* Chromium OS cros_ec driver
* Copyright ( c ) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors .
* SPDX - License - Identifier : GPL - 2.0 +
# ifndef _CROS_EC_H
# define _CROS_EC_H
# include <linux/compiler.h>
# include <ec_commands.h>
# include <fdtdec.h>
# include <cros_ec_message.h>
# include <asm/gpio.h>
/* Our configuration information */
struct cros_ec_dev {
struct udevice * dev ; /* Transport device */
struct gpio_desc ec_int ; /* GPIO used as EC interrupt line */
int protocol_version ; /* Protocol version to use */
int optimise_flash_write ; /* Don't write erased flash blocks */
* These two buffers will always be dword - aligned and include enough
* space for up to 7 word - alignment bytes also , so we can ensure that
* the body of the message is always dword - aligned ( 64 - bit ) .
* We use this alignment to keep ARM and x86 happy . Probably word
* alignment would be OK , there might be a small performance advantage
* to using dword .
uint8_t din [ ALIGN ( MSG_BYTES + sizeof ( int64_t ) , sizeof ( int64_t ) ) ]
__aligned ( sizeof ( int64_t ) ) ;
uint8_t dout [ ALIGN ( MSG_BYTES + sizeof ( int64_t ) , sizeof ( int64_t ) ) ]
__aligned ( sizeof ( int64_t ) ) ;
} ;
* Hard - code the number of columns we happen to know we have right now . It
* would be more correct to call cros_ec_info ( ) at startup and determine the
* actual number of keyboard cols from there .
/* Information returned by a key scan */
struct mbkp_keyscan {
uint8_t data [ CROS_EC_KEYSCAN_COLS ] ;
} ;
/* Holds information about the Chrome EC */
struct fdt_cros_ec {
struct fmap_entry flash ; /* Address and size of EC flash */
* Byte value of erased flash , or - 1 if not known . It is normally
* 0xff but some flash devices use 0 ( e . g . STM32Lxxx )
int flash_erase_value ;
struct fmap_entry region [ EC_FLASH_REGION_COUNT ] ;
} ;
* Read the ID of the CROS - EC device
* The ID is a string identifying the CROS - EC device .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param id Place to put the ID
* @ param maxlen Maximum length of the ID field
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_read_id ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , char * id , int maxlen ) ;
* Read a keyboard scan from the CROS - EC device
* Send a message requesting a keyboard scan and return the result
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param scan Place to put the scan results
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_scan_keyboard ( struct udevice * dev , struct mbkp_keyscan * scan ) ;
* Read which image is currently running on the CROS - EC device .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param image Destination for image identifier
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 on error
int cros_ec_read_current_image ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
enum ec_current_image * image ) ;
* Read the hash of the CROS - EC device firmware .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param hash Destination for hash information
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 on error
int cros_ec_read_hash ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
struct ec_response_vboot_hash * hash ) ;
* Send a reboot command to the CROS - EC device .
* Note that some reboot commands ( such as EC_REBOOT_COLD ) also reboot the AP .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param cmd Reboot command
* @ param flags Flags for reboot command ( EC_REBOOT_FLAG_ * )
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 on error
int cros_ec_reboot ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , enum ec_reboot_cmd cmd ,
uint8_t flags ) ;
* Check if the CROS - EC device has an interrupt pending .
* Read the status of the external interrupt connected to the CROS - EC device .
* If no external interrupt is configured , this always returns 1.
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ return 0 if no interrupt is pending
int cros_ec_interrupt_pending ( struct udevice * dev ) ;
enum {
} ;
* Initialise the Chromium OS EC driver
* @ param blob Device tree blob containing setup information
* @ param cros_ecp Returns pointer to the cros_ec device , or NULL if none
* @ return 0 if we got an cros_ec device and all is well ( or no cros_ec is
* expected ) , - ve if we should have an cros_ec device but failed to find
* one , or init failed ( - CROS_EC_ERR_ . . . ) .
int cros_ec_init ( const void * blob , struct cros_ec_dev * * cros_ecp ) ;
* Read information about the keyboard matrix
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param info Place to put the info structure
int cros_ec_info ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
struct ec_response_mkbp_info * info ) ;
* Read the host event flags
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param events_ptr Destination for event flags . Not changed on error .
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 on error
int cros_ec_get_host_events ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , uint32_t * events_ptr ) ;
* Clear the specified host event flags
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param events Event flags to clear
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 on error
int cros_ec_clear_host_events ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , uint32_t events ) ;
* Get / set flash protection
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param set_mask Mask of flags to set ; if 0 , just retrieves existing
* protection state without changing it .
* @ param set_flags New flag values ; only bits in set_mask are applied ;
* ignored if set_mask = 0.
* @ param prot Destination for updated protection state from EC .
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 on error
int cros_ec_flash_protect ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
uint32_t set_mask , uint32_t set_flags ,
struct ec_response_flash_protect * resp ) ;
* Run internal tests on the cros_ec interface .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 if the test failed
int cros_ec_test ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ) ;
* Update the EC RW copy .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param image the content to write
* @ param imafge_size content length
* @ return 0 if ok , < 0 if the test failed
int cros_ec_flash_update_rw ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
const uint8_t * image , int image_size ) ;
* Return a pointer to the board ' s CROS - EC device
* This should be implemented by board files .
* @ return pointer to CROS - EC device , or NULL if none is available
struct cros_ec_dev * board_get_cros_ec_dev ( void ) ;
struct dm_cros_ec_ops {
int ( * check_version ) ( struct udevice * dev ) ;
int ( * command ) ( struct udevice * dev , uint8_t cmd , int cmd_version ,
const uint8_t * dout , int dout_len ,
uint8_t * * dinp , int din_len ) ;
int ( * packet ) ( struct udevice * dev , int out_bytes , int in_bytes ) ;
} ;
# define dm_cros_ec_get_ops(dev) \
( ( struct dm_cros_ec_ops * ) ( dev ) - > driver - > ops )
int cros_ec_register ( struct udevice * dev ) ;
* Dump a block of data for a command .
* @ param name Name for data ( e . g . ' in ' , ' out ' )
* @ param cmd Command number associated with data , or - 1 for none
* @ param data Data block to dump
* @ param len Length of data block to dump
void cros_ec_dump_data ( const char * name , int cmd , const uint8_t * data , int len ) ;
* Calculate a simple 8 - bit checksum of a data block
* @ param data Data block to checksum
* @ param size Size of data block in bytes
* @ return checksum value ( 0 to 255 )
int cros_ec_calc_checksum ( const uint8_t * data , int size ) ;
int cros_ec_flash_erase ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , uint32_t offset ,
uint32_t size ) ;
* Read data from the flash
* Read an arbitrary amount of data from the EC flash , by repeatedly reading
* small blocks .
* The offset starts at 0. You can obtain the region information from
* cros_ec_flash_offset ( ) to find out where to read for a particular region .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param data Pointer to data buffer to read into
* @ param offset Offset within flash to read from
* @ param size Number of bytes to read
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_flash_read ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , uint8_t * data , uint32_t offset ,
uint32_t size ) ;
* Read back flash parameters
* This function reads back parameters of the flash as reported by the EC
* @ param dev Pointer to device
* @ param info Pointer to output flash info struct
int cros_ec_read_flashinfo ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
struct ec_response_flash_info * info ) ;
* Write data to the flash
* Write an arbitrary amount of data to the EC flash , by repeatedly writing
* small blocks .
* The offset starts at 0. You can obtain the region information from
* cros_ec_flash_offset ( ) to find out where to write for a particular region .
* Attempting to write to the region where the EC is currently running from
* will result in an error .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param data Pointer to data buffer to write
* @ param offset Offset within flash to write to .
* @ param size Number of bytes to write
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_flash_write ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , const uint8_t * data ,
uint32_t offset , uint32_t size ) ;
* Obtain position and size of a flash region
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param region Flash region to query
* @ param offset Returns offset of flash region in EC flash
* @ param size Returns size of flash region
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_flash_offset ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , enum ec_flash_region region ,
uint32_t * offset , uint32_t * size ) ;
* Read / write VbNvContext from / to a CROS - EC device .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param block Buffer of VbNvContext to be read / write
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_read_vbnvcontext ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , uint8_t * block ) ;
int cros_ec_write_vbnvcontext ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , const uint8_t * block ) ;
* Read the version information for the EC images
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param versionp This is set to point to the version information
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_read_version ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ,
struct ec_response_get_version * * versionp ) ;
* Read the build information for the EC
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param versionp This is set to point to the build string
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_read_build_info ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev , char * * strp ) ;
* Switch on / off a LDO / FET .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param index index of the LDO / FET to switch
* @ param state new state of the LDO / FET : EC_LDO_STATE_ON | OFF
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_set_ldo ( struct udevice * dev , uint8_t index , uint8_t state ) ;
* Read back a LDO / FET current state .
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param index index of the LDO / FET to switch
* @ param state current state of the LDO / FET : EC_LDO_STATE_ON | OFF
* @ return 0 if ok , - 1 on error
int cros_ec_get_ldo ( struct udevice * dev , uint8_t index , uint8_t * state ) ;
* Get access to the error reported when cros_ec_board_init ( ) was called
* This permits delayed reporting of the EC error if it failed during
* early init .
* @ return error ( 0 if there was no error , - ve if there was an error )
int cros_ec_get_error ( void ) ;
* Returns information from the FDT about the Chrome EC flash
* @ param blob FDT blob to use
* @ param node Node offset to read from
* @ param config Structure to use to return information
int cros_ec_decode_ec_flash ( const void * blob , int node ,
struct fdt_cros_ec * config ) ;
* Check the current keyboard state , in case recovery mode is requested .
* This function is for sandbox only .
* @ param ec CROS - EC device
void cros_ec_check_keyboard ( struct cros_ec_dev * dev ) ;
struct i2c_msg ;
* Tunnel an I2C transfer to the EC
* @ param dev CROS - EC device
* @ param port The remote port on EC to use
* @ param msg List of messages to transfer
* @ param nmsgs Number of messages to transfer
int cros_ec_i2c_tunnel ( struct udevice * dev , int port , struct i2c_msg * msg ,
int nmsgs ) ;
# endif