
printf ( " %s: TX underrun \n " , netdev - > name ) ;
if ( ctrl & TXBUF_EXHAUSTED )
printf ( " %s: TX buffers exhausted in mid frame \n " ,
netdev - > name ) ;
} else {
printf ( " %s: TX timeout \n " , netdev - > name ) ;
/* No one cares anyway */
return 0 ;
static void reclaim_rx_buffers ( struct macb_device * macb ,
unsigned int new_tail )
unsigned int i ;
i = macb - > rx_tail ;
while ( i > new_tail ) {
macb - > rx_ring [ i ] . addr & = ~ RXADDR_USED ;
i + + ;
i = 0 ;
while ( i < new_tail ) {
macb - > rx_ring [ i ] . addr & = ~ RXADDR_USED ;
i + + ;
barrier ( ) ;
macb - > rx_tail = new_tail ;
static int macb_recv ( struct eth_device * netdev )
struct macb_device * macb = to_macb ( netdev ) ;
unsigned int rx_tail = macb - > rx_tail ;
void * buffer ;
int length ;
int wrapped = 0 ;
u32 status ;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( ! ( macb - > rx_ring [ rx_tail ] . addr & RXADDR_USED ) )
return - 1 ;
status = macb - > rx_ring [ rx_tail ] . ctrl ;
if ( status & RXBUF_FRAME_START ) {
if ( rx_tail ! = macb - > rx_tail )
reclaim_rx_buffers ( macb , rx_tail ) ;
wrapped = 0 ;
if ( status & RXBUF_FRAME_END ) {
buffer = macb - > rx_buffer + 128 * macb - > rx_tail ;
length = status & RXBUF_FRMLEN_MASK ;
if ( wrapped ) {
unsigned int headlen , taillen ;
headlen = 128 * ( CFG_MACB_RX_RING_SIZE
- macb - > rx_tail ) ;
taillen = length - headlen ;
memcpy ( ( void * ) NetRxPackets [ 0 ] ,
buffer , headlen ) ;
memcpy ( ( void * ) NetRxPackets [ 0 ] + headlen ,
macb - > rx_buffer , taillen ) ;
buffer = ( void * ) NetRxPackets [ 0 ] ;
NetReceive ( buffer , length ) ;
if ( + + rx_tail > = CFG_MACB_RX_RING_SIZE )
rx_tail = 0 ;
reclaim_rx_buffers ( macb , rx_tail ) ;
} else {
if ( + + rx_tail > = CFG_MACB_RX_RING_SIZE ) {
wrapped = 1 ;
rx_tail = 0 ;
barrier ( ) ;
return 0 ;
static void macb_phy_reset ( struct macb_device * macb )
struct eth_device * netdev = & macb - > netdev ;
int i ;
u16 status , adv ;
macb_mdio_write ( macb , MII_ADVERTISE , adv ) ;
printf ( " %s: Starting autonegotiation... \n " , netdev - > name ) ;
macb_mdio_write ( macb , MII_BMCR , ( BMCR_ANENABLE
for ( i = 0 ; i < CFG_MACB_AUTONEG_TIMEOUT / 100 ; i + + ) {
status = macb_mdio_read ( macb , MII_BMSR ) ;
if ( status & BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE )
break ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
if ( status & BMSR_ANEGCOMPLETE )
printf ( " %s: Autonegotiation complete \n " , netdev - > name ) ;
printf ( " %s: Autonegotiation timed out (status=0x%04x) \n " ,
netdev - > name , status ) ;
static int macb_phy_init ( struct macb_device * macb )
struct eth_device * netdev = & macb - > netdev ;
u32 ncfgr ;
u16 phy_id , status , adv , lpa ;
int media , speed , duplex ;
int i ;
/* Check if the PHY is up to snuff... */
phy_id = macb_mdio_read ( macb , MII_PHYSID1 ) ;
if ( phy_id = = 0xffff ) {
printf ( " %s: No PHY present \n " , netdev - > name ) ;
return 0 ;
status = macb_mdio_read ( macb , MII_BMSR ) ;
if ( ! ( status & BMSR_LSTATUS ) ) {
/* Try to re-negotiate if we don't have link already. */
macb_phy_reset ( macb ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CFG_MACB_AUTONEG_TIMEOUT / 100 ; i + + ) {
status = macb_mdio_read ( macb , MII_BMSR ) ;
if ( status & BMSR_LSTATUS )
break ;
udelay ( 100 ) ;
if ( ! ( status & BMSR_LSTATUS ) ) {
printf ( " %s: link down (status: 0x%04x) \n " ,
netdev - > name , status ) ;
return 0 ;
} else {
adv = macb_mdio_read ( macb , MII_ADVERTISE ) ;
lpa = macb_mdio_read ( macb , MII_LPA ) ;
media = mii_nway_result ( lpa & adv ) ;
speed = ( media & ( ADVERTISE_100FULL | ADVERTISE_100HALF )
? 1 : 0 ) ;
duplex = ( media & ADVERTISE_FULL ) ? 1 : 0 ;
printf ( " %s: link up, %sMbps %s-duplex (lpa: 0x%04x) \n " ,
netdev - > name ,
speed ? " 100 " : " 10 " ,
duplex ? " full " : " half " ,
lpa ) ;
ncfgr = macb_readl ( macb , NCFGR ) ;
ncfgr & = ~ ( MACB_BIT ( SPD ) | MACB_BIT ( FD ) ) ;
if ( speed )
ncfgr | = MACB_BIT ( SPD ) ;
if ( duplex )
ncfgr | = MACB_BIT ( FD ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCFGR , ncfgr ) ;
return 1 ;
static int macb_init ( struct eth_device * netdev , bd_t * bd )
struct macb_device * macb = to_macb ( netdev ) ;
unsigned long paddr ;
u32 hwaddr_bottom ;
u16 hwaddr_top ;
int i ;
* macb_halt should have been called at some point before now ,
* so we ' ll assume the controller is idle .
/* initialize DMA descriptors */
paddr = macb - > rx_buffer_dma ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CFG_MACB_RX_RING_SIZE ; i + + ) {
if ( i = = ( CFG_MACB_RX_RING_SIZE - 1 ) )
paddr | = RXADDR_WRAP ;
macb - > rx_ring [ i ] . addr = paddr ;
macb - > rx_ring [ i ] . ctrl = 0 ;
paddr + = 128 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < CFG_MACB_TX_RING_SIZE ; i + + ) {
macb - > tx_ring [ i ] . addr = 0 ;
if ( i = = ( CFG_MACB_TX_RING_SIZE - 1 ) )
macb - > tx_ring [ i ] . ctrl = TXBUF_USED | TXBUF_WRAP ;
macb - > tx_ring [ i ] . ctrl = TXBUF_USED ;
macb - > rx_tail = macb - > tx_head = macb - > tx_tail = 0 ;
macb_writel ( macb , RBQP , macb - > rx_ring_dma ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , TBQP , macb - > tx_ring_dma ) ;
/* set hardware address */
hwaddr_bottom = cpu_to_le32 ( * ( ( u32 * ) netdev - > enetaddr ) ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , SA1B , hwaddr_bottom ) ;
hwaddr_top = cpu_to_le16 ( * ( ( u16 * ) ( netdev - > enetaddr + 4 ) ) ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , SA1T , hwaddr_top ) ;
/* choose RMII or MII mode. This depends on the board */
macb_writel ( macb , USRIO , 0 ) ;
# else
macb_writel ( macb , USRIO , MACB_BIT ( MII ) ) ;
# endif
if ( ! macb_phy_init ( macb ) )
return 0 ;
/* Enable TX and RX */
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , MACB_BIT ( TE ) | MACB_BIT ( RE ) ) ;
return 1 ;
static void macb_halt ( struct eth_device * netdev )
struct macb_device * macb = to_macb ( netdev ) ;
u32 ncr , tsr ;
/* Halt the controller and wait for any ongoing transmission to end. */
ncr = macb_readl ( macb , NCR ) ;
ncr | = MACB_BIT ( THALT ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , ncr ) ;
do {
tsr = macb_readl ( macb , TSR ) ;
} while ( tsr & MACB_BIT ( TGO ) ) ;
/* Disable TX and RX, and clear statistics */
macb_writel ( macb , NCR , MACB_BIT ( CLRSTAT ) ) ;
int macb_eth_initialize ( int id , void * regs , unsigned int phy_addr )
struct macb_device * macb ;
struct eth_device * netdev ;
unsigned long macb_hz ;
u32 ncfgr ;
macb = malloc ( sizeof ( struct macb_device ) ) ;
if ( ! macb ) {
printf ( " Error: Failed to allocate memory for MACB%d \n " , id ) ;
return - 1 ;
memset ( macb , 0 , sizeof ( struct macb_device ) ) ;
netdev = & macb - > netdev ;
macb - > rx_buffer = dma_alloc_coherent ( CFG_MACB_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ,
& macb - > rx_buffer_dma ) ;
macb - > rx_ring = dma_alloc_coherent ( CFG_MACB_RX_RING_SIZE
* sizeof ( struct macb_dma_desc ) ,
& macb - > rx_ring_dma ) ;
macb - > tx_ring = dma_alloc_coherent ( CFG_MACB_TX_RING_SIZE
* sizeof ( struct macb_dma_desc ) ,
& macb - > tx_ring_dma ) ;
macb - > regs = regs ;
macb - > phy_addr = phy_addr ;
sprintf ( netdev - > name , " macb%d " , id ) ;
netdev - > init = macb_init ;
netdev - > halt = macb_halt ;
netdev - > send = macb_send ;
netdev - > recv = macb_recv ;
* Do some basic initialization so that we at least can talk
* to the PHY
macb_hz = get_macb_pclk_rate ( id ) ;
if ( macb_hz < 20000000 )
ncfgr = MACB_BF ( CLK , MACB_CLK_DIV8 ) ;
else if ( macb_hz < 40000000 )
ncfgr = MACB_BF ( CLK , MACB_CLK_DIV16 ) ;
else if ( macb_hz < 80000000 )
ncfgr = MACB_BF ( CLK , MACB_CLK_DIV32 ) ;
ncfgr = MACB_BF ( CLK , MACB_CLK_DIV64 ) ;
macb_writel ( macb , NCFGR , ncfgr ) ;
eth_register ( netdev ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif
# if defined(CONFIG_CMD_MII)
int miiphy_read ( unsigned char addr , unsigned char reg , unsigned short * value )
unsigned long netctl ;
unsigned long netstat ;
unsigned long frame ;
int iflag ;
iflag = disable_interrupts ( ) ;
netctl = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_NCR ) ;
netctl | = MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( & macb , EMACB_NCR , netctl ) ;
if ( iflag )
enable_interrupts ( ) ;
frame = ( MACB_BF ( SOF , 1 )
| MACB_BF ( RW , 2 )
| MACB_BF ( PHYA , addr )
| MACB_BF ( REGA , reg )
| MACB_BF ( CODE , 2 ) ) ;
macb_writel ( & macb , EMACB_MAN , frame ) ;
do {
netstat = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_NSR ) ;
} while ( ! ( netstat & MACB_BIT ( IDLE ) ) ) ;
frame = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_MAN ) ;
* value = MACB_BFEXT ( DATA , frame ) ;
iflag = disable_interrupts ( ) ;
netctl = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_NCR ) ;
netctl & = ~ MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( & macb , EMACB_NCR , netctl ) ;
if ( iflag )
enable_interrupts ( ) ;
return 0 ;
int miiphy_write ( unsigned char addr , unsigned char reg , unsigned short value )
unsigned long netctl ;
unsigned long netstat ;
unsigned long frame ;
int iflag ;
iflag = disable_interrupts ( ) ;
netctl = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_NCR ) ;
netctl | = MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( & macb , EMACB_NCR , netctl ) ;
if ( iflag )
enable_interrupts ( ) ;
frame = ( MACB_BF ( SOF , 1 )
| MACB_BF ( RW , 1 )
| MACB_BF ( PHYA , addr )
| MACB_BF ( REGA , reg )
| MACB_BF ( CODE , 2 )
| MACB_BF ( DATA , value ) ) ;
macb_writel ( & macb , EMACB_MAN , frame ) ;
do {
netstat = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_NSR ) ;
} while ( ! ( netstat & MACB_BIT ( IDLE ) ) ) ;
iflag = disable_interrupts ( ) ;
netctl = macb_readl ( & macb , EMACB_NCR ) ;
netctl & = ~ MACB_BIT ( MPE ) ;
macb_writel ( & macb , EMACB_NCR , netctl ) ;
if ( iflag )
enable_interrupts ( ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif
# endif /* CONFIG_MACB */