* Freescale i . MX28 SB image generator
* Copyright ( C ) 2012 Marek Vasut < marex @ denx . de >
* SPDX - License - Identifier : GPL - 2.0 +
# ifndef __MXSSB_H__
# define __MXSSB_H__
# include <stdint.h>
# include <arpa/inet.h>
# define SB_BLOCK_SIZE 16
# define roundup(x, y) ((((x) + ((y) - 1)) / (y)) * (y))
# define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
struct sb_boot_image_version {
uint16_t major ;
uint16_t pad0 ;
uint16_t minor ;
uint16_t pad1 ;
uint16_t revision ;
uint16_t pad2 ;
} ;
struct sb_boot_image_header {
union {
/* SHA1 of the header. */
uint8_t digest [ 20 ] ;
struct {
/* CBC-MAC initialization vector. */
uint8_t iv [ 16 ] ;
uint8_t extra [ 4 ] ;
} ;
} ;
/* 'STMP' */
uint8_t signature1 [ 4 ] ;
/* Major version of the image format. */
uint8_t major_version ;
/* Minor version of the image format. */
uint8_t minor_version ;
/* Flags associated with the image. */
uint16_t flags ;
/* Size of the image in 16b blocks. */
uint32_t image_blocks ;
/* Offset of the first tag in 16b blocks. */
uint32_t first_boot_tag_block ;
/* ID of the section to boot from. */
uint32_t first_boot_section_id ;
/* Amount of crypto keys. */
uint16_t key_count ;
/* Offset to the key dictionary in 16b blocks. */
uint16_t key_dictionary_block ;
/* Size of this header in 16b blocks. */
uint16_t header_blocks ;
/* Amount of section headers. */
uint16_t section_count ;
/* Section header size in 16b blocks. */
uint16_t section_header_size ;
/* Padding to align timestamp to uint64_t. */
uint8_t padding0 [ 2 ] ;
/* 'sgtl' (since v1.1) */
uint8_t signature2 [ 4 ] ;
/* Image generation date, in microseconds since 1.1.2000 . */
uint64_t timestamp_us ;
/* Product version. */
struct sb_boot_image_version
product_version ;
/* Component version. */
struct sb_boot_image_version
component_version ;
/* Drive tag for the system drive. (since v1.1) */
uint16_t drive_tag ;
/* Padding. */
uint8_t padding1 [ 6 ] ;
} ;
/* Enable to HTLLC boot report. */
struct sb_key_dictionary_key {
/* The CBC-MAC of image and sections header. */
uint8_t cbc_mac [ SB_BLOCK_SIZE ] ;
/* The AES key encrypted by image key (zero). */
uint8_t key [ SB_BLOCK_SIZE ] ;
} ;
struct sb_ivt_header {
uint32_t header ;
uint32_t entry ;
uint32_t reserved1 ;
uint32_t dcd ;
uint32_t boot_data ;
uint32_t self ;
uint32_t csf ;
uint32_t reserved2 ;
} ;
# define SB_HAB_IVT_TAG 0xd1UL
# define SB_HAB_DCD_TAG 0xd2UL
# define SB_HAB_VERSION 0x40UL
* The " size " field in the IVT header is not naturally aligned ,
* use this macro to fill first 4 bytes of the IVT header without
* causing issues on some systems ( esp . M68k , PPC , MIPS - BE , ARM - BE ) .
static inline uint32_t sb_hab_ivt_header ( void )
uint32_t ret = 0 ;
ret | = SB_HAB_IVT_TAG < < 24 ;
ret | = sizeof ( struct sb_ivt_header ) < < 16 ;
ret | = SB_HAB_VERSION ;
return htonl ( ret ) ;
struct sb_sections_header {
/* Section number. */
uint32_t section_number ;
/* Offset of this sections first instruction after "TAG". */
uint32_t section_offset ;
/* Size of the section in 16b blocks. */
uint32_t section_size ;
/* Section flags. */
uint32_t section_flags ;
} ;
# define SB_SECTION_FLAG_BOOTABLE (1 << 0)
struct sb_command {
struct {
uint8_t checksum ;
uint8_t tag ;
uint16_t flags ;
# define ROM_LOAD_CMD_FLAG_DCD_LOAD 0x1 /* MX28 only */
# define ROM_JUMP_CMD_FLAG_HAB 0x1 /* MX28 only */
# define ROM_CALL_CMD_FLAG_HAB 0x1 /* MX28 only */
} header ;
union {
struct {
uint32_t reserved [ 3 ] ;
} nop ;
struct {
uint32_t section_number ;
uint32_t section_length ;
uint32_t section_flags ;
} tag ;
struct {
uint32_t address ;
uint32_t count ;
uint32_t crc32 ;
} load ;
struct {
uint32_t address ;
uint32_t count ;
uint32_t pattern ;
} fill ;
struct {
uint32_t address ;
uint32_t reserved ;
/* Passed in register r0 before JUMP */
uint32_t argument ;
} jump ;
struct {
uint32_t address ;
uint32_t reserved ;
/* Passed in register r0 before CALL */
uint32_t argument ;
} call ;
struct {
uint32_t reserved1 ;
uint32_t reserved2 ;
uint32_t mode ;
} mode ;
} ;
} ;
* Most of the mode names are same or at least similar
* on i . MX23 and i . MX28 , but some of the mode names
* differ . The " name " field represents the mode name
* on i . MX28 as seen in Table 12 - 2 of the datasheet .
* The " altname " field represents the differently named
* fields on i . MX23 as seen in Table 35 - 3 of the
* datasheet .
static const struct {
const char * name ;
const char * altname ;
const uint8_t mode ;
} modetable [ ] = {
{ " USB " , NULL , 0x00 } ,
{ " I2C " , NULL , 0x01 } ,
{ " SPI2_FLASH " , " SPI1_FLASH " , 0x02 } ,
{ " SPI3_FLASH " , " SPI2_FLASH " , 0x03 } ,
{ " NAND_BCH " , NULL , 0x04 } ,
{ " JTAG " , NULL , 0x06 } ,
{ " SPI3_EEPROM " , " SPI2_EEPROM " , 0x08 } ,
{ " SD_SSP0 " , NULL , 0x09 } ,
{ " SD_SSP1 " , NULL , 0x0A }
} ;
enum sb_tag {
ROM_NOP_CMD = 0x00 ,
ROM_TAG_CMD = 0x01 ,
ROM_LOAD_CMD = 0x02 ,
ROM_FILL_CMD = 0x03 ,
ROM_JUMP_CMD = 0x04 ,
ROM_CALL_CMD = 0x05 ,
} ;
struct sb_source_entry {
uint8_t tag ;
uint32_t address ;
uint32_t flags ;
char * filename ;
} ;
# endif /* __MXSSB_H__ */