UBIFS: Implement read-only UBIFS support in U-Boot

The U-Boot UBIFS implementation is largely a direct copy from the current
Linux version (2.6.29-rc6). As already done in the UBI version we have an
"abstraction layer" to redefine or remove some OS calls (e.g. mutex_lock()
...). This makes it possible to use the original Linux code with very
little changes. And by this we can better update to later Linux versions.

I removed some of the Linux features that are not used in the U-Boot
version (e.g. garbage-collection, write support).

Signed-off-by: Stefan Roese <sr@denx.de>
CC: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
CC: Adrian Hunter <ext-Adrian.Hunter@nokia.com>
Stefan Roese 15 years ago committed by Wolfgang Denk
parent b1b4e89a0f
commit 9eefe2a2b3
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 52
  4. 113
  5. 60
  6. 30
  7. 156
  8. 392
  9. 316
  10. 557
  11. 104
  12. 842
  13. 1105
  14. 171
  15. 341
  16. 310
  17. 316
  18. 1249
  19. 1070
  20. 324
  21. 362
  22. 1189
  23. 2767
  24. 1102
  25. 435
  26. 751
  27. 684
  28. 2173
  29. 85
  30. 9

@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ LIBS += cpu/ixp/npe/libnpe.a
LIBS += lib_$(ARCH)/lib$(ARCH).a
LIBS += fs/cramfs/libcramfs.a fs/fat/libfat.a fs/fdos/libfdos.a fs/jffs2/libjffs2.a \
fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a fs/ext2/libext2fs.a fs/yaffs2/libyaffs2.a
fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.a fs/ext2/libext2fs.a fs/yaffs2/libyaffs2.a \
LIBS += net/libnet.a
LIBS += disk/libdisk.a
LIBS += drivers/bios_emulator/libatibiosemu.a

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ subdirs-$(CONFIG_CMD_FDOS) += fdos
subdirs-$(CONFIG_CMD_JFFS2) += jffs2
subdirs-$(CONFIG_CMD_REISER) += reiserfs
subdirs-$(CONFIG_YAFFS2) += yaffs2
subdirs-$(CONFIG_CMD_UBIFS) += ubifs
SUBDIRS := $(subdirs-y)

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# (C) Copyright 2006
# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
# (C) Copyright 2003
# Pavel Bartusek, Sysgo Real-Time Solutions AG, pba@sysgo.de
# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
# project.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
LIB = $(obj)libubifs.a
COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_UBIFS) := ubifs.o io.o super.o sb.o master.o lpt.o
COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_UBIFS) += lpt_commit.o scan.o lprops.o
COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_UBIFS) += tnc.o tnc_misc.o debug.o crc16.o budget.o
COBJS-$(CONFIG_CMD_UBIFS) += log.o orphan.o recovery.o replay.o
SRCS := $(AOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS-y:.o=.c)
OBJS := $(addprefix $(obj),$(AOBJS) $(COBJS-y))
all: $(LIB) $(AOBJS)
$(LIB): $(obj).depend $(OBJS)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS)
# defines $(obj).depend target
include $(SRCTREE)/rules.mk
sinclude $(obj).depend

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Adrian Hunter
* Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* This file implements the budgeting sub-system which is responsible for UBIFS
* space management.
* Factors such as compression, wasted space at the ends of LEBs, space in other
* journal heads, the effect of updates on the index, and so on, make it
* impossible to accurately predict the amount of space needed. Consequently
* approximations are used.
#include "ubifs.h"
#include <linux/math64.h>
* ubifs_calc_min_idx_lebs - calculate amount of eraseblocks for the index.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function calculates and returns the number of eraseblocks which should
* be kept for index usage.
int ubifs_calc_min_idx_lebs(struct ubifs_info *c)
int idx_lebs, eff_leb_size = c->leb_size - c->max_idx_node_sz;
long long idx_size;
idx_size = c->old_idx_sz + c->budg_idx_growth + c->budg_uncommitted_idx;
/* And make sure we have thrice the index size of space reserved */
idx_size = idx_size + (idx_size << 1);
* We do not maintain 'old_idx_size' as 'old_idx_lebs'/'old_idx_bytes'
* pair, nor similarly the two variables for the new index size, so we
* have to do this costly 64-bit division on fast-path.
idx_size += eff_leb_size - 1;
idx_lebs = div_u64(idx_size, eff_leb_size);
* The index head is not available for the in-the-gaps method, so add an
* extra LEB to compensate.
idx_lebs += 1;
if (idx_lebs < MIN_INDEX_LEBS)
idx_lebs = MIN_INDEX_LEBS;
return idx_lebs;
* ubifs_reported_space - calculate reported free space.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @free: amount of free space
* This function calculates amount of free space which will be reported to
* user-space. User-space application tend to expect that if the file-system
* (e.g., via the 'statfs()' call) reports that it has N bytes available, they
* are able to write a file of size N. UBIFS attaches node headers to each data
* node and it has to write indexing nodes as well. This introduces additional
* overhead, and UBIFS has to report slightly less free space to meet the above
* expectations.
* This function assumes free space is made up of uncompressed data nodes and
* full index nodes (one per data node, tripled because we always allow enough
* space to write the index thrice).
* Note, the calculation is pessimistic, which means that most of the time
* UBIFS reports less space than it actually has.
long long ubifs_reported_space(const struct ubifs_info *c, long long free)
int divisor, factor, f;
* Reported space size is @free * X, where X is UBIFS block size
* divided by UBIFS block size + all overhead one data block
* introduces. The overhead is the node header + indexing overhead.
* Indexing overhead calculations are based on the following formula:
* I = N/(f - 1) + 1, where I - number of indexing nodes, N - number
* of data nodes, f - fanout. Because effective UBIFS fanout is twice
* as less than maximum fanout, we assume that each data node
* introduces 3 * @c->max_idx_node_sz / (@c->fanout/2 - 1) bytes.
* Note, the multiplier 3 is because UBIFS reserves thrice as more space
* for the index.
f = c->fanout > 3 ? c->fanout >> 1 : 2;
divisor += (c->max_idx_node_sz * 3) / (f - 1);
free *= factor;
return div_u64(free, divisor);

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* crc16.c
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
* Version 2. See the file COPYING for more details.
#include <linux/types.h>
#include "crc16.h"
/** CRC table for the CRC-16. The poly is 0x8005 (x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1) */
u16 const crc16_table[256] = {
0x0000, 0xC0C1, 0xC181, 0x0140, 0xC301, 0x03C0, 0x0280, 0xC241,
0xC601, 0x06C0, 0x0780, 0xC741, 0x0500, 0xC5C1, 0xC481, 0x0440,
0xCC01, 0x0CC0, 0x0D80, 0xCD41, 0x0F00, 0xCFC1, 0xCE81, 0x0E40,
0x0A00, 0xCAC1, 0xCB81, 0x0B40, 0xC901, 0x09C0, 0x0880, 0xC841,
0xD801, 0x18C0, 0x1980, 0xD941, 0x1B00, 0xDBC1, 0xDA81, 0x1A40,
0x1E00, 0xDEC1, 0xDF81, 0x1F40, 0xDD01, 0x1DC0, 0x1C80, 0xDC41,
0x1400, 0xD4C1, 0xD581, 0x1540, 0xD701, 0x17C0, 0x1680, 0xD641,
0xD201, 0x12C0, 0x1380, 0xD341, 0x1100, 0xD1C1, 0xD081, 0x1040,
0xF001, 0x30C0, 0x3180, 0xF141, 0x3300, 0xF3C1, 0xF281, 0x3240,
0x3600, 0xF6C1, 0xF781, 0x3740, 0xF501, 0x35C0, 0x3480, 0xF441,
0x3C00, 0xFCC1, 0xFD81, 0x3D40, 0xFF01, 0x3FC0, 0x3E80, 0xFE41,
0xFA01, 0x3AC0, 0x3B80, 0xFB41, 0x3900, 0xF9C1, 0xF881, 0x3840,
0x2800, 0xE8C1, 0xE981, 0x2940, 0xEB01, 0x2BC0, 0x2A80, 0xEA41,
0xEE01, 0x2EC0, 0x2F80, 0xEF41, 0x2D00, 0xEDC1, 0xEC81, 0x2C40,
0xE401, 0x24C0, 0x2580, 0xE541, 0x2700, 0xE7C1, 0xE681, 0x2640,
0x2200, 0xE2C1, 0xE381, 0x2340, 0xE101, 0x21C0, 0x2080, 0xE041,
0xA001, 0x60C0, 0x6180, 0xA141, 0x6300, 0xA3C1, 0xA281, 0x6240,
0x6600, 0xA6C1, 0xA781, 0x6740, 0xA501, 0x65C0, 0x6480, 0xA441,
0x6C00, 0xACC1, 0xAD81, 0x6D40, 0xAF01, 0x6FC0, 0x6E80, 0xAE41,
0xAA01, 0x6AC0, 0x6B80, 0xAB41, 0x6900, 0xA9C1, 0xA881, 0x6840,
0x7800, 0xB8C1, 0xB981, 0x7940, 0xBB01, 0x7BC0, 0x7A80, 0xBA41,
0xBE01, 0x7EC0, 0x7F80, 0xBF41, 0x7D00, 0xBDC1, 0xBC81, 0x7C40,
0xB401, 0x74C0, 0x7580, 0xB541, 0x7700, 0xB7C1, 0xB681, 0x7640,
0x7200, 0xB2C1, 0xB381, 0x7340, 0xB101, 0x71C0, 0x7080, 0xB041,
0x5000, 0x90C1, 0x9181, 0x5140, 0x9301, 0x53C0, 0x5280, 0x9241,
0x9601, 0x56C0, 0x5780, 0x9741, 0x5500, 0x95C1, 0x9481, 0x5440,
0x9C01, 0x5CC0, 0x5D80, 0x9D41, 0x5F00, 0x9FC1, 0x9E81, 0x5E40,
0x5A00, 0x9AC1, 0x9B81, 0x5B40, 0x9901, 0x59C0, 0x5880, 0x9841,
0x8801, 0x48C0, 0x4980, 0x8941, 0x4B00, 0x8BC1, 0x8A81, 0x4A40,
0x4E00, 0x8EC1, 0x8F81, 0x4F40, 0x8D01, 0x4DC0, 0x4C80, 0x8C41,
0x4400, 0x84C1, 0x8581, 0x4540, 0x8701, 0x47C0, 0x4680, 0x8641,
0x8201, 0x42C0, 0x4380, 0x8341, 0x4100, 0x81C1, 0x8081, 0x4040
* crc16 - compute the CRC-16 for the data buffer
* @crc: previous CRC value
* @buffer: data pointer
* @len: number of bytes in the buffer
* Returns the updated CRC value.
u16 crc16(u16 crc, u8 const *buffer, size_t len)
while (len--)
crc = crc16_byte(crc, *buffer++);
return crc;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* crc16.h - CRC-16 routine
* Implements the standard CRC-16:
* Width 16
* Poly 0x8005 (x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1)
* Init 0
* Copyright (c) 2005 Ben Gardner <bgardner@wabtec.com>
* This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
* Version 2. See the file COPYING for more details.
#ifndef __CRC16_H
#define __CRC16_H
#include <linux/types.h>
extern u16 const crc16_table[256];
extern u16 crc16(u16 crc, const u8 *buffer, size_t len);
static inline u16 crc16_byte(u16 crc, const u8 data)
return (crc >> 8) ^ crc16_table[(crc ^ data) & 0xff];
#endif /* __CRC16_H */

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* This file implements most of the debugging stuff which is compiled in only
* when it is enabled. But some debugging check functions are implemented in
* corresponding subsystem, just because they are closely related and utilize
* various local functions of those subsystems.
#include "ubifs.h"
static char dbg_key_buf0[128];
static char dbg_key_buf1[128];
unsigned int ubifs_msg_flags = UBIFS_MSG_FLAGS_DEFAULT;
unsigned int ubifs_chk_flags = UBIFS_CHK_FLAGS_DEFAULT;
unsigned int ubifs_tst_flags;
module_param_named(debug_msgs, ubifs_msg_flags, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
module_param_named(debug_chks, ubifs_chk_flags, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
module_param_named(debug_tsts, ubifs_tst_flags, uint, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_msgs, "Debug message type flags");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_chks, "Debug check flags");
MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug_tsts, "Debug special test flags");
static const char *get_key_type(int type)
switch (type) {
return "inode";
return "direntry";
return "xentry";
return "data";
return "truncate";
return "unknown/invalid key";
static void sprintf_key(const struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
char *buffer)
char *p = buffer;
int type = key_type(c, key);
if (c->key_fmt == UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT) {
switch (type) {
sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s)", (unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s, %#08x)",
(unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
get_key_type(type), key_hash(c, key));
sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s, %u)",
(unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
get_key_type(type), key_block(c, key));
sprintf(p, "(%lu, %s)",
(unsigned long)key_inum(c, key),
sprintf(p, "(bad key type: %#08x, %#08x)",
key->u32[0], key->u32[1]);
} else
sprintf(p, "bad key format %d", c->key_fmt);
const char *dbg_key_str0(const struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key)
/* dbg_lock must be held */
sprintf_key(c, key, dbg_key_buf0);
return dbg_key_buf0;
const char *dbg_key_str1(const struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key)
/* dbg_lock must be held */
sprintf_key(c, key, dbg_key_buf1);
return dbg_key_buf1;
* ubifs_debugging_init - initialize UBIFS debugging.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function initializes debugging-related data for the file system.
* Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
* failure.
int ubifs_debugging_init(struct ubifs_info *c)
c->dbg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_debug_info), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!c->dbg)
return -ENOMEM;
c->dbg->buf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
if (!c->dbg->buf)
goto out;
return 0;
return -ENOMEM;
* ubifs_debugging_exit - free debugging data.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
void ubifs_debugging_exit(struct ubifs_info *c)

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
#ifndef __UBIFS_DEBUG_H__
#define __UBIFS_DEBUG_H__
* ubifs_debug_info - per-FS debugging information.
* @buf: a buffer of LEB size, used for various purposes
* @old_zroot: old index root - used by 'dbg_check_old_index()'
* @old_zroot_level: old index root level - used by 'dbg_check_old_index()'
* @old_zroot_sqnum: old index root sqnum - used by 'dbg_check_old_index()'
* @failure_mode: failure mode for recovery testing
* @fail_delay: 0=>don't delay, 1=>delay a time, 2=>delay a number of calls
* @fail_timeout: time in jiffies when delay of failure mode expires
* @fail_cnt: current number of calls to failure mode I/O functions
* @fail_cnt_max: number of calls by which to delay failure mode
* @chk_lpt_sz: used by LPT tree size checker
* @chk_lpt_sz2: used by LPT tree size checker
* @chk_lpt_wastage: used by LPT tree size checker
* @chk_lpt_lebs: used by LPT tree size checker
* @new_nhead_offs: used by LPT tree size checker
* @new_ihead_lnum: used by debugging to check @c->ihead_lnum
* @new_ihead_offs: used by debugging to check @c->ihead_offs
* @saved_lst: saved lprops statistics (used by 'dbg_save_space_info()')
* @saved_free: saved free space (used by 'dbg_save_space_info()')
* dfs_dir_name: name of debugfs directory containing this file-system's files
* dfs_dir: direntry object of the file-system debugfs directory
* dfs_dump_lprops: "dump lprops" debugfs knob
* dfs_dump_budg: "dump budgeting information" debugfs knob
* dfs_dump_tnc: "dump TNC" debugfs knob
struct ubifs_debug_info {
void *buf;
struct ubifs_zbranch old_zroot;
int old_zroot_level;
unsigned long long old_zroot_sqnum;
int failure_mode;
int fail_delay;
unsigned long fail_timeout;
unsigned int fail_cnt;
unsigned int fail_cnt_max;
long long chk_lpt_sz;
long long chk_lpt_sz2;
long long chk_lpt_wastage;
int chk_lpt_lebs;
int new_nhead_offs;
int new_ihead_lnum;
int new_ihead_offs;
struct ubifs_lp_stats saved_lst;
long long saved_free;
char dfs_dir_name[100];
struct dentry *dfs_dir;
struct dentry *dfs_dump_lprops;
struct dentry *dfs_dump_budg;
struct dentry *dfs_dump_tnc;
#define UBIFS_DBG(op) op
#define ubifs_assert(expr) do { \
if (unlikely(!(expr))) { \
printk(KERN_CRIT "UBIFS assert failed in %s at %u (pid %d)\n", \
__func__, __LINE__, 0); \
dbg_dump_stack(); \
} \
} while (0)
#define ubifs_assert_cmt_locked(c) do { \
if (unlikely(down_write_trylock(&(c)->commit_sem))) { \
up_write(&(c)->commit_sem); \
printk(KERN_CRIT "commit lock is not locked!\n"); \
ubifs_assert(0); \
} \
} while (0)
#define dbg_dump_stack() do { \
if (!dbg_failure_mode) \
dump_stack(); \
} while (0)
/* Generic debugging messages */
#define dbg_msg(fmt, ...) do { \
spin_lock(&dbg_lock); \
printk(KERN_DEBUG "UBIFS DBG (pid %d): %s: " fmt "\n", 0, \
__func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
spin_unlock(&dbg_lock); \
} while (0)
#define dbg_do_msg(typ, fmt, ...) do { \
if (ubifs_msg_flags & typ) \
dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define dbg_err(fmt, ...) do { \
spin_lock(&dbg_lock); \
ubifs_err(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
spin_unlock(&dbg_lock); \
} while (0)
const char *dbg_key_str0(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key);
const char *dbg_key_str1(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key);
* DBGKEY macros require @dbg_lock to be held, which it is in the dbg message
* macros.
#define DBGKEY(key) dbg_key_str0(c, (key))
#define DBGKEY1(key) dbg_key_str1(c, (key))
/* General messages */
#define dbg_gen(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_GEN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional journal messages */
#define dbg_jnl(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_JNL, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional TNC messages */
#define dbg_tnc(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_TNC, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional lprops messages */
#define dbg_lp(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_LP, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional LEB find messages */
#define dbg_find(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_FIND, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional mount messages */
#define dbg_mnt(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_MNT, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional I/O messages */
#define dbg_io(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_IO, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional commit messages */
#define dbg_cmt(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_CMT, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional budgeting messages */
#define dbg_budg(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_BUDG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional log messages */
#define dbg_log(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_LOG, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional gc messages */
#define dbg_gc(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_GC, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional scan messages */
#define dbg_scan(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_SCAN, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/* Additional recovery messages */
#define dbg_rcvry(fmt, ...) dbg_do_msg(UBIFS_MSG_RCVRY, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* Debugging message type flags (must match msg_type_names in debug.c).
* UBIFS_MSG_GEN: general messages
* UBIFS_MSG_JNL: journal messages
* UBIFS_MSG_MNT: mount messages
* UBIFS_MSG_CMT: commit messages
* UBIFS_MSG_FIND: LEB find messages
* UBIFS_MSG_BUDG: budgeting messages
* UBIFS_MSG_GC: garbage collection messages
* UBIFS_MSG_TNC: TNC messages
* UBIFS_MSG_LP: lprops messages
* UBIFS_MSG_IO: I/O messages
* UBIFS_MSG_LOG: log messages
* UBIFS_MSG_SCAN: scan messages
* UBIFS_MSG_RCVRY: recovery messages
enum {
UBIFS_MSG_GC = 0x40,
UBIFS_MSG_LP = 0x100,
UBIFS_MSG_IO = 0x200,
UBIFS_MSG_LOG = 0x400,
/* Debugging message type flags for each default debug message level */
#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_0 0
#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_1 0x1
#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_2 0x7f
#define UBIFS_MSG_LVL_3 0xffff
* Debugging check flags (must match chk_names in debug.c).
* UBIFS_CHK_GEN: general checks
* UBIFS_CHK_IDX_SZ: check index size
* UBIFS_CHK_ORPH: check orphans
* UBIFS_CHK_OLD_IDX: check the old index
* UBIFS_CHK_LPROPS: check lprops
* UBIFS_CHK_FS: check the file-system
enum {
UBIFS_CHK_FS = 0x40,
* Special testing flags (must match tst_names in debug.c).
* UBIFS_TST_FORCE_IN_THE_GAPS: force the use of in-the-gaps method
* UBIFS_TST_RCVRY: failure mode for recovery testing
enum {
#define UBIFS_CHK_FLAGS_DEFAULT 0xffffffff
#define dbg_ntype(type) ""
#define dbg_cstate(cmt_state) ""
#define dbg_get_key_dump(c, key) ({})
#define dbg_dump_inode(c, inode) ({})
#define dbg_dump_node(c, node) ({})
#define dbg_dump_budget_req(req) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lstats(lst) ({})
#define dbg_dump_budg(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lprop(c, lp) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lprops(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lpt_info(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_leb(c, lnum) ({})
#define dbg_dump_znode(c, znode) ({})
#define dbg_dump_heap(c, heap, cat) ({})
#define dbg_dump_pnode(c, pnode, parent, iip) ({})
#define dbg_dump_tnc(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_index(c) ({})
#define dbg_walk_index(c, leaf_cb, znode_cb, priv) 0
#define dbg_old_index_check_init(c, zroot) 0
#define dbg_check_old_index(c, zroot) 0
#define dbg_check_cats(c) 0
#define dbg_check_ltab(c) 0
#define dbg_chk_lpt_free_spc(c) 0
#define dbg_chk_lpt_sz(c, action, len) 0
#define dbg_check_synced_i_size(inode) 0
#define dbg_check_dir_size(c, dir) 0
#define dbg_check_tnc(c, x) 0
#define dbg_check_idx_size(c, idx_size) 0
#define dbg_check_filesystem(c) 0
#define dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, add_pos) ({})
#define dbg_check_lprops(c) 0
#define dbg_check_lpt_nodes(c, cnode, row, col) 0
#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps_enabled 0
#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps() 0
#define dbg_failure_mode 0
#define dbg_failure_mode_registration(c) ({})
#define dbg_failure_mode_deregistration(c) ({})
int ubifs_debugging_init(struct ubifs_info *c);
void ubifs_debugging_exit(struct ubifs_info *c);
#define UBIFS_DBG(op)
/* Use "if (0)" to make compiler check arguments even if debugging is off */
#define ubifs_assert(expr) do { \
if (0 && (expr)) \
printk(KERN_CRIT "UBIFS assert failed in %s at %u (pid %d)\n", \
__func__, __LINE__, 0); \
} while (0)
#define dbg_err(fmt, ...) do { \
if (0) \
ubifs_err(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define dbg_msg(fmt, ...) do { \
if (0) \
printk(KERN_DEBUG "UBIFS DBG (pid %d): %s: " fmt "\n", \
0, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define dbg_dump_stack()
#define ubifs_assert_cmt_locked(c)
#define dbg_gen(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_jnl(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_tnc(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_lp(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_find(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_mnt(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_io(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_cmt(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_budg(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_log(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_gc(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_scan(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define dbg_rcvry(fmt, ...) dbg_msg(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DBGKEY(key) ((char *)(key))
#define DBGKEY1(key) ((char *)(key))
#define ubifs_debugging_init(c) 0
#define ubifs_debugging_exit(c) ({})
#define dbg_ntype(type) ""
#define dbg_cstate(cmt_state) ""
#define dbg_get_key_dump(c, key) ({})
#define dbg_dump_inode(c, inode) ({})
#define dbg_dump_node(c, node) ({})
#define dbg_dump_budget_req(req) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lstats(lst) ({})
#define dbg_dump_budg(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lprop(c, lp) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lprops(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_lpt_info(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_leb(c, lnum) ({})
#define dbg_dump_znode(c, znode) ({})
#define dbg_dump_heap(c, heap, cat) ({})
#define dbg_dump_pnode(c, pnode, parent, iip) ({})
#define dbg_dump_tnc(c) ({})
#define dbg_dump_index(c) ({})
#define dbg_walk_index(c, leaf_cb, znode_cb, priv) 0
#define dbg_old_index_check_init(c, zroot) 0
#define dbg_check_old_index(c, zroot) 0
#define dbg_check_cats(c) 0
#define dbg_check_ltab(c) 0
#define dbg_chk_lpt_free_spc(c) 0
#define dbg_chk_lpt_sz(c, action, len) 0
#define dbg_check_synced_i_size(inode) 0
#define dbg_check_dir_size(c, dir) 0
#define dbg_check_tnc(c, x) 0
#define dbg_check_idx_size(c, idx_size) 0
#define dbg_check_filesystem(c) 0
#define dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, add_pos) ({})
#define dbg_check_lprops(c) 0
#define dbg_check_lpt_nodes(c, cnode, row, col) 0
#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps_enabled 0
#define dbg_force_in_the_gaps() 0
#define dbg_failure_mode 0
#define dbg_failure_mode_registration(c) ({})
#define dbg_failure_mode_deregistration(c) ({})
#endif /* !__UBIFS_DEBUG_H__ */

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 University of Szeged, Hungary
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* Zoltan Sogor
* This file implements UBIFS I/O subsystem which provides various I/O-related
* helper functions (reading/writing/checking/validating nodes) and implements
* write-buffering support. Write buffers help to save space which otherwise
* would have been wasted for padding to the nearest minimal I/O unit boundary.
* Instead, data first goes to the write-buffer and is flushed when the
* buffer is full or when it is not used for some time (by timer). This is
* similar to the mechanism is used by JFFS2.
* Write-buffers are defined by 'struct ubifs_wbuf' objects and protected by
* mutexes defined inside these objects. Since sometimes upper-level code
* has to lock the write-buffer (e.g. journal space reservation code), many
* functions related to write-buffers have "nolock" suffix which means that the
* caller has to lock the write-buffer before calling this function.
* UBIFS stores nodes at 64 bit-aligned addresses. If the node length is not
* aligned, UBIFS starts the next node from the aligned address, and the padded
* bytes may contain any rubbish. In other words, UBIFS does not put padding
* bytes in those small gaps. Common headers of nodes store real node lengths,
* not aligned lengths. Indexing nodes also store real lengths in branches.
* UBIFS uses padding when it pads to the next min. I/O unit. In this case it
* uses padding nodes or padding bytes, if the padding node does not fit.
* All UBIFS nodes are protected by CRC checksums and UBIFS checks all nodes
* every time they are read from the flash media.
#include "ubifs.h"
* ubifs_ro_mode - switch UBIFS to read read-only mode.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @err: error code which is the reason of switching to R/O mode
void ubifs_ro_mode(struct ubifs_info *c, int err)
if (!c->ro_media) {
c->ro_media = 1;
c->no_chk_data_crc = 0;
ubifs_warn("switched to read-only mode, error %d", err);
* ubifs_check_node - check node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @buf: node to check
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number
* @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
* @quiet: print no messages
* @must_chk_crc: indicates whether to always check the CRC
* This function checks node magic number and CRC checksum. This function also
* validates node length to prevent UBIFS from becoming crazy when an attacker
* feeds it a file-system image with incorrect nodes. For example, too large
* node length in the common header could cause UBIFS to read memory outside of
* allocated buffer when checking the CRC checksum.
* This function may skip data nodes CRC checking if @c->no_chk_data_crc is
* true, which is controlled by corresponding UBIFS mount option. However, if
* @must_chk_crc is true, then @c->no_chk_data_crc is ignored and CRC is
* checked. Similarly, if @c->always_chk_crc is true, @c->no_chk_data_crc is
* ignored and CRC is checked.
* This function returns zero in case of success and %-EUCLEAN in case of bad
* CRC or magic.
int ubifs_check_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf, int lnum,
int offs, int quiet, int must_chk_crc)
int err = -EINVAL, type, node_len;
uint32_t crc, node_crc, magic;
const struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
ubifs_assert(lnum >= 0 && lnum < c->leb_cnt && offs >= 0);
ubifs_assert(!(offs & 7) && offs < c->leb_size);
magic = le32_to_cpu(ch->magic);
if (magic != UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC) {
if (!quiet)
ubifs_err("bad magic %#08x, expected %#08x",
err = -EUCLEAN;
goto out;
type = ch->node_type;
if (type < 0 || type >= UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT) {
if (!quiet)
ubifs_err("bad node type %d", type);
goto out;
node_len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
if (node_len + offs > c->leb_size)
goto out_len;
if (c->ranges[type].max_len == 0) {
if (node_len != c->ranges[type].len)
goto out_len;
} else if (node_len < c->ranges[type].min_len ||
node_len > c->ranges[type].max_len)
goto out_len;
if (!must_chk_crc && type == UBIFS_DATA_NODE && !c->always_chk_crc &&
return 0;
crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, buf + 8, node_len - 8);
node_crc = le32_to_cpu(ch->crc);
if (crc != node_crc) {
if (!quiet)
ubifs_err("bad CRC: calculated %#08x, read %#08x",
crc, node_crc);
err = -EUCLEAN;
goto out;
return 0;
if (!quiet)
ubifs_err("bad node length %d", node_len);
if (!quiet) {
ubifs_err("bad node at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
dbg_dump_node(c, buf);
return err;
* ubifs_pad - pad flash space.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @buf: buffer to put padding to
* @pad: how many bytes to pad
* The flash media obliges us to write only in chunks of %c->min_io_size and
* when we have to write less data we add padding node to the write-buffer and
* pad it to the next minimal I/O unit's boundary. Padding nodes help when the
* media is being scanned. If the amount of wasted space is not enough to fit a
* padding node which takes %UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ bytes, we write padding bytes
* pattern (%UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE).
* Padding nodes are also used to fill gaps when the "commit-in-gaps" method is
* used.
void ubifs_pad(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int pad)
uint32_t crc;
ubifs_assert(pad >= 0 && !(pad & 7));
if (pad >= UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ) {
struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
struct ubifs_pad_node *pad_node = buf;
ch->magic = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC);
ch->node_type = UBIFS_PAD_NODE;
ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
ch->sqnum = 0;
ch->len = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ);
pad_node->pad_len = cpu_to_le32(pad);
crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, buf + 8, UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ - 8);
ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);
memset(buf + UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ, 0, pad);
} else if (pad > 0)
/* Too little space, padding node won't fit */
memset(buf, UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE, pad);
* next_sqnum - get next sequence number.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
static unsigned long long next_sqnum(struct ubifs_info *c)
unsigned long long sqnum;
sqnum = ++c->max_sqnum;
if (unlikely(sqnum >= SQNUM_WARN_WATERMARK)) {
if (sqnum >= SQNUM_WATERMARK) {
ubifs_err("sequence number overflow %llu, end of life",
ubifs_ro_mode(c, -EINVAL);
ubifs_warn("running out of sequence numbers, end of life soon");
return sqnum;
* ubifs_prepare_node - prepare node to be written to flash.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @node: the node to pad
* @len: node length
* @pad: if the buffer has to be padded
* This function prepares node at @node to be written to the media - it
* calculates node CRC, fills the common header, and adds proper padding up to
* the next minimum I/O unit if @pad is not zero.
void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
uint32_t crc;
struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;
unsigned long long sqnum = next_sqnum(c);
ubifs_assert(len >= UBIFS_CH_SZ);
ch->magic = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC);
ch->len = cpu_to_le32(len);
ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
ch->sqnum = cpu_to_le64(sqnum);
ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, node + 8, len - 8);
ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);
if (pad) {
len = ALIGN(len, 8);
pad = ALIGN(len, c->min_io_size) - len;
ubifs_pad(c, node + len, pad);
* ubifs_read_node - read node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @buf: buffer to read to
* @type: node type
* @len: node length (not aligned)
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number
* @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
* This function reads a node of known type and and length, checks it and
* stores in @buf. Returns zero in case of success, %-EUCLEAN if CRC mismatched
* and a negative error code in case of failure.
int ubifs_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type, int len,
int lnum, int offs)
int err, l;
struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
dbg_io("LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d", lnum, offs, dbg_ntype(type), len);
ubifs_assert(lnum >= 0 && lnum < c->leb_cnt && offs >= 0);
ubifs_assert(len >= UBIFS_CH_SZ && offs + len <= c->leb_size);
ubifs_assert(!(offs & 7) && offs < c->leb_size);
ubifs_assert(type >= 0 && type < UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT);
err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, len);
if (err && err != -EBADMSG) {
ubifs_err("cannot read node %d from LEB %d:%d, error %d",
type, lnum, offs, err);
return err;
if (type != ch->node_type) {
ubifs_err("bad node type (%d but expected %d)",
ch->node_type, type);
goto out;
err = ubifs_check_node(c, buf, lnum, offs, 0, 0);
if (err) {
ubifs_err("expected node type %d", type);
return err;
l = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
if (l != len) {
ubifs_err("bad node length %d, expected %d", l, len);
goto out;
return 0;
ubifs_err("bad node at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
dbg_dump_node(c, buf);
return -EINVAL;

@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* This header contains various key-related definitions and helper function.
* UBIFS allows several key schemes, so we access key fields only via these
* helpers. At the moment only one key scheme is supported.
* Simple key scheme
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Keys are 64-bits long. First 32-bits are inode number (parent inode number
* in case of direntry key). Next 3 bits are node type. The last 29 bits are
* 4KiB offset in case of inode node, and direntry hash in case of a direntry
* node. We use "r5" hash borrowed from reiserfs.
#ifndef __UBIFS_KEY_H__
#define __UBIFS_KEY_H__
* key_mask_hash - mask a valid hash value.
* @val: value to be masked
* We use hash values as offset in directories, so values %0 and %1 are
* reserved for "." and "..". %2 is reserved for "end of readdir" marker. This
* function makes sure the reserved values are not used.
static inline uint32_t key_mask_hash(uint32_t hash)
if (unlikely(hash <= 2))
hash += 3;
return hash;
* key_r5_hash - R5 hash function (borrowed from reiserfs).
* @s: direntry name
* @len: name length
static inline uint32_t key_r5_hash(const char *s, int len)
uint32_t a = 0;
const signed char *str = (const signed char *)s;
while (*str) {
a += *str << 4;
a += *str >> 4;
a *= 11;
return key_mask_hash(a);
* key_test_hash - testing hash function.
* @str: direntry name
* @len: name length
static inline uint32_t key_test_hash(const char *str, int len)
uint32_t a = 0;
len = min_t(uint32_t, len, 4);
memcpy(&a, str, len);
return key_mask_hash(a);
* ino_key_init - initialize inode key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
static inline void ino_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
key->u32[0] = inum;
* ino_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash inode key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
static inline void ino_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
ino_t inum)
union ubifs_key *key = k;
key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_INO_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS);
memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
* lowest_ino_key - get the lowest possible inode key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
static inline void lowest_ino_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = 0;
* highest_ino_key - get the highest possible inode key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
static inline void highest_ino_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = 0xffffffff;
* dent_key_init - initialize directory entry key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: parent inode number
* @nm: direntry name and length
static inline void dent_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
const struct qstr *nm)
uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_DENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
* dent_key_init_hash - initialize directory entry key without re-calculating
* hash function.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: parent inode number
* @hash: direntry name hash
static inline void dent_key_init_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
uint32_t hash)
ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_DENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
* dent_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash directory entry key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to initialize
* @inum: parent inode number
* @nm: direntry name and length
static inline void dent_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
ino_t inum, const struct qstr *nm)
union ubifs_key *key = k;
uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(hash |
memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
* lowest_dent_key - get the lowest possible directory entry key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: where to store the lowest key
* @inum: parent inode number
static inline void lowest_dent_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
key->u32[0] = inum;
* xent_key_init - initialize extended attribute entry key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: host inode number
* @nm: extended attribute entry name and length
static inline void xent_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
const struct qstr *nm)
uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_XENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
* xent_key_init_hash - initialize extended attribute entry key without
* re-calculating hash function.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: host inode number
* @hash: extended attribute entry name hash
static inline void xent_key_init_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
uint32_t hash)
ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = hash | (UBIFS_XENT_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_BITS);
* xent_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash extended attribute entry key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to initialize
* @inum: host inode number
* @nm: extended attribute entry name and length
static inline void xent_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
ino_t inum, const struct qstr *nm)
union ubifs_key *key = k;
uint32_t hash = c->key_hash(nm->name, nm->len);
ubifs_assert(!(hash & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK));
key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(hash |
memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
* lowest_xent_key - get the lowest possible extended attribute entry key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: where to store the lowest key
* @inum: host inode number
static inline void lowest_xent_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
key->u32[0] = inum;
* data_key_init - initialize data key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
* @block: block number
static inline void data_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum,
unsigned int block)
ubifs_assert(!(block & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK));
key->u32[0] = inum;
key->u32[1] = block | (UBIFS_DATA_KEY << UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS);
* data_key_init_flash - initialize on-flash data key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
* @block: block number
static inline void data_key_init_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *k,
ino_t inum, unsigned int block)
union ubifs_key *key = k;
ubifs_assert(!(block & ~UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK));
key->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(inum);
key->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(block |
memset(k + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
* trun_key_init - initialize truncation node key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to initialize
* @inum: inode number
* Note, UBIFS does not have truncation keys on the media and this function is
* only used for purposes of replay.
static inline void trun_key_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
union ubifs_key *key, ino_t inum)
key->u32[0] = inum;
* key_type - get key type.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key to get type of
static inline int key_type(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key)
return key->u32[1] >> UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS;
* key_type_flash - get type of a on-flash formatted key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to get type of
static inline int key_type_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
const union ubifs_key *key = k;
return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[1]) >> UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_BITS;
* key_inum - fetch inode number from key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to fetch inode number from
static inline ino_t key_inum(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
const union ubifs_key *key = k;
return key->u32[0];
* key_inum_flash - fetch inode number from an on-flash formatted key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: key to fetch inode number from
static inline ino_t key_inum_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
const union ubifs_key *key = k;
return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[0]);
* key_hash - get directory entry hash.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: the key to get hash from
static inline int key_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key)
return key->u32[1] & UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK;
* key_hash_flash - get directory entry hash from an on-flash formatted key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: the key to get hash from
static inline int key_hash_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *k)
const union ubifs_key *key = k;
return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[1]) & UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK;
* key_block - get data block number.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: the key to get the block number from
static inline unsigned int key_block(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key)
return key->u32[1] & UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK;
* key_block_flash - get data block number from an on-flash formatted key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @k: the key to get the block number from
static inline unsigned int key_block_flash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const void *k)
const union ubifs_key *key = k;
return le32_to_cpu(key->j32[1]) & UBIFS_S_KEY_BLOCK_MASK;
* key_read - transform a key to in-memory format.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @from: the key to transform
* @to: the key to store the result
static inline void key_read(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *from,
union ubifs_key *to)
const union ubifs_key *f = from;
to->u32[0] = le32_to_cpu(f->j32[0]);
to->u32[1] = le32_to_cpu(f->j32[1]);
* key_write - transform a key from in-memory format.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @from: the key to transform
* @to: the key to store the result
static inline void key_write(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *from, void *to)
union ubifs_key *t = to;
t->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[0]);
t->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[1]);
memset(to + 8, 0, UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN - 8);
* key_write_idx - transform a key from in-memory format for the index.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @from: the key to transform
* @to: the key to store the result
static inline void key_write_idx(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *from, void *to)
union ubifs_key *t = to;
t->j32[0] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[0]);
t->j32[1] = cpu_to_le32(from->u32[1]);
* key_copy - copy a key.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @from: the key to copy from
* @to: the key to copy to
static inline void key_copy(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *from, union ubifs_key *to)
to->u64[0] = from->u64[0];
* keys_cmp - compare keys.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key1: the first key to compare
* @key2: the second key to compare
* This function compares 2 keys and returns %-1 if @key1 is less than
* @key2, %0 if the keys are equivalent and %1 if @key1 is greater than @key2.
static inline int keys_cmp(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key1,
const union ubifs_key *key2)
if (key1->u32[0] < key2->u32[0])
return -1;
if (key1->u32[0] > key2->u32[0])
return 1;
if (key1->u32[1] < key2->u32[1])
return -1;
if (key1->u32[1] > key2->u32[1])
return 1;
return 0;
* keys_eq - determine if keys are equivalent.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key1: the first key to compare
* @key2: the second key to compare
* This function compares 2 keys and returns %1 if @key1 is equal to @key2 and
* %0 if not.
static inline int keys_eq(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key1,
const union ubifs_key *key2)
if (key1->u32[0] != key2->u32[0])
return 0;
if (key1->u32[1] != key2->u32[1])
return 0;
return 1;
* is_hash_key - is a key vulnerable to hash collisions.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: key
* This function returns %1 if @key is a hashed key or %0 otherwise.
static inline int is_hash_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key)
int type = key_type(c, key);
return type == UBIFS_DENT_KEY || type == UBIFS_XENT_KEY;
* key_max_inode_size - get maximum file size allowed by current key format.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
static inline unsigned long long key_max_inode_size(const struct ubifs_info *c)
switch (c->key_fmt) {
return 0;
#endif /* !__UBIFS_KEY_H__ */

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* This file is a part of UBIFS journal implementation and contains various
* functions which manipulate the log. The log is a fixed area on the flash
* which does not contain any data but refers to buds. The log is a part of the
* journal.
#include "ubifs.h"
* ubifs_search_bud - search bud LEB.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number to search
* This function searches bud LEB @lnum. Returns bud description object in case
* of success and %NULL if there is no bud with this LEB number.
struct ubifs_bud *ubifs_search_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
struct rb_node *p;
struct ubifs_bud *bud;
p = c->buds.rb_node;
while (p) {
bud = rb_entry(p, struct ubifs_bud, rb);
if (lnum < bud->lnum)
p = p->rb_left;
else if (lnum > bud->lnum)
p = p->rb_right;
else {
return bud;
return NULL;
* ubifs_add_bud - add bud LEB to the tree of buds and its journal head list.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @bud: the bud to add
void ubifs_add_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_bud *bud)
struct rb_node **p, *parent = NULL;
struct ubifs_bud *b;
struct ubifs_jhead *jhead;
p = &c->buds.rb_node;
while (*p) {
parent = *p;
b = rb_entry(parent, struct ubifs_bud, rb);
ubifs_assert(bud->lnum != b->lnum);
if (bud->lnum < b->lnum)
p = &(*p)->rb_left;
p = &(*p)->rb_right;
rb_link_node(&bud->rb, parent, p);
rb_insert_color(&bud->rb, &c->buds);
if (c->jheads) {
jhead = &c->jheads[bud->jhead];
list_add_tail(&bud->list, &jhead->buds_list);
} else
ubifs_assert(c->replaying && (c->vfs_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY));
* Note, although this is a new bud, we anyway account this space now,
* before any data has been written to it, because this is about to
* guarantee fixed mount time, and this bud will anyway be read and
* scanned.
c->bud_bytes += c->leb_size - bud->start;
dbg_log("LEB %d:%d, jhead %d, bud_bytes %lld", bud->lnum,
bud->start, bud->jhead, c->bud_bytes);

@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Adrian Hunter
* Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* This file implements the functions that access LEB properties and their
* categories. LEBs are categorized based on the needs of UBIFS, and the
* categories are stored as either heaps or lists to provide a fast way of
* finding a LEB in a particular category. For example, UBIFS may need to find
* an empty LEB for the journal, or a very dirty LEB for garbage collection.
#include "ubifs.h"
* get_heap_comp_val - get the LEB properties value for heap comparisons.
* @lprops: LEB properties
* @cat: LEB category
static int get_heap_comp_val(struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
switch (cat) {
return lprops->free;
return lprops->free + lprops->dirty;
return lprops->dirty;
* move_up_lpt_heap - move a new heap entry up as far as possible.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @heap: LEB category heap
* @lprops: LEB properties to move
* @cat: LEB category
* New entries to a heap are added at the bottom and then moved up until the
* parent's value is greater. In the case of LPT's category heaps, the value
* is either the amount of free space or the amount of dirty space, depending
* on the category.
static void move_up_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap,
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
int val1, val2, hpos;
hpos = lprops->hpos;
if (!hpos)
return; /* Already top of the heap */
val1 = get_heap_comp_val(lprops, cat);
/* Compare to parent and, if greater, move up the heap */
do {
int ppos = (hpos - 1) / 2;
val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[ppos], cat);
if (val2 >= val1)
/* Greater than parent so move up */
heap->arr[ppos]->hpos = hpos;
heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[ppos];
heap->arr[ppos] = lprops;
lprops->hpos = ppos;
hpos = ppos;
} while (hpos);
* adjust_lpt_heap - move a changed heap entry up or down the heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @heap: LEB category heap
* @lprops: LEB properties to move
* @hpos: heap position of @lprops
* @cat: LEB category
* Changed entries in a heap are moved up or down until the parent's value is
* greater. In the case of LPT's category heaps, the value is either the amount
* of free space or the amount of dirty space, depending on the category.
static void adjust_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap,
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int hpos, int cat)
int val1, val2, val3, cpos;
val1 = get_heap_comp_val(lprops, cat);
/* Compare to parent and, if greater than parent, move up the heap */
if (hpos) {
int ppos = (hpos - 1) / 2;
val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[ppos], cat);
if (val1 > val2) {
/* Greater than parent so move up */
while (1) {
heap->arr[ppos]->hpos = hpos;
heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[ppos];
heap->arr[ppos] = lprops;
lprops->hpos = ppos;
hpos = ppos;
if (!hpos)
ppos = (hpos - 1) / 2;
val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[ppos], cat);
if (val1 <= val2)
/* Still greater than parent so keep going */
/* Not greater than parent, so compare to children */
while (1) {
/* Compare to left child */
cpos = hpos * 2 + 1;
if (cpos >= heap->cnt)
val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos], cat);
if (val1 < val2) {
/* Less than left child, so promote biggest child */
if (cpos + 1 < heap->cnt) {
val3 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos + 1],
if (val3 > val2)
cpos += 1; /* Right child is bigger */
heap->arr[cpos]->hpos = hpos;
heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[cpos];
heap->arr[cpos] = lprops;
lprops->hpos = cpos;
hpos = cpos;
/* Compare to right child */
cpos += 1;
if (cpos >= heap->cnt)
val3 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos], cat);
if (val1 < val3) {
/* Less than right child, so promote right child */
heap->arr[cpos]->hpos = hpos;
heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[cpos];
heap->arr[cpos] = lprops;
lprops->hpos = cpos;
hpos = cpos;
* add_to_lpt_heap - add LEB properties to a LEB category heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to add
* @cat: LEB category
* This function returns %1 if @lprops is added to the heap for LEB category
* @cat, otherwise %0 is returned because the heap is full.
static int add_to_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops,
int cat)
struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap = &c->lpt_heap[cat - 1];
if (heap->cnt >= heap->max_cnt) {
const int b = LPT_HEAP_SZ / 2 - 1;
int cpos, val1, val2;
/* Compare to some other LEB on the bottom of heap */
/* Pick a position kind of randomly */
cpos = (((size_t)lprops >> 4) & b) + b;
ubifs_assert(cpos >= b);
ubifs_assert(cpos < LPT_HEAP_SZ);
ubifs_assert(cpos < heap->cnt);
val1 = get_heap_comp_val(lprops, cat);
val2 = get_heap_comp_val(heap->arr[cpos], cat);
if (val1 > val2) {
struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
lp = heap->arr[cpos];
lp->flags &= ~LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
lp->flags |= LPROPS_UNCAT;
list_add(&lp->list, &c->uncat_list);
lprops->hpos = cpos;
heap->arr[cpos] = lprops;
move_up_lpt_heap(c, heap, lprops, cat);
dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, lprops->hpos);
return 1; /* Added to heap */
dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, -1);
return 0; /* Not added to heap */
} else {
lprops->hpos = heap->cnt++;
heap->arr[lprops->hpos] = lprops;
move_up_lpt_heap(c, heap, lprops, cat);
dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, lprops->hpos);
return 1; /* Added to heap */
* remove_from_lpt_heap - remove LEB properties from a LEB category heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to remove
* @cat: LEB category
static void remove_from_lpt_heap(struct ubifs_info *c,
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap;
int hpos = lprops->hpos;
heap = &c->lpt_heap[cat - 1];
ubifs_assert(hpos >= 0 && hpos < heap->cnt);
ubifs_assert(heap->arr[hpos] == lprops);
heap->cnt -= 1;
if (hpos < heap->cnt) {
heap->arr[hpos] = heap->arr[heap->cnt];
heap->arr[hpos]->hpos = hpos;
adjust_lpt_heap(c, heap, heap->arr[hpos], hpos, cat);
dbg_check_heap(c, heap, cat, -1);
* lpt_heap_replace - replace lprops in a category heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @old_lprops: LEB properties to replace
* @new_lprops: LEB properties with which to replace
* @cat: LEB category
* During commit it is sometimes necessary to copy a pnode (see dirty_cow_pnode)
* and the lprops that the pnode contains. When that happens, references in
* the category heaps to those lprops must be updated to point to the new
* lprops. This function does that.
static void lpt_heap_replace(struct ubifs_info *c,
struct ubifs_lprops *old_lprops,
struct ubifs_lprops *new_lprops, int cat)
struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap;
int hpos = new_lprops->hpos;
heap = &c->lpt_heap[cat - 1];
heap->arr[hpos] = new_lprops;
* ubifs_add_to_cat - add LEB properties to a category list or heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to add
* @cat: LEB category to which to add
* LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations.
void ubifs_add_to_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops,
int cat)
switch (cat) {
if (add_to_lpt_heap(c, lprops, cat))
/* No more room on heap so make it uncategorized */
/* Fall through */
list_add(&lprops->list, &c->uncat_list);
list_add(&lprops->list, &c->empty_list);
list_add(&lprops->list, &c->freeable_list);
c->freeable_cnt += 1;
list_add(&lprops->list, &c->frdi_idx_list);
lprops->flags &= ~LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
lprops->flags |= cat;
* ubifs_remove_from_cat - remove LEB properties from a category list or heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to remove
* @cat: LEB category from which to remove
* LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations.
static void ubifs_remove_from_cat(struct ubifs_info *c,
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops, int cat)
switch (cat) {
remove_from_lpt_heap(c, lprops, cat);
c->freeable_cnt -= 1;
ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt >= 0);
/* Fall through */
* ubifs_replace_cat - replace lprops in a category list or heap.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @old_lprops: LEB properties to replace
* @new_lprops: LEB properties with which to replace
* During commit it is sometimes necessary to copy a pnode (see dirty_cow_pnode)
* and the lprops that the pnode contains. When that happens, references in
* category lists and heaps must be replaced. This function does that.
void ubifs_replace_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *old_lprops,
struct ubifs_lprops *new_lprops)
int cat;
cat = new_lprops->flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
switch (cat) {
lpt_heap_replace(c, old_lprops, new_lprops, cat);
list_replace(&old_lprops->list, &new_lprops->list);
* ubifs_ensure_cat - ensure LEB properties are categorized.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties
* A LEB may have fallen off of the bottom of a heap, and ended up as
* uncategorized even though it has enough space for us now. If that is the case
* this function will put the LEB back onto a heap.
void ubifs_ensure_cat(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
int cat = lprops->flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
if (cat != LPROPS_UNCAT)
cat = ubifs_categorize_lprops(c, lprops);
if (cat == LPROPS_UNCAT)
ubifs_remove_from_cat(c, lprops, LPROPS_UNCAT);
ubifs_add_to_cat(c, lprops, cat);
* ubifs_categorize_lprops - categorize LEB properties.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to categorize
* LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations. This function
* returns the LEB category to which the LEB properties belong. Note however
* that if the LEB category is stored as a heap and the heap is full, the
* LEB properties may have their category changed to %LPROPS_UNCAT.
int ubifs_categorize_lprops(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
if (lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN)
if (lprops->free == c->leb_size) {
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
if (lprops->free + lprops->dirty == c->leb_size) {
if (lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)
if (lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX) {
if (lprops->dirty + lprops->free >= c->min_idx_node_sz)
} else {
if (lprops->dirty >= c->dead_wm &&
lprops->dirty > lprops->free)
if (lprops->free > 0)
* change_category - change LEB properties category.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to recategorize
* LEB properties are categorized to enable fast find operations. When the LEB
* properties change they must be recategorized.
static void change_category(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
int old_cat = lprops->flags & LPROPS_CAT_MASK;
int new_cat = ubifs_categorize_lprops(c, lprops);
if (old_cat == new_cat) {
struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap = &c->lpt_heap[new_cat - 1];
/* lprops on a heap now must be moved up or down */
if (new_cat < 1 || new_cat > LPROPS_HEAP_CNT)
return; /* Not on a heap */
heap = &c->lpt_heap[new_cat - 1];
adjust_lpt_heap(c, heap, lprops, lprops->hpos, new_cat);
} else {
ubifs_remove_from_cat(c, lprops, old_cat);
ubifs_add_to_cat(c, lprops, new_cat);
* calc_dark - calculate LEB dark space size.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @spc: amount of free and dirty space in the LEB
* This function calculates amount of dark space in an LEB which has @spc bytes
* of free and dirty space. Returns the calculations result.
* Dark space is the space which is not always usable - it depends on which
* nodes are written in which order. E.g., if an LEB has only 512 free bytes,
* it is dark space, because it cannot fit a large data node. So UBIFS cannot
* count on this LEB and treat these 512 bytes as usable because it is not true
* if, for example, only big chunks of uncompressible data will be written to
* the FS.
static int calc_dark(struct ubifs_info *c, int spc)
ubifs_assert(!(spc & 7));
if (spc < c->dark_wm)
return spc;
* If we have slightly more space then the dark space watermark, we can
* anyway safely assume it we'll be able to write a node of the
* smallest size there.
if (spc - c->dark_wm < MIN_WRITE_SZ)
return spc - MIN_WRITE_SZ;
return c->dark_wm;
* is_lprops_dirty - determine if LEB properties are dirty.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lprops: LEB properties to test
static int is_lprops_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lprops *lprops)
struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
int pos;
pos = (lprops->lnum - c->main_first) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1);
pnode = (struct ubifs_pnode *)container_of(lprops - pos,
struct ubifs_pnode,
return !test_bit(COW_ZNODE, &pnode->flags) &&
test_bit(DIRTY_CNODE, &pnode->flags);
* ubifs_change_lp - change LEB properties.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lp: LEB properties to change
* @free: new free space amount
* @dirty: new dirty space amount
* @flags: new flags
* @idx_gc_cnt: change to the count of idx_gc list
* This function changes LEB properties (@free, @dirty or @flag). However, the
* property which has the %LPROPS_NC value is not changed. Returns a pointer to
* the updated LEB properties on success and a negative error code on failure.
* Note, the LEB properties may have had to be copied (due to COW) and
* consequently the pointer returned may not be the same as the pointer
* passed.
const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_change_lp(struct ubifs_info *c,
const struct ubifs_lprops *lp,
int free, int dirty, int flags,
int idx_gc_cnt)
* This is the only function that is allowed to change lprops, so we
* discard the const qualifier.
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops = (struct ubifs_lprops *)lp;
dbg_lp("LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %d",
lprops->lnum, free, dirty, flags);
ubifs_assert(c->lst.empty_lebs >= 0 &&
c->lst.empty_lebs <= c->main_lebs);
ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt >= 0);
ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt <= c->main_lebs);
ubifs_assert(c->lst.taken_empty_lebs >= 0);
ubifs_assert(c->lst.taken_empty_lebs <= c->lst.empty_lebs);
ubifs_assert(!(c->lst.total_free & 7) && !(c->lst.total_dirty & 7));
ubifs_assert(!(c->lst.total_dead & 7) && !(c->lst.total_dark & 7));
ubifs_assert(!(c->lst.total_used & 7));
ubifs_assert(free == LPROPS_NC || free >= 0);
ubifs_assert(dirty == LPROPS_NC || dirty >= 0);
if (!is_lprops_dirty(c, lprops)) {
lprops = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lprops->lnum);
if (IS_ERR(lprops))
return lprops;
} else
ubifs_assert(lprops == ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lprops->lnum));
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->free & 7) && !(lprops->dirty & 7));
if ((lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN) && lprops->free == c->leb_size)
c->lst.taken_empty_lebs -= 1;
if (!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)) {
int old_spc;
old_spc = lprops->free + lprops->dirty;
if (old_spc < c->dead_wm)
c->lst.total_dead -= old_spc;
c->lst.total_dark -= calc_dark(c, old_spc);
c->lst.total_used -= c->leb_size - old_spc;
if (free != LPROPS_NC) {
free = ALIGN(free, 8);
c->lst.total_free += free - lprops->free;
/* Increase or decrease empty LEBs counter if needed */
if (free == c->leb_size) {
if (lprops->free != c->leb_size)
c->lst.empty_lebs += 1;
} else if (lprops->free == c->leb_size)
c->lst.empty_lebs -= 1;
lprops->free = free;
if (dirty != LPROPS_NC) {
dirty = ALIGN(dirty, 8);
c->lst.total_dirty += dirty - lprops->dirty;
lprops->dirty = dirty;
if (flags != LPROPS_NC) {
/* Take care about indexing LEBs counter if needed */
if ((lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)) {
if (!(flags & LPROPS_INDEX))
c->lst.idx_lebs -= 1;
} else if (flags & LPROPS_INDEX)
c->lst.idx_lebs += 1;
lprops->flags = flags;
if (!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX)) {
int new_spc;
new_spc = lprops->free + lprops->dirty;
if (new_spc < c->dead_wm)
c->lst.total_dead += new_spc;
c->lst.total_dark += calc_dark(c, new_spc);
c->lst.total_used += c->leb_size - new_spc;
if ((lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN) && lprops->free == c->leb_size)
c->lst.taken_empty_lebs += 1;
change_category(c, lprops);
c->idx_gc_cnt += idx_gc_cnt;
return lprops;
* ubifs_get_lp_stats - get lprops statistics.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @st: return statistics
void ubifs_get_lp_stats(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_lp_stats *lst)
memcpy(lst, &c->lst, sizeof(struct ubifs_lp_stats));
* ubifs_change_one_lp - change LEB properties.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB to change properties for
* @free: amount of free space
* @dirty: amount of dirty space
* @flags_set: flags to set
* @flags_clean: flags to clean
* @idx_gc_cnt: change to the count of idx_gc list
* This function changes properties of LEB @lnum. It is a helper wrapper over
* 'ubifs_change_lp()' which hides lprops get/release. The arguments are the
* same as in case of 'ubifs_change_lp()'. Returns zero in case of success and
* a negative error code in case of failure.
int ubifs_change_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int dirty,
int flags_set, int flags_clean, int idx_gc_cnt)
int err = 0, flags;
const struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
lp = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lnum);
if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
err = PTR_ERR(lp);
goto out;
flags = (lp->flags | flags_set) & ~flags_clean;
lp = ubifs_change_lp(c, lp, free, dirty, flags, idx_gc_cnt);
if (IS_ERR(lp))
err = PTR_ERR(lp);
return err;
* ubifs_update_one_lp - update LEB properties.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB to change properties for
* @free: amount of free space
* @dirty: amount of dirty space to add
* @flags_set: flags to set
* @flags_clean: flags to clean
* This function is the same as 'ubifs_change_one_lp()' but @dirty is added to
* current dirty space, not substitutes it.
int ubifs_update_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int free, int dirty,
int flags_set, int flags_clean)
int err = 0, flags;
const struct ubifs_lprops *lp;
lp = ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(c, lnum);
if (IS_ERR(lp)) {
err = PTR_ERR(lp);
goto out;
flags = (lp->flags | flags_set) & ~flags_clean;
lp = ubifs_change_lp(c, lp, free, lp->dirty + dirty, flags, 0);
if (IS_ERR(lp))
err = PTR_ERR(lp);
return err;
* ubifs_read_one_lp - read LEB properties.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB to read properties for
* @lp: where to store read properties
* This helper function reads properties of a LEB @lnum and stores them in @lp.
* Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
* failure.
int ubifs_read_one_lp(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, struct ubifs_lprops *lp)
int err = 0;
const struct ubifs_lprops *lpp;
lpp = ubifs_lpt_lookup(c, lnum);
if (IS_ERR(lpp)) {
err = PTR_ERR(lpp);
goto out;
memcpy(lp, lpp, sizeof(struct ubifs_lprops));
return err;
* ubifs_fast_find_free - try to find a LEB with free space quickly.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* This function returns LEB properties for a LEB with free space or %NULL if
* the function is unable to find a LEB quickly.
const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_free(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
struct ubifs_lpt_heap *heap;
heap = &c->lpt_heap[LPROPS_FREE - 1];
if (heap->cnt == 0)
return NULL;
lprops = heap->arr[0];
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
return lprops;
* ubifs_fast_find_empty - try to find an empty LEB quickly.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* This function returns LEB properties for an empty LEB or %NULL if the
* function is unable to find an empty LEB quickly.
const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_empty(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
if (list_empty(&c->empty_list))
return NULL;
lprops = list_entry(c->empty_list.next, struct ubifs_lprops, list);
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
ubifs_assert(lprops->free == c->leb_size);
return lprops;
* ubifs_fast_find_freeable - try to find a freeable LEB quickly.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* This function returns LEB properties for a freeable LEB or %NULL if the
* function is unable to find a freeable LEB quickly.
const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_freeable(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
if (list_empty(&c->freeable_list))
return NULL;
lprops = list_entry(c->freeable_list.next, struct ubifs_lprops, list);
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
ubifs_assert(lprops->free + lprops->dirty == c->leb_size);
ubifs_assert(c->freeable_cnt > 0);
return lprops;
* ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx - try to find a freeable index LEB quickly.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* This function returns LEB properties for a freeable index LEB or %NULL if the
* function is unable to find a freeable index LEB quickly.
const struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_lprops *lprops;
if (list_empty(&c->frdi_idx_list))
return NULL;
lprops = list_entry(c->frdi_idx_list.next, struct ubifs_lprops, list);
ubifs_assert(!(lprops->flags & LPROPS_TAKEN));
ubifs_assert((lprops->flags & LPROPS_INDEX));
ubifs_assert(lprops->free + lprops->dirty == c->leb_size);
return lprops;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Adrian Hunter
* Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* This file implements commit-related functionality of the LEB properties
* subsystem.
#include "crc16.h"
#include "ubifs.h"
* free_obsolete_cnodes - free obsolete cnodes for commit end.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
static void free_obsolete_cnodes(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_cnode *cnode, *cnext;
cnext = c->lpt_cnext;
if (!cnext)
do {
cnode = cnext;
cnext = cnode->cnext;
if (test_bit(OBSOLETE_CNODE, &cnode->flags))
cnode->cnext = NULL;
} while (cnext != c->lpt_cnext);
c->lpt_cnext = NULL;
* first_nnode - find the first nnode in memory.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @hght: height of tree where nnode found is returned here
* This function returns a pointer to the nnode found or %NULL if no nnode is
* found. This function is a helper to 'ubifs_lpt_free()'.
static struct ubifs_nnode *first_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, int *hght)
struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
int h, i, found;
nnode = c->nroot;
*hght = 0;
if (!nnode)
return NULL;
for (h = 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
if (nnode->nbranch[i].nnode) {
found = 1;
nnode = nnode->nbranch[i].nnode;
*hght = h;
if (!found)
return nnode;
* next_nnode - find the next nnode in memory.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @nnode: nnode from which to start.
* @hght: height of tree where nnode is, is passed and returned here
* This function returns a pointer to the nnode found or %NULL if no nnode is
* found. This function is a helper to 'ubifs_lpt_free()'.
static struct ubifs_nnode *next_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
struct ubifs_nnode *nnode, int *hght)
struct ubifs_nnode *parent;
int iip, h, i, found;
parent = nnode->parent;
if (!parent)
return NULL;
if (nnode->iip == UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1) {
*hght -= 1;
return parent;
for (iip = nnode->iip + 1; iip < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; iip++) {
nnode = parent->nbranch[iip].nnode;
if (nnode)
if (!nnode) {
*hght -= 1;
return parent;
for (h = *hght + 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
found = 0;
for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
if (nnode->nbranch[i].nnode) {
found = 1;
nnode = nnode->nbranch[i].nnode;
*hght = h;
if (!found)
return nnode;
* ubifs_lpt_free - free resources owned by the LPT.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @wr_only: free only resources used for writing
void ubifs_lpt_free(struct ubifs_info *c, int wr_only)
struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
int i, hght;
/* Free write-only things first */
free_obsolete_cnodes(c); /* Leftover from a failed commit */
c->ltab_cmt = NULL;
c->lpt_buf = NULL;
c->lsave = NULL;
if (wr_only)
/* Now free the rest */
nnode = first_nnode(c, &hght);
while (nnode) {
for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++)
nnode = next_nnode(c, nnode, &hght);
for (i = 0; i < LPROPS_HEAP_CNT; i++)

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
/* This file implements reading and writing the master node */
#include "ubifs.h"
* scan_for_master - search the valid master node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function scans the master node LEBs and search for the latest master
* node. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
* failure.
static int scan_for_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
int lnum, offs = 0, nodes_cnt;
sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf);
if (IS_ERR(sleb))
return PTR_ERR(sleb);
nodes_cnt = sleb->nodes_cnt;
if (nodes_cnt > 0) {
snod = list_entry(sleb->nodes.prev, struct ubifs_scan_node,
if (snod->type != UBIFS_MST_NODE)
goto out;
memcpy(c->mst_node, snod->node, snod->len);
offs = snod->offs;
lnum += 1;
sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf);
if (IS_ERR(sleb))
return PTR_ERR(sleb);
if (sleb->nodes_cnt != nodes_cnt)
goto out;
if (!sleb->nodes_cnt)
goto out;
snod = list_entry(sleb->nodes.prev, struct ubifs_scan_node, list);
if (snod->type != UBIFS_MST_NODE)
goto out;
if (snod->offs != offs)
goto out;
if (memcmp((void *)c->mst_node + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
(void *)snod->node + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
goto out;
c->mst_offs = offs;
return 0;
return -EINVAL;
* validate_master - validate master node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function validates data which was read from master node. Returns zero
* if the data is all right and %-EINVAL if not.
static int validate_master(const struct ubifs_info *c)
long long main_sz;
int err;
if (c->max_sqnum >= SQNUM_WATERMARK) {
err = 1;
goto out;
if (c->cmt_no >= c->max_sqnum) {
err = 2;
goto out;
if (c->highest_inum >= INUM_WATERMARK) {
err = 3;
goto out;
if (c->lhead_lnum < UBIFS_LOG_LNUM ||
c->lhead_lnum >= UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs ||
c->lhead_offs < 0 || c->lhead_offs >= c->leb_size ||
c->lhead_offs & (c->min_io_size - 1)) {
err = 4;
goto out;
if (c->zroot.lnum >= c->leb_cnt || c->zroot.lnum < c->main_first ||
c->zroot.offs >= c->leb_size || c->zroot.offs & 7) {
err = 5;
goto out;
if (c->zroot.len < c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].min_len ||
c->zroot.len > c->ranges[UBIFS_IDX_NODE].max_len) {
err = 6;
goto out;
if (c->gc_lnum >= c->leb_cnt || c->gc_lnum < c->main_first) {
err = 7;
goto out;
if (c->ihead_lnum >= c->leb_cnt || c->ihead_lnum < c->main_first ||
c->ihead_offs % c->min_io_size || c->ihead_offs < 0 ||
c->ihead_offs > c->leb_size || c->ihead_offs & 7) {
err = 8;
goto out;
main_sz = (long long)c->main_lebs * c->leb_size;
if (c->old_idx_sz & 7 || c->old_idx_sz >= main_sz) {
err = 9;
goto out;
if (c->lpt_lnum < c->lpt_first || c->lpt_lnum > c->lpt_last ||
c->lpt_offs < 0 || c->lpt_offs + c->nnode_sz > c->leb_size) {
err = 10;
goto out;
if (c->nhead_lnum < c->lpt_first || c->nhead_lnum > c->lpt_last ||
c->nhead_offs < 0 || c->nhead_offs % c->min_io_size ||
c->nhead_offs > c->leb_size) {
err = 11;
goto out;
if (c->ltab_lnum < c->lpt_first || c->ltab_lnum > c->lpt_last ||
c->ltab_offs < 0 ||
c->ltab_offs + c->ltab_sz > c->leb_size) {
err = 12;
goto out;
if (c->big_lpt && (c->lsave_lnum < c->lpt_first ||
c->lsave_lnum > c->lpt_last || c->lsave_offs < 0 ||
c->lsave_offs + c->lsave_sz > c->leb_size)) {
err = 13;
goto out;
if (c->lscan_lnum < c->main_first || c->lscan_lnum >= c->leb_cnt) {
err = 14;
goto out;
if (c->lst.empty_lebs < 0 || c->lst.empty_lebs > c->main_lebs - 2) {
err = 15;
goto out;
if (c->lst.idx_lebs < 0 || c->lst.idx_lebs > c->main_lebs - 1) {
err = 16;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_free < 0 || c->lst.total_free > main_sz ||
c->lst.total_free & 7) {
err = 17;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_dirty < 0 || (c->lst.total_dirty & 7)) {
err = 18;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_used < 0 || (c->lst.total_used & 7)) {
err = 19;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_free + c->lst.total_dirty +
c->lst.total_used > main_sz) {
err = 20;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_dead + c->lst.total_dark +
c->lst.total_used + c->old_idx_sz > main_sz) {
err = 21;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_dead < 0 ||
c->lst.total_dead > c->lst.total_free + c->lst.total_dirty ||
c->lst.total_dead & 7) {
err = 22;
goto out;
if (c->lst.total_dark < 0 ||
c->lst.total_dark > c->lst.total_free + c->lst.total_dirty ||
c->lst.total_dark & 7) {
err = 23;
goto out;
return 0;
ubifs_err("bad master node at offset %d error %d", c->mst_offs, err);
dbg_dump_node(c, c->mst_node);
return -EINVAL;
* ubifs_read_master - read master node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function finds and reads the master node during file-system mount. If
* the flash is empty, it creates default master node as well. Returns zero in
* case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
int ubifs_read_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
int err, old_leb_cnt;
c->mst_node = kzalloc(c->mst_node_alsz, GFP_KERNEL);
if (!c->mst_node)
return -ENOMEM;
err = scan_for_master(c);
if (err) {
err = ubifs_recover_master_node(c);
if (err)
* Note, we do not free 'c->mst_node' here because the
* unmount routine will take care of this.
return err;
/* Make sure that the recovery flag is clear */
c->mst_node->flags &= cpu_to_le32(~UBIFS_MST_RCVRY);
c->max_sqnum = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ch.sqnum);
c->highest_inum = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->highest_inum);
c->cmt_no = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->cmt_no);
c->zroot.lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->root_lnum);
c->zroot.offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->root_offs);
c->zroot.len = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->root_len);
c->lhead_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->log_lnum);
c->gc_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->gc_lnum);
c->ihead_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ihead_lnum);
c->ihead_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ihead_offs);
c->old_idx_sz = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->index_size);
c->lpt_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lpt_lnum);
c->lpt_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lpt_offs);
c->nhead_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->nhead_lnum);
c->nhead_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->nhead_offs);
c->ltab_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ltab_lnum);
c->ltab_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->ltab_offs);
c->lsave_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lsave_lnum);
c->lsave_offs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lsave_offs);
c->lscan_lnum = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->lscan_lnum);
c->lst.empty_lebs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->empty_lebs);
c->lst.idx_lebs = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->idx_lebs);
old_leb_cnt = le32_to_cpu(c->mst_node->leb_cnt);
c->lst.total_free = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_free);
c->lst.total_dirty = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dirty);
c->lst.total_used = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_used);
c->lst.total_dead = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dead);
c->lst.total_dark = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dark);
c->calc_idx_sz = c->old_idx_sz;
if (c->mst_node->flags & cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_NO_ORPHS))
c->no_orphs = 1;
if (old_leb_cnt != c->leb_cnt) {
/* The file system has been resized */
int growth = c->leb_cnt - old_leb_cnt;
if (c->leb_cnt < old_leb_cnt ||
c->leb_cnt < UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT) {
ubifs_err("bad leb_cnt on master node");
dbg_dump_node(c, c->mst_node);
return -EINVAL;
dbg_mnt("Auto resizing (master) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs",
old_leb_cnt, c->leb_cnt);
c->lst.empty_lebs += growth;
c->lst.total_free += growth * (long long)c->leb_size;
c->lst.total_dark += growth * (long long)c->dark_wm;
* Reflect changes back onto the master node. N.B. the master
* node gets written immediately whenever mounting (or
* remounting) in read-write mode, so we do not need to write it
* here.
c->mst_node->leb_cnt = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_cnt);
c->mst_node->empty_lebs = cpu_to_le32(c->lst.empty_lebs);
c->mst_node->total_free = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_free);
c->mst_node->total_dark = cpu_to_le64(c->lst.total_dark);
err = validate_master(c);
if (err)
return err;
err = dbg_old_index_check_init(c, &c->zroot);
return err;

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* This file contains miscellaneous helper functions.
#ifndef __UBIFS_MISC_H__
#define __UBIFS_MISC_H__
* ubifs_zn_dirty - check if znode is dirty.
* @znode: znode to check
* This helper function returns %1 if @znode is dirty and %0 otherwise.
static inline int ubifs_zn_dirty(const struct ubifs_znode *znode)
return !!test_bit(DIRTY_ZNODE, &znode->flags);
* ubifs_wake_up_bgt - wake up background thread.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
static inline void ubifs_wake_up_bgt(struct ubifs_info *c)
if (c->bgt && !c->need_bgt) {
c->need_bgt = 1;
* ubifs_tnc_find_child - find next child in znode.
* @znode: znode to search at
* @start: the zbranch index to start at
* This helper function looks for znode child starting at index @start. Returns
* the child or %NULL if no children were found.
static inline struct ubifs_znode *
ubifs_tnc_find_child(struct ubifs_znode *znode, int start)
while (start < znode->child_cnt) {
if (znode->zbranch[start].znode)
return znode->zbranch[start].znode;
start += 1;
return NULL;
* ubifs_inode - get UBIFS inode information by VFS 'struct inode' object.
* @inode: the VFS 'struct inode' pointer
static inline struct ubifs_inode *ubifs_inode(const struct inode *inode)
return container_of(inode, struct ubifs_inode, vfs_inode);
* ubifs_compr_present - check if compressor was compiled in.
* @compr_type: compressor type to check
* This function returns %1 of compressor of type @compr_type is present, and
* %0 if not.
static inline int ubifs_compr_present(int compr_type)
ubifs_assert(compr_type >= 0 && compr_type < UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT);
return !!ubifs_compressors[compr_type]->capi_name;
* ubifs_compr_name - get compressor name string by its type.
* @compr_type: compressor type
* This function returns compressor type string.
static inline const char *ubifs_compr_name(int compr_type)
ubifs_assert(compr_type >= 0 && compr_type < UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT);
return ubifs_compressors[compr_type]->name;
* ubifs_wbuf_sync - synchronize write-buffer.
* @wbuf: write-buffer to synchronize
* This is the same as as 'ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock()' but it does not assume
* that the write-buffer is already locked.
static inline int ubifs_wbuf_sync(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf)
int err;
mutex_lock_nested(&wbuf->io_mutex, wbuf->jhead);
err = ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock(wbuf);
return err;
* ubifs_leb_unmap - unmap an LEB.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB number to unmap
* This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
static inline int ubifs_leb_unmap(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
int err;
if (c->ro_media)
return -EROFS;
err = ubi_leb_unmap(c->ubi, lnum);
if (err) {
ubifs_err("unmap LEB %d failed, error %d", lnum, err);
return err;
return 0;
* ubifs_leb_write - write to a LEB.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB number to write
* @buf: buffer to write from
* @offs: offset within LEB to write to
* @len: length to write
* @dtype: data type
* This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
static inline int ubifs_leb_write(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
const void *buf, int offs, int len, int dtype)
int err;
if (c->ro_media)
return -EROFS;
err = ubi_leb_write(c->ubi, lnum, buf, offs, len, dtype);
if (err) {
ubifs_err("writing %d bytes at %d:%d, error %d",
len, lnum, offs, err);
return err;
return 0;
* ubifs_leb_change - atomic LEB change.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB number to write
* @buf: buffer to write from
* @len: length to write
* @dtype: data type
* This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
static inline int ubifs_leb_change(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
const void *buf, int len, int dtype)
int err;
if (c->ro_media)
return -EROFS;
err = ubi_leb_change(c->ubi, lnum, buf, len, dtype);
if (err) {
ubifs_err("changing %d bytes in LEB %d, error %d",
len, lnum, err);
return err;
return 0;
* ubifs_add_dirt - add dirty space to LEB properties.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB to add dirty space for
* @dirty: dirty space to add
* This is a helper function which increased amount of dirty LEB space. Returns
* zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
static inline int ubifs_add_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int dirty)
return ubifs_update_one_lp(c, lnum, LPROPS_NC, dirty, 0, 0);
* ubifs_return_leb - return LEB to lprops.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB to return
* This helper function cleans the "taken" flag of a logical eraseblock in the
* lprops. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
* failure.
static inline int ubifs_return_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
return ubifs_change_one_lp(c, lnum, LPROPS_NC, LPROPS_NC, 0,
* ubifs_idx_node_sz - return index node size.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @child_cnt: number of children of this index node
static inline int ubifs_idx_node_sz(const struct ubifs_info *c, int child_cnt)
return UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ + (UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len) * child_cnt;
* ubifs_idx_branch - return pointer to an index branch.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @idx: index node
* @bnum: branch number
static inline
struct ubifs_branch *ubifs_idx_branch(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const struct ubifs_idx_node *idx,
int bnum)
return (struct ubifs_branch *)((void *)idx->branches +
(UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len) * bnum);
* ubifs_idx_key - return pointer to an index key.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* @idx: index node
static inline void *ubifs_idx_key(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const struct ubifs_idx_node *idx)
return (void *)((struct ubifs_branch *)idx->branches)->key;
* ubifs_tnc_lookup - look up a file-system node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @key: node key to lookup
* @node: the node is returned here
* This function look up and reads node with key @key. The caller has to make
* sure the @node buffer is large enough to fit the node. Returns zero in case
* of success, %-ENOENT if the node was not found, and a negative error code in
* case of failure.
static inline int ubifs_tnc_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c,
const union ubifs_key *key, void *node)
return ubifs_tnc_locate(c, key, node, NULL, NULL);
* ubifs_get_lprops - get reference to LEB properties.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* This function locks lprops. Lprops have to be unlocked by
* 'ubifs_release_lprops()'.
static inline void ubifs_get_lprops(struct ubifs_info *c)
* ubifs_release_lprops - release lprops lock.
* @c: the UBIFS file-system description object
* This function has to be called after each 'ubifs_get_lprops()' call to
* unlock lprops.
static inline void ubifs_release_lprops(struct ubifs_info *c)
ubifs_assert(c->lst.empty_lebs >= 0 &&
c->lst.empty_lebs <= c->main_lebs);
#endif /* __UBIFS_MISC_H__ */

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Author: Adrian Hunter
#include "ubifs.h"
* An orphan is an inode number whose inode node has been committed to the index
* with a link count of zero. That happens when an open file is deleted
* (unlinked) and then a commit is run. In the normal course of events the inode
* would be deleted when the file is closed. However in the case of an unclean
* unmount, orphans need to be accounted for. After an unclean unmount, the
* orphans' inodes must be deleted which means either scanning the entire index
* looking for them, or keeping a list on flash somewhere. This unit implements
* the latter approach.
* The orphan area is a fixed number of LEBs situated between the LPT area and
* the main area. The number of orphan area LEBs is specified when the file
* system is created. The minimum number is 1. The size of the orphan area
* should be so that it can hold the maximum number of orphans that are expected
* to ever exist at one time.
* The number of orphans that can fit in a LEB is:
* (c->leb_size - UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ) / sizeof(__le64)
* For example: a 15872 byte LEB can fit 1980 orphans so 1 LEB may be enough.
* Orphans are accumulated in a rb-tree. When an inode's link count drops to
* zero, the inode number is added to the rb-tree. It is removed from the tree
* when the inode is deleted. Any new orphans that are in the orphan tree when
* the commit is run, are written to the orphan area in 1 or more orphan nodes.
* If the orphan area is full, it is consolidated to make space. There is
* always enough space because validation prevents the user from creating more
* than the maximum number of orphans allowed.
* tot_avail_orphs - calculate total space.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function returns the number of orphans that can be written in half
* the total space. That leaves half the space for adding new orphans.
static int tot_avail_orphs(struct ubifs_info *c)
int avail_lebs, avail;
avail_lebs = c->orph_lebs;
avail = avail_lebs *
((c->leb_size - UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ) / sizeof(__le64));
return avail / 2;
* ubifs_clear_orphans - erase all LEBs used for orphans.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* If recovery is not required, then the orphans from the previous session
* are not needed. This function locates the LEBs used to record
* orphans, and un-maps them.
int ubifs_clear_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c)
int lnum, err;
for (lnum = c->orph_first; lnum <= c->orph_last; lnum++) {
err = ubifs_leb_unmap(c, lnum);
if (err)
return err;
c->ohead_lnum = c->orph_first;
c->ohead_offs = 0;
return 0;
* insert_dead_orphan - insert an orphan.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @inum: orphan inode number
* This function is a helper to the 'do_kill_orphans()' function. The orphan
* must be kept until the next commit, so it is added to the rb-tree and the
* deletion list.
static int insert_dead_orphan(struct ubifs_info *c, ino_t inum)
struct ubifs_orphan *orphan, *o;
struct rb_node **p, *parent = NULL;
orphan = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_orphan), GFP_KERNEL);
if (!orphan)
return -ENOMEM;
orphan->inum = inum;
p = &c->orph_tree.rb_node;
while (*p) {
parent = *p;
o = rb_entry(parent, struct ubifs_orphan, rb);
if (inum < o->inum)
p = &(*p)->rb_left;
else if (inum > o->inum)
p = &(*p)->rb_right;
else {
/* Already added - no problem */
return 0;
c->tot_orphans += 1;
rb_link_node(&orphan->rb, parent, p);
rb_insert_color(&orphan->rb, &c->orph_tree);
list_add_tail(&orphan->list, &c->orph_list);
orphan->dnext = c->orph_dnext;
c->orph_dnext = orphan;
dbg_mnt("ino %lu, new %d, tot %d", (unsigned long)inum,
c->new_orphans, c->tot_orphans);
return 0;
* do_kill_orphans - remove orphan inodes from the index.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @sleb: scanned LEB
* @last_cmt_no: cmt_no of last orphan node read is passed and returned here
* @outofdate: whether the LEB is out of date is returned here
* @last_flagged: whether the end orphan node is encountered
* This function is a helper to the 'kill_orphans()' function. It goes through
* every orphan node in a LEB and for every inode number recorded, removes
* all keys for that inode from the TNC.
static int do_kill_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
unsigned long long *last_cmt_no, int *outofdate,
int *last_flagged)
struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
struct ubifs_orph_node *orph;
unsigned long long cmt_no;
ino_t inum;
int i, n, err, first = 1;
list_for_each_entry(snod, &sleb->nodes, list) {
if (snod->type != UBIFS_ORPH_NODE) {
ubifs_err("invalid node type %d in orphan area at "
"%d:%d", snod->type, sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
dbg_dump_node(c, snod->node);
return -EINVAL;
orph = snod->node;
/* Check commit number */
cmt_no = le64_to_cpu(orph->cmt_no) & LLONG_MAX;
* The commit number on the master node may be less, because
* of a failed commit. If there are several failed commits in a
* row, the commit number written on orphan nodes will continue
* to increase (because the commit number is adjusted here) even
* though the commit number on the master node stays the same
* because the master node has not been re-written.
if (cmt_no > c->cmt_no)
c->cmt_no = cmt_no;
if (cmt_no < *last_cmt_no && *last_flagged) {
* The last orphan node had a higher commit number and
* was flagged as the last written for that commit
* number. That makes this orphan node, out of date.
if (!first) {
ubifs_err("out of order commit number %llu in "
"orphan node at %d:%d",
cmt_no, sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
dbg_dump_node(c, snod->node);
return -EINVAL;
dbg_rcvry("out of date LEB %d", sleb->lnum);
*outofdate = 1;
return 0;
if (first)
first = 0;
n = (le32_to_cpu(orph->ch.len) - UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ) >> 3;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
inum = le64_to_cpu(orph->inos[i]);
dbg_rcvry("deleting orphaned inode %lu",
(unsigned long)inum);
err = ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(c, inum);
if (err)
return err;
err = insert_dead_orphan(c, inum);
if (err)
return err;
*last_cmt_no = cmt_no;
if (le64_to_cpu(orph->cmt_no) & (1ULL << 63)) {
dbg_rcvry("last orph node for commit %llu at %d:%d",
cmt_no, sleb->lnum, snod->offs);
*last_flagged = 1;
} else
*last_flagged = 0;
return 0;
* kill_orphans - remove all orphan inodes from the index.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* If recovery is required, then orphan inodes recorded during the previous
* session (which ended with an unclean unmount) must be deleted from the index.
* This is done by updating the TNC, but since the index is not updated until
* the next commit, the LEBs where the orphan information is recorded are not
* erased until the next commit.
static int kill_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c)
unsigned long long last_cmt_no = 0;
int lnum, err = 0, outofdate = 0, last_flagged = 0;
c->ohead_lnum = c->orph_first;
c->ohead_offs = 0;
/* Check no-orphans flag and skip this if no orphans */
if (c->no_orphs) {
dbg_rcvry("no orphans");
return 0;
* Orph nodes always start at c->orph_first and are written to each
* successive LEB in turn. Generally unused LEBs will have been unmapped
* but may contain out of date orphan nodes if the unmap didn't go
* through. In addition, the last orphan node written for each commit is
* marked (top bit of orph->cmt_no is set to 1). It is possible that
* there are orphan nodes from the next commit (i.e. the commit did not
* complete successfully). In that case, no orphans will have been lost
* due to the way that orphans are written, and any orphans added will
* be valid orphans anyway and so can be deleted.
for (lnum = c->orph_first; lnum <= c->orph_last; lnum++) {
struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
dbg_rcvry("LEB %d", lnum);
sleb = ubifs_scan(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf);
if (IS_ERR(sleb)) {
sleb = ubifs_recover_leb(c, lnum, 0, c->sbuf, 0);
if (IS_ERR(sleb)) {
err = PTR_ERR(sleb);
err = do_kill_orphans(c, sleb, &last_cmt_no, &outofdate,
if (err || outofdate) {
if (sleb->endpt) {
c->ohead_lnum = lnum;
c->ohead_offs = sleb->endpt;
return err;
* ubifs_mount_orphans - delete orphan inodes and erase LEBs that recorded them.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @unclean: indicates recovery from unclean unmount
* @read_only: indicates read only mount
* This function is called when mounting to erase orphans from the previous
* session. If UBIFS was not unmounted cleanly, then the inodes recorded as
* orphans are deleted.
int ubifs_mount_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c, int unclean, int read_only)
int err = 0;
c->max_orphans = tot_avail_orphs(c);
if (!read_only) {
c->orph_buf = vmalloc(c->leb_size);
if (!c->orph_buf)
return -ENOMEM;
if (unclean)
err = kill_orphans(c);
else if (!read_only)
err = ubifs_clear_orphans(c);
return err;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* This file implements UBIFS superblock. The superblock is stored at the first
* LEB of the volume and is never changed by UBIFS. Only user-space tools may
* change it. The superblock node mostly contains geometry information.
#include "ubifs.h"
* Default journal size in logical eraseblocks as a percent of total
* flash size.
/* Default maximum journal size in bytes */
#define DEFAULT_MAX_JNL (32*1024*1024)
/* Default indexing tree fanout */
/* Default number of data journal heads */
/* Default positions of different LEBs in the main area */
#define DEFAULT_GC_LEB 2
/* Default number of LEB numbers in LPT's save table */
/* Default reserved pool size as a percent of maximum free space */
/* The default maximum size of reserved pool in bytes */
#define DEFAULT_MAX_RP_SIZE (5*1024*1024)
/* Default time granularity in nanoseconds */
#define DEFAULT_TIME_GRAN 1000000000
* validate_sb - validate superblock node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @sup: superblock node
* This function validates superblock node @sup. Since most of data was read
* from the superblock and stored in @c, the function validates fields in @c
* instead. Returns zero in case of success and %-EINVAL in case of validation
* failure.
static int validate_sb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_sb_node *sup)
long long max_bytes;
int err = 1, min_leb_cnt;
if (!c->key_hash) {
err = 2;
goto failed;
if (sup->key_fmt != UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT) {
err = 3;
goto failed;
if (le32_to_cpu(sup->min_io_size) != c->min_io_size) {
ubifs_err("min. I/O unit mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real",
le32_to_cpu(sup->min_io_size), c->min_io_size);
goto failed;
if (le32_to_cpu(sup->leb_size) != c->leb_size) {
ubifs_err("LEB size mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real",
le32_to_cpu(sup->leb_size), c->leb_size);
goto failed;
if (c->log_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_LOG_LEBS ||
c->lpt_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_LPT_LEBS ||
c->orph_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_ORPH_LEBS ||
c->main_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_MAIN_LEBS) {
err = 4;
goto failed;
* Calculate minimum allowed amount of main area LEBs. This is very
* similar to %UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT, but we take into account real what we
* have just read from the superblock.
min_leb_cnt = UBIFS_SB_LEBS + UBIFS_MST_LEBS + c->log_lebs;
min_leb_cnt += c->lpt_lebs + c->orph_lebs + c->jhead_cnt + 6;
if (c->leb_cnt < min_leb_cnt || c->leb_cnt > c->vi.size) {
ubifs_err("bad LEB count: %d in superblock, %d on UBI volume, "
"%d minimum required", c->leb_cnt, c->vi.size,
goto failed;
if (c->max_leb_cnt < c->leb_cnt) {
ubifs_err("max. LEB count %d less than LEB count %d",
c->max_leb_cnt, c->leb_cnt);
goto failed;
if (c->main_lebs < UBIFS_MIN_MAIN_LEBS) {
err = 7;
goto failed;
if (c->max_bud_bytes < (long long)c->leb_size * UBIFS_MIN_BUD_LEBS ||
c->max_bud_bytes > (long long)c->leb_size * c->main_lebs) {
err = 8;
goto failed;
if (c->jhead_cnt < NONDATA_JHEADS_CNT + 1 ||
err = 9;
goto failed;
if (c->fanout < UBIFS_MIN_FANOUT ||
ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, c->fanout) > c->leb_size) {
err = 10;
goto failed;
if (c->lsave_cnt < 0 || (c->lsave_cnt > DEFAULT_LSAVE_CNT &&
c->lsave_cnt > c->max_leb_cnt - UBIFS_SB_LEBS - UBIFS_MST_LEBS -
c->log_lebs - c->lpt_lebs - c->orph_lebs)) {
err = 11;
goto failed;
if (UBIFS_SB_LEBS + UBIFS_MST_LEBS + c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs +
c->orph_lebs + c->main_lebs != c->leb_cnt) {
err = 12;
goto failed;
if (c->default_compr < 0 || c->default_compr >= UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT) {
err = 13;
goto failed;
max_bytes = c->main_lebs * (long long)c->leb_size;
if (c->rp_size < 0 || max_bytes < c->rp_size) {
err = 14;
goto failed;
if (le32_to_cpu(sup->time_gran) > 1000000000 ||
le32_to_cpu(sup->time_gran) < 1) {
err = 15;
goto failed;
return 0;
ubifs_err("bad superblock, error %d", err);
dbg_dump_node(c, sup);
return -EINVAL;
* ubifs_read_sb_node - read superblock node.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function returns a pointer to the superblock node or a negative error
* code.
struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
int err;
sup = kmalloc(ALIGN(UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size), GFP_NOFS);
if (!sup)
return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
err = ubifs_read_node(c, sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ,
if (err) {
return ERR_PTR(err);
return sup;
* ubifs_read_superblock - read superblock.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* This function finds, reads and checks the superblock. If an empty UBI volume
* is being mounted, this function creates default superblock. Returns zero in
* case of success, and a negative error code in case of failure.
int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c)
int err, sup_flags;
struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
if (c->empty) {
printf("No UBIFS filesystem found!\n");
return -1;
sup = ubifs_read_sb_node(c);
if (IS_ERR(sup))
return PTR_ERR(sup);
* The software supports all previous versions but not future versions,
* due to the unavailability of time-travelling equipment.
c->fmt_version = le32_to_cpu(sup->fmt_version);
if (c->fmt_version > UBIFS_FORMAT_VERSION) {
ubifs_err("on-flash format version is %d, but software only "
"supports up to version %d", c->fmt_version,
err = -EINVAL;
goto out;
if (c->fmt_version < 3) {
ubifs_err("on-flash format version %d is not supported",
err = -EINVAL;
goto out;
switch (sup->key_hash) {
c->key_hash = key_r5_hash;
c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_R5;
c->key_hash = key_test_hash;
c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_TEST;
c->key_fmt = sup->key_fmt;
switch (c->key_fmt) {
c->key_len = UBIFS_SK_LEN;
ubifs_err("unsupported key format");
err = -EINVAL;
goto out;
c->leb_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->leb_cnt);
c->max_leb_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->max_leb_cnt);
c->max_bud_bytes = le64_to_cpu(sup->max_bud_bytes);
c->log_lebs = le32_to_cpu(sup->log_lebs);
c->lpt_lebs = le32_to_cpu(sup->lpt_lebs);
c->orph_lebs = le32_to_cpu(sup->orph_lebs);
c->jhead_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->jhead_cnt) + NONDATA_JHEADS_CNT;
c->fanout = le32_to_cpu(sup->fanout);
c->lsave_cnt = le32_to_cpu(sup->lsave_cnt);
c->default_compr = le16_to_cpu(sup->default_compr);
c->rp_size = le64_to_cpu(sup->rp_size);
c->rp_uid = le32_to_cpu(sup->rp_uid);
c->rp_gid = le32_to_cpu(sup->rp_gid);
sup_flags = le32_to_cpu(sup->flags);
c->vfs_sb->s_time_gran = le32_to_cpu(sup->time_gran);
memcpy(&c->uuid, &sup->uuid, 16);
c->big_lpt = !!(sup_flags & UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT);
/* Automatically increase file system size to the maximum size */
c->old_leb_cnt = c->leb_cnt;
if (c->leb_cnt < c->vi.size && c->leb_cnt < c->max_leb_cnt) {
c->leb_cnt = min_t(int, c->max_leb_cnt, c->vi.size);
dbg_mnt("Auto resizing (ro) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs",
c->old_leb_cnt, c->leb_cnt);
c->log_bytes = (long long)c->log_lebs * c->leb_size;
c->log_last = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs - 1;
c->lpt_first = UBIFS_LOG_LNUM + c->log_lebs;
c->lpt_last = c->lpt_first + c->lpt_lebs - 1;
c->orph_first = c->lpt_last + 1;
c->orph_last = c->orph_first + c->orph_lebs - 1;
c->main_lebs = c->leb_cnt - UBIFS_SB_LEBS - UBIFS_MST_LEBS;
c->main_lebs -= c->log_lebs + c->lpt_lebs + c->orph_lebs;
c->main_first = c->leb_cnt - c->main_lebs;
c->report_rp_size = ubifs_reported_space(c, c->rp_size);
err = validate_sb(c, sup);
return err;

@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Adrian Hunter
* Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* This file implements the scan which is a general-purpose function for
* determining what nodes are in an eraseblock. The scan is used to replay the
* journal, to do garbage collection. for the TNC in-the-gaps method, and by
* debugging functions.
#include "ubifs.h"
* scan_padding_bytes - scan for padding bytes.
* @buf: buffer to scan
* @len: length of buffer
* This function returns the number of padding bytes on success and
* %SCANNED_GARBAGE on failure.
static int scan_padding_bytes(void *buf, int len)
int pad_len = 0, max_pad_len = min_t(int, UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ, len);
uint8_t *p = buf;
dbg_scan("not a node");
while (pad_len < max_pad_len && *p++ == UBIFS_PADDING_BYTE)
pad_len += 1;
if (!pad_len || (pad_len & 7))
dbg_scan("%d padding bytes", pad_len);
return pad_len;
* ubifs_scan_a_node - scan for a node or padding.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @buf: buffer to scan
* @len: length of buffer
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number
* @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
* @quiet: print no messages
* This function returns a scanning code to indicate what was scanned.
int ubifs_scan_a_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
int offs, int quiet)
struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
uint32_t magic;
magic = le32_to_cpu(ch->magic);
if (magic == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
dbg_scan("hit empty space");
if (magic != UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC)
return scan_padding_bytes(buf, len);
if (len < UBIFS_CH_SZ)
dbg_scan("scanning %s", dbg_ntype(ch->node_type));
if (ubifs_check_node(c, buf, lnum, offs, quiet, 1))
if (ch->node_type == UBIFS_PAD_NODE) {
struct ubifs_pad_node *pad = buf;
int pad_len = le32_to_cpu(pad->pad_len);
int node_len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
/* Validate the padding node */
if (pad_len < 0 ||
offs + node_len + pad_len > c->leb_size) {
if (!quiet) {
ubifs_err("bad pad node at LEB %d:%d",
lnum, offs);
dbg_dump_node(c, pad);
/* Make the node pads to 8-byte boundary */
if ((node_len + pad_len) & 7) {
if (!quiet) {
dbg_err("bad padding length %d - %d",
offs, offs + node_len + pad_len);
dbg_scan("%d bytes padded, offset now %d",
pad_len, ALIGN(offs + node_len + pad_len, 8));
return node_len + pad_len;
* ubifs_start_scan - create LEB scanning information at start of scan.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number
* @offs: offset to start at (usually zero)
* @sbuf: scan buffer (must be c->leb_size)
* This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_start_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
int offs, void *sbuf)
struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
int err;
dbg_scan("scan LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
sleb = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_scan_leb), GFP_NOFS);
if (!sleb)
return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
sleb->lnum = lnum;
sleb->buf = sbuf;
err = ubi_read(c->ubi, lnum, sbuf + offs, offs, c->leb_size - offs);
if (err && err != -EBADMSG) {
ubifs_err("cannot read %d bytes from LEB %d:%d,"
" error %d", c->leb_size - offs, lnum, offs, err);
return ERR_PTR(err);
if (err == -EBADMSG)
sleb->ecc = 1;
return sleb;
* ubifs_end_scan - update LEB scanning information at end of scan.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @sleb: scanning information
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number
* @offs: offset to start at (usually zero)
* This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
void ubifs_end_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
int lnum, int offs)
lnum = lnum;
dbg_scan("stop scanning LEB %d at offset %d", lnum, offs);
ubifs_assert(offs % c->min_io_size == 0);
sleb->endpt = ALIGN(offs, c->min_io_size);
* ubifs_add_snod - add a scanned node to LEB scanning information.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @sleb: scanning information
* @buf: buffer containing node
* @offs: offset of node on flash
* This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
int ubifs_add_snod(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
void *buf, int offs)
struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
struct ubifs_ino_node *ino = buf;
struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
snod = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_scan_node), GFP_NOFS);
if (!snod)
return -ENOMEM;
snod->sqnum = le64_to_cpu(ch->sqnum);
snod->type = ch->node_type;
snod->offs = offs;
snod->len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
snod->node = buf;
switch (ch->node_type) {
* The key is in the same place in all keyed
* nodes.
key_read(c, &ino->key, &snod->key);
list_add_tail(&snod->list, &sleb->nodes);
sleb->nodes_cnt += 1;
return 0;
* ubifs_scanned_corruption - print information after UBIFS scanned corruption.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB number of corruption
* @offs: offset of corruption
* @buf: buffer containing corruption
void ubifs_scanned_corruption(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs,
void *buf)
int len;
ubifs_err("corrupted data at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
if (dbg_failure_mode)
len = c->leb_size - offs;
if (len > 4096)
len = 4096;
dbg_err("first %d bytes from LEB %d:%d", len, lnum, offs);
print_hex_dump(KERN_DEBUG, "", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 32, 4, buf, len, 1);
* ubifs_scan - scan a logical eraseblock.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: logical eraseblock number
* @offs: offset to start at (usually zero)
* @sbuf: scan buffer (must be c->leb_size)
* This function scans LEB number @lnum and returns complete information about
* its contents. Returns an error code in case of failure.
struct ubifs_scan_leb *ubifs_scan(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum,
int offs, void *sbuf)
void *buf = sbuf + offs;
int err, len = c->leb_size - offs;
struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
sleb = ubifs_start_scan(c, lnum, offs, sbuf);
if (IS_ERR(sleb))
return sleb;
while (len >= 8) {
struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
int node_len, ret;
dbg_scan("look at LEB %d:%d (%d bytes left)",
lnum, offs, len);
ret = ubifs_scan_a_node(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, 0);
if (ret > 0) {
/* Padding bytes or a valid padding node */
offs += ret;
buf += ret;
len -= ret;
/* Empty space is checked later */
switch (ret) {
goto corrupted;
dbg_err("bad node");
goto corrupted;
goto corrupted;
err = ubifs_add_snod(c, sleb, buf, offs);
if (err)
goto error;
node_len = ALIGN(le32_to_cpu(ch->len), 8);
offs += node_len;
buf += node_len;
len -= node_len;
if (offs % c->min_io_size)
goto corrupted;
ubifs_end_scan(c, sleb, lnum, offs);
for (; len > 4; offs += 4, buf = buf + 4, len -= 4)
if (*(uint32_t *)buf != 0xffffffff)
for (; len; offs++, buf++, len--)
if (*(uint8_t *)buf != 0xff) {
ubifs_err("corrupt empty space at LEB %d:%d",
lnum, offs);
goto corrupted;
return sleb;
ubifs_scanned_corruption(c, lnum, offs, buf);
err = -EUCLEAN;
ubifs_err("LEB %d scanning failed", lnum);
return ERR_PTR(err);
* ubifs_scan_destroy - destroy LEB scanning information.
* @sleb: scanning information to free
void ubifs_scan_destroy(struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb)
struct ubifs_scan_node *node;
struct list_head *head;
head = &sleb->nodes;
while (!list_empty(head)) {
node = list_entry(head->next, struct ubifs_scan_node, list);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Adrian Hunter
* Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* This file contains miscelanious TNC-related functions shared betweend
* different files. This file does not form any logically separate TNC
* sub-system. The file was created because there is a lot of TNC code and
* putting it all in one file would make that file too big and unreadable.
#include "ubifs.h"
* ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next - next TNC tree element in levelorder traversal.
* @zr: root of the subtree to traverse
* @znode: previous znode
* This function implements levelorder TNC traversal. The LNC is ignored.
* Returns the next element or %NULL if @znode is already the last one.
struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next(struct ubifs_znode *zr,
struct ubifs_znode *znode)
int level, iip, level_search = 0;
struct ubifs_znode *zn;
if (unlikely(!znode))
return zr;
if (unlikely(znode == zr)) {
if (znode->level == 0)
return NULL;
return ubifs_tnc_find_child(zr, 0);
level = znode->level;
iip = znode->iip;
while (1) {
ubifs_assert(znode->level <= zr->level);
* First walk up until there is a znode with next branch to
* look at.
while (znode->parent != zr && iip >= znode->parent->child_cnt) {
znode = znode->parent;
iip = znode->iip;
if (unlikely(znode->parent == zr &&
iip >= znode->parent->child_cnt)) {
/* This level is done, switch to the lower one */
level -= 1;
if (level_search || level < 0)
* We were already looking for znode at lower
* level ('level_search'). As we are here
* again, it just does not exist. Or all levels
* were finished ('level < 0').
return NULL;
level_search = 1;
iip = -1;
znode = ubifs_tnc_find_child(zr, 0);
/* Switch to the next index */
zn = ubifs_tnc_find_child(znode->parent, iip + 1);
if (!zn) {
/* No more children to look at, we have walk up */
iip = znode->parent->child_cnt;
/* Walk back down to the level we came from ('level') */
while (zn->level != level) {
znode = zn;
zn = ubifs_tnc_find_child(zn, 0);
if (!zn) {
* This path is not too deep so it does not
* reach 'level'. Try next path.
iip = znode->iip;
if (zn) {
ubifs_assert(zn->level >= 0);
return zn;
* ubifs_search_zbranch - search znode branch.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @znode: znode to search in
* @key: key to search for
* @n: znode branch slot number is returned here
* This is a helper function which search branch with key @key in @znode using
* binary search. The result of the search may be:
* o exact match, then %1 is returned, and the slot number of the branch is
* stored in @n;
* o no exact match, then %0 is returned and the slot number of the left
* closest branch is returned in @n; the slot if all keys in this znode are
* greater than @key, then %-1 is returned in @n.
int ubifs_search_zbranch(const struct ubifs_info *c,
const struct ubifs_znode *znode,
const union ubifs_key *key, int *n)
int beg = 0, end = znode->child_cnt, uninitialized_var(mid);
int uninitialized_var(cmp);
const struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[0];
ubifs_assert(end > beg);
while (end > beg) {
mid = (beg + end) >> 1;
cmp = keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[mid].key);
if (cmp > 0)
beg = mid + 1;
else if (cmp < 0)
end = mid;
else {
*n = mid;
return 1;
*n = end - 1;
/* The insert point is after *n */
ubifs_assert(*n >= -1 && *n < znode->child_cnt);
if (*n == -1)
ubifs_assert(keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[0].key) < 0);
ubifs_assert(keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[*n].key) > 0);
if (*n + 1 < znode->child_cnt)
ubifs_assert(keys_cmp(c, key, &zbr[*n + 1].key) < 0);
return 0;
* ubifs_tnc_postorder_first - find first znode to do postorder tree traversal.
* @znode: znode to start at (root of the sub-tree to traverse)
* Find the lowest leftmost znode in a subtree of the TNC tree. The LNC is
* ignored.
struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_postorder_first(struct ubifs_znode *znode)
if (unlikely(!znode))
return NULL;
while (znode->level > 0) {
struct ubifs_znode *child;
child = ubifs_tnc_find_child(znode, 0);
if (!child)
return znode;
znode = child;
return znode;
* ubifs_tnc_postorder_next - next TNC tree element in postorder traversal.
* @znode: previous znode
* This function implements postorder TNC traversal. The LNC is ignored.
* Returns the next element or %NULL if @znode is already the last one.
struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_tnc_postorder_next(struct ubifs_znode *znode)
struct ubifs_znode *zn;
if (unlikely(!znode->parent))
return NULL;
/* Switch to the next index in the parent */
zn = ubifs_tnc_find_child(znode->parent, znode->iip + 1);
if (!zn)
/* This is in fact the last child, return parent */
return znode->parent;
/* Go to the first znode in this new subtree */
return ubifs_tnc_postorder_first(zn);
* read_znode - read an indexing node from flash and fill znode.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @lnum: LEB of the indexing node to read
* @offs: node offset
* @len: node length
* @znode: znode to read to
* This function reads an indexing node from the flash media and fills znode
* with the read data. Returns zero in case of success and a negative error
* code in case of failure. The read indexing node is validated and if anything
* is wrong with it, this function prints complaint messages and returns
static int read_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
struct ubifs_znode *znode)
int i, err, type, cmp;
struct ubifs_idx_node *idx;
idx = kmalloc(c->max_idx_node_sz, GFP_NOFS);
if (!idx)
return -ENOMEM;
err = ubifs_read_node(c, idx, UBIFS_IDX_NODE, len, lnum, offs);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
znode->child_cnt = le16_to_cpu(idx->child_cnt);
znode->level = le16_to_cpu(idx->level);
dbg_tnc("LEB %d:%d, level %d, %d branch",
lnum, offs, znode->level, znode->child_cnt);
if (znode->child_cnt > c->fanout || znode->level > UBIFS_MAX_LEVELS) {
dbg_err("current fanout %d, branch count %d",
c->fanout, znode->child_cnt);
dbg_err("max levels %d, znode level %d",
UBIFS_MAX_LEVELS, znode->level);
err = 1;
goto out_dump;
for (i = 0; i < znode->child_cnt; i++) {
const struct ubifs_branch *br = ubifs_idx_branch(c, idx, i);
struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[i];
key_read(c, &br->key, &zbr->key);
zbr->lnum = le32_to_cpu(br->lnum);
zbr->offs = le32_to_cpu(br->offs);
zbr->len = le32_to_cpu(br->len);
zbr->znode = NULL;
/* Validate branch */
if (zbr->lnum < c->main_first ||
zbr->lnum >= c->leb_cnt || zbr->offs < 0 ||
zbr->offs + zbr->len > c->leb_size || zbr->offs & 7) {
dbg_err("bad branch %d", i);
err = 2;
goto out_dump;
switch (key_type(c, &zbr->key)) {
dbg_msg("bad key type at slot %d: %s", i,
err = 3;
goto out_dump;
if (znode->level)
type = key_type(c, &zbr->key);
if (c->ranges[type].max_len == 0) {
if (zbr->len != c->ranges[type].len) {
dbg_err("bad target node (type %d) length (%d)",
type, zbr->len);
dbg_err("have to be %d", c->ranges[type].len);
err = 4;
goto out_dump;
} else if (zbr->len < c->ranges[type].min_len ||
zbr->len > c->ranges[type].max_len) {
dbg_err("bad target node (type %d) length (%d)",
type, zbr->len);
dbg_err("have to be in range of %d-%d",
err = 5;
goto out_dump;
* Ensure that the next key is greater or equivalent to the
* previous one.
for (i = 0; i < znode->child_cnt - 1; i++) {
const union ubifs_key *key1, *key2;
key1 = &znode->zbranch[i].key;
key2 = &znode->zbranch[i + 1].key;
cmp = keys_cmp(c, key1, key2);
if (cmp > 0) {
dbg_err("bad key order (keys %d and %d)", i, i + 1);
err = 6;
goto out_dump;
} else if (cmp == 0 && !is_hash_key(c, key1)) {
/* These can only be keys with colliding hash */
dbg_err("keys %d and %d are not hashed but equivalent",
i, i + 1);
err = 7;
goto out_dump;
return 0;
ubifs_err("bad indexing node at LEB %d:%d, error %d", lnum, offs, err);
dbg_dump_node(c, idx);
return -EINVAL;
* ubifs_load_znode - load znode to TNC cache.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @zbr: znode branch
* @parent: znode's parent
* @iip: index in parent
* This function loads znode pointed to by @zbr into the TNC cache and
* returns pointer to it in case of success and a negative error code in case
* of failure.
struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_load_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
struct ubifs_znode *parent, int iip)
int err;
struct ubifs_znode *znode;
* A slab cache is not presently used for znodes because the znode size
* depends on the fanout which is stored in the superblock.
znode = kzalloc(c->max_znode_sz, GFP_NOFS);
if (!znode)
return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
err = read_znode(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs, zbr->len, znode);
if (err)
goto out;
zbr->znode = znode;
znode->parent = parent;
znode->time = get_seconds();
znode->iip = iip;
return znode;
return ERR_PTR(err);
* ubifs_tnc_read_node - read a leaf node from the flash media.
* @c: UBIFS file-system description object
* @zbr: key and position of the node
* @node: node is returned here
* This function reads a node defined by @zbr from the flash media. Returns
* zero in case of success or a negative negative error code in case of
* failure.
int ubifs_tnc_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
void *node)
union ubifs_key key1, *key = &zbr->key;
int err, type = key_type(c, key);
err = ubifs_read_node(c, node, type, zbr->len, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
if (err) {
dbg_tnc("key %s", DBGKEY(key));
return err;
/* Make sure the key of the read node is correct */
key_read(c, node + UBIFS_KEY_OFFSET, &key1);
if (!keys_eq(c, key, &key1)) {
ubifs_err("bad key in node at LEB %d:%d",
zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
dbg_tnc("looked for key %s found node's key %s",
DBGKEY(key), DBGKEY1(&key1));
dbg_dump_node(c, node);
return -EINVAL;
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
* This file describes UBIFS on-flash format and contains definitions of all the
* relevant data structures and constants.
* All UBIFS on-flash objects are stored in the form of nodes. All nodes start
* with the UBIFS node magic number and have the same common header. Nodes
* always sit at 8-byte aligned positions on the media and node header sizes are
* also 8-byte aligned (except for the indexing node and the padding node).
#ifndef __UBIFS_MEDIA_H__
#define __UBIFS_MEDIA_H__
/* UBIFS node magic number (must not have the padding byte first or last) */
#define UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC 0x06101831
/* UBIFS on-flash format version */
/* Minimum logical eraseblock size in bytes */
#define UBIFS_MIN_LEB_SZ (15*1024)
/* Initial CRC32 value used when calculating CRC checksums */
* UBIFS does not try to compress data if its length is less than the below
* constant.
* If compressed data length is less than %UBIFS_MIN_COMPRESS_DIFF bytes
* shorter than uncompressed data length, UBIFS preferes to leave this data
* node uncompress, because it'll be read faster.
/* Root inode number */
#define UBIFS_ROOT_INO 1
/* Lowest inode number used for regular inodes (not UBIFS-only internal ones) */
#define UBIFS_FIRST_INO 64
* Maximum file name and extended attribute length (must be a multiple of 8,
* minus 1).
#define UBIFS_MAX_NLEN 255
/* Maximum number of data journal heads */
* Size of UBIFS data block. Note, UBIFS is not a block oriented file-system,
* which means that it does not treat the underlying media as consisting of
* blocks like in case of hard drives. Do not be confused. UBIFS block is just
* the maximum amount of data which one data node can have or which can be
* attached to an inode node.
#define UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE 4096
/* UBIFS padding byte pattern (must not be first or last byte of node magic) */
/* Maximum possible key length */
#define UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN 16
/* Key length ("simple" format) */
#define UBIFS_SK_LEN 8
/* Minimum index tree fanout */
/* Maximum number of levels in UBIFS indexing B-tree */
#define UBIFS_MAX_LEVELS 512
/* Maximum amount of data attached to an inode in bytes */
/* LEB Properties Tree fanout (must be power of 2) and fanout shift */
/* LEB Properties Tree bit field sizes */
/* The key is always at the same position in all keyed nodes */
#define UBIFS_KEY_OFFSET offsetof(struct ubifs_ino_node, key)
* LEB Properties Tree node types.
* UBIFS_LPT_PNODE: LPT leaf node (contains LEB properties)
* UBIFS_LPT_NNODE: LPT internal node
* UBIFS_LPT_LTAB: LPT's own lprops table
* UBIFS_LPT_LSAVE: LPT's save table (big model only)
* UBIFS_LPT_NODE_CNT: count of LPT node types
* UBIFS_LPT_NOT_A_NODE: all ones (15 for 4 bits) is never a valid node type
enum {
* UBIFS inode types.
* UBIFS_ITYPE_REG: regular file
* UBIFS_ITYPE_DIR: directory
* UBIFS_ITYPE_LNK: soft link
* UBIFS_ITYPE_BLK: block device node
* UBIFS_ITYPE_CHR: character device node
* UBIFS_ITYPES_CNT: count of supported file types
enum {
* Supported key hash functions.
* UBIFS_KEY_HASH_R5: R5 hash
* UBIFS_KEY_HASH_TEST: test hash which just returns first 4 bytes of the name
enum {
* Supported key formats.
* UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT: simple key format
enum {
* The simple key format uses 29 bits for storing UBIFS block number and hash
* value.
* Key types.
* UBIFS_INO_KEY: inode node key
* UBIFS_DATA_KEY: data node key
* UBIFS_DENT_KEY: directory entry node key
* UBIFS_XENT_KEY: extended attribute entry key
* UBIFS_KEY_TYPES_CNT: number of supported key types
enum {
/* Count of LEBs reserved for the superblock area */
#define UBIFS_SB_LEBS 1
/* Count of LEBs reserved for the master area */
#define UBIFS_MST_LEBS 2
/* First LEB of the superblock area */
#define UBIFS_SB_LNUM 0
/* First LEB of the master area */
/* First LEB of the log area */
* The below constants define the absolute minimum values for various UBIFS
* media areas. Many of them actually depend of flash geometry and the FS
* configuration (number of journal heads, orphan LEBs, etc). This means that
* the smallest volume size which can be used for UBIFS cannot be pre-defined
* by these constants. The file-system that meets the below limitation will not
* necessarily mount. UBIFS does run-time calculations and validates the FS
* size.
/* Minimum number of logical eraseblocks in the log */
/* Minimum number of bud logical eraseblocks (one for each head) */
/* Minimum number of journal logical eraseblocks */
/* Minimum number of LPT area logical eraseblocks */
/* Minimum number of orphan area logical eraseblocks */
* Minimum number of main area logical eraseblocks (buds, 3 for the index, 1
* for GC, 1 for deletions, and at least 1 for committed data).
/* Minimum number of logical eraseblocks */
/* Node sizes (N.B. these are guaranteed to be multiples of 8) */
#define UBIFS_CH_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_ch)
#define UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_ino_node)
#define UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_data_node)
#define UBIFS_DENT_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_dent_node)
#define UBIFS_TRUN_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_trun_node)
#define UBIFS_PAD_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_pad_node)
#define UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_sb_node)
#define UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_mst_node)
#define UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_ref_node)
#define UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_idx_node)
#define UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_cs_node)
#define UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_orph_node)
/* Extended attribute entry nodes are identical to directory entry nodes */
/* Only this does not have to be multiple of 8 bytes */
#define UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_branch)
/* Maximum node sizes (N.B. these are guaranteed to be multiples of 8) */
/* The largest UBIFS node */
* On-flash inode flags.
* UBIFS_COMPR_FL: use compression for this inode
* UBIFS_SYNC_FL: I/O on this inode has to be synchronous
* UBIFS_IMMUTABLE_FL: inode is immutable
* UBIFS_APPEND_FL: writes to the inode may only append data
* UBIFS_DIRSYNC_FL: I/O on this directory inode has to be synchronous
* UBIFS_XATTR_FL: this inode is the inode for an extended attribute value
* Note, these are on-flash flags which correspond to ioctl flags
* (@FS_COMPR_FL, etc). They have the same values now, but generally, do not
* have to be the same.
enum {
/* Inode flag bits used by UBIFS */
#define UBIFS_FL_MASK 0x0000001F
* UBIFS compression algorithms.
* UBIFS_COMPR_NONE: no compression
* UBIFS_COMPR_LZO: LZO compression
* UBIFS_COMPR_ZLIB: ZLIB compression
* UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT: count of supported compression types
enum {
* UBIFS node types.
* UBIFS_INO_NODE: inode node
* UBIFS_DATA_NODE: data node
* UBIFS_DENT_NODE: directory entry node
* UBIFS_XENT_NODE: extended attribute node
* UBIFS_TRUN_NODE: truncation node
* UBIFS_PAD_NODE: padding node
* UBIFS_SB_NODE: superblock node
* UBIFS_MST_NODE: master node
* UBIFS_REF_NODE: LEB reference node
* UBIFS_IDX_NODE: index node
* UBIFS_CS_NODE: commit start node
* UBIFS_ORPH_NODE: orphan node
* UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT: count of supported node types
* Note, we index arrays by these numbers, so keep them low and contiguous.
* Node type constants for inodes, direntries and so on have to be the same as
* corresponding key type constants.
enum {
* Master node flags.
* UBIFS_MST_DIRTY: rebooted uncleanly - master node is dirty
* UBIFS_MST_NO_ORPHS: no orphan inodes present
* UBIFS_MST_RCVRY: written by recovery
enum {
* Node group type (used by recovery to recover whole group or none).
* UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP: this node is not part of a group
* UBIFS_IN_NODE_GROUP: this node is a part of a group
* UBIFS_LAST_OF_NODE_GROUP: this node is the last in a group
enum {
* Superblock flags.
* UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT: if "big" LPT model is used if set
enum {
* struct ubifs_ch - common header node.
* @magic: UBIFS node magic number (%UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC)
* @crc: CRC-32 checksum of the node header
* @sqnum: sequence number
* @len: full node length
* @node_type: node type
* @group_type: node group type
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
* Every UBIFS node starts with this common part. If the node has a key, the
* key always goes next.
struct ubifs_ch {
__le32 magic;
__le32 crc;
__le64 sqnum;
__le32 len;
__u8 node_type;
__u8 group_type;
__u8 padding[2];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* union ubifs_dev_desc - device node descriptor.
* @new: new type device descriptor
* @huge: huge type device descriptor
* This data structure describes major/minor numbers of a device node. In an
* inode is a device node then its data contains an object of this type. UBIFS
* uses standard Linux "new" and "huge" device node encodings.
union ubifs_dev_desc {
__le32 new;
__le64 huge;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_ino_node - inode node.
* @ch: common header
* @key: node key
* @creat_sqnum: sequence number at time of creation
* @size: inode size in bytes (amount of uncompressed data)
* @atime_sec: access time seconds
* @ctime_sec: creation time seconds
* @mtime_sec: modification time seconds
* @atime_nsec: access time nanoseconds
* @ctime_nsec: creation time nanoseconds
* @mtime_nsec: modification time nanoseconds
* @nlink: number of hard links
* @uid: owner ID
* @gid: group ID
* @mode: access flags
* @flags: per-inode flags (%UBIFS_COMPR_FL, %UBIFS_SYNC_FL, etc)
* @data_len: inode data length
* @xattr_cnt: count of extended attributes this inode has
* @xattr_size: summarized size of all extended attributes in bytes
* @padding1: reserved for future, zeroes
* @xattr_names: sum of lengths of all extended attribute names belonging to
* this inode
* @compr_type: compression type used for this inode
* @padding2: reserved for future, zeroes
* @data: data attached to the inode
* Note, even though inode compression type is defined by @compr_type, some
* nodes of this inode may be compressed with different compressor - this
* happens if compression type is changed while the inode already has data
* nodes. But @compr_type will be use for further writes to the inode.
* Note, do not forget to amend 'zero_ino_node_unused()' function when changing
* the padding fields.
struct ubifs_ino_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__u8 key[UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN];
__le64 creat_sqnum;
__le64 size;
__le64 atime_sec;
__le64 ctime_sec;
__le64 mtime_sec;
__le32 atime_nsec;
__le32 ctime_nsec;
__le32 mtime_nsec;
__le32 nlink;
__le32 uid;
__le32 gid;
__le32 mode;
__le32 flags;
__le32 data_len;
__le32 xattr_cnt;
__le32 xattr_size;
__u8 padding1[4]; /* Watch 'zero_ino_node_unused()' if changing! */
__le32 xattr_names;
__le16 compr_type;
__u8 padding2[26]; /* Watch 'zero_ino_node_unused()' if changing! */
__u8 data[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_dent_node - directory entry node.
* @ch: common header
* @key: node key
* @inum: target inode number
* @padding1: reserved for future, zeroes
* @type: type of the target inode (%UBIFS_ITYPE_REG, %UBIFS_ITYPE_DIR, etc)
* @nlen: name length
* @padding2: reserved for future, zeroes
* @name: zero-terminated name
* Note, do not forget to amend 'zero_dent_node_unused()' function when
* changing the padding fields.
struct ubifs_dent_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__u8 key[UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN];
__le64 inum;
__u8 padding1;
__u8 type;
__le16 nlen;
__u8 padding2[4]; /* Watch 'zero_dent_node_unused()' if changing! */
__u8 name[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_data_node - data node.
* @ch: common header
* @key: node key
* @size: uncompressed data size in bytes
* @compr_type: compression type (%UBIFS_COMPR_NONE, %UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
* @data: data
* Note, do not forget to amend 'zero_data_node_unused()' function when
* changing the padding fields.
struct ubifs_data_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__u8 key[UBIFS_MAX_KEY_LEN];
__le32 size;
__le16 compr_type;
__u8 padding[2]; /* Watch 'zero_data_node_unused()' if changing! */
__u8 data[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_trun_node - truncation node.
* @ch: common header
* @inum: truncated inode number
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
* @old_size: size before truncation
* @new_size: size after truncation
* This node exists only in the journal and never goes to the main area. Note,
* do not forget to amend 'zero_trun_node_unused()' function when changing the
* padding fields.
struct ubifs_trun_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le32 inum;
__u8 padding[12]; /* Watch 'zero_trun_node_unused()' if changing! */
__le64 old_size;
__le64 new_size;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_pad_node - padding node.
* @ch: common header
* @pad_len: how many bytes after this node are unused (because padded)
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
struct ubifs_pad_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le32 pad_len;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_sb_node - superblock node.
* @ch: common header
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
* @key_hash: type of hash function used in keys
* @key_fmt: format of the key
* @flags: file-system flags (%UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT, etc)
* @min_io_size: minimal input/output unit size
* @leb_size: logical eraseblock size in bytes
* @leb_cnt: count of LEBs used by file-system
* @max_leb_cnt: maximum count of LEBs used by file-system
* @max_bud_bytes: maximum amount of data stored in buds
* @log_lebs: log size in logical eraseblocks
* @lpt_lebs: number of LEBs used for lprops table
* @orph_lebs: number of LEBs used for recording orphans
* @jhead_cnt: count of journal heads
* @fanout: tree fanout (max. number of links per indexing node)
* @lsave_cnt: number of LEB numbers in LPT's save table
* @fmt_version: UBIFS on-flash format version
* @default_compr: default compression algorithm (%UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
* @padding1: reserved for future, zeroes
* @rp_uid: reserve pool UID
* @rp_gid: reserve pool GID
* @rp_size: size of the reserved pool in bytes
* @padding2: reserved for future, zeroes
* @time_gran: time granularity in nanoseconds
* @uuid: UUID generated when the file system image was created
struct ubifs_sb_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__u8 padding[2];
__u8 key_hash;
__u8 key_fmt;
__le32 flags;
__le32 min_io_size;
__le32 leb_size;
__le32 leb_cnt;
__le32 max_leb_cnt;
__le64 max_bud_bytes;
__le32 log_lebs;
__le32 lpt_lebs;
__le32 orph_lebs;
__le32 jhead_cnt;
__le32 fanout;
__le32 lsave_cnt;
__le32 fmt_version;
__le16 default_compr;
__u8 padding1[2];
__le32 rp_uid;
__le32 rp_gid;
__le64 rp_size;
__le32 time_gran;
__u8 uuid[16];
__u8 padding2[3972];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_mst_node - master node.
* @ch: common header
* @highest_inum: highest inode number in the committed index
* @cmt_no: commit number
* @flags: various flags (%UBIFS_MST_DIRTY, etc)
* @log_lnum: start of the log
* @root_lnum: LEB number of the root indexing node
* @root_offs: offset within @root_lnum
* @root_len: root indexing node length
* @gc_lnum: LEB reserved for garbage collection (%-1 value means the LEB was
* not reserved and should be reserved on mount)
* @ihead_lnum: LEB number of index head
* @ihead_offs: offset of index head
* @index_size: size of index on flash
* @total_free: total free space in bytes
* @total_dirty: total dirty space in bytes
* @total_used: total used space in bytes (includes only data LEBs)
* @total_dead: total dead space in bytes (includes only data LEBs)
* @total_dark: total dark space in bytes (includes only data LEBs)
* @lpt_lnum: LEB number of LPT root nnode
* @lpt_offs: offset of LPT root nnode
* @nhead_lnum: LEB number of LPT head
* @nhead_offs: offset of LPT head
* @ltab_lnum: LEB number of LPT's own lprops table
* @ltab_offs: offset of LPT's own lprops table
* @lsave_lnum: LEB number of LPT's save table (big model only)
* @lsave_offs: offset of LPT's save table (big model only)
* @lscan_lnum: LEB number of last LPT scan
* @empty_lebs: number of empty logical eraseblocks
* @idx_lebs: number of indexing logical eraseblocks
* @leb_cnt: count of LEBs used by file-system
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
struct ubifs_mst_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le64 highest_inum;
__le64 cmt_no;
__le32 flags;
__le32 log_lnum;
__le32 root_lnum;
__le32 root_offs;
__le32 root_len;
__le32 gc_lnum;
__le32 ihead_lnum;
__le32 ihead_offs;
__le64 index_size;
__le64 total_free;
__le64 total_dirty;
__le64 total_used;
__le64 total_dead;
__le64 total_dark;
__le32 lpt_lnum;
__le32 lpt_offs;
__le32 nhead_lnum;
__le32 nhead_offs;
__le32 ltab_lnum;
__le32 ltab_offs;
__le32 lsave_lnum;
__le32 lsave_offs;
__le32 lscan_lnum;
__le32 empty_lebs;
__le32 idx_lebs;
__le32 leb_cnt;
__u8 padding[344];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_ref_node - logical eraseblock reference node.
* @ch: common header
* @lnum: the referred logical eraseblock number
* @offs: start offset in the referred LEB
* @jhead: journal head number
* @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
struct ubifs_ref_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le32 lnum;
__le32 offs;
__le32 jhead;
__u8 padding[28];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_branch - key/reference/length branch
* @lnum: LEB number of the target node
* @offs: offset within @lnum
* @len: target node length
* @key: key
struct ubifs_branch {
__le32 lnum;
__le32 offs;
__le32 len;
__u8 key[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_idx_node - indexing node.
* @ch: common header
* @child_cnt: number of child index nodes
* @level: tree level
* @branches: LEB number / offset / length / key branches
struct ubifs_idx_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le16 child_cnt;
__le16 level;
__u8 branches[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_cs_node - commit start node.
* @ch: common header
* @cmt_no: commit number
struct ubifs_cs_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le64 cmt_no;
} __attribute__ ((packed));
* struct ubifs_orph_node - orphan node.
* @ch: common header
* @cmt_no: commit number (also top bit is set on the last node of the commit)
* @inos: inode numbers of orphans
struct ubifs_orph_node {
struct ubifs_ch ch;
__le64 cmt_no;
__le64 inos[];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
#endif /* __UBIFS_MEDIA_H__ */

@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
* This file is part of UBIFS.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation.
* (C) Copyright 2008-2009
* Stefan Roese, DENX Software Engineering, sr@denx.de.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Authors: Artem Bityutskiy (Битюцкий Артём)
* Adrian Hunter
#include "ubifs.h"
#warning Please define CONFIG_SYS_64BIT_VSPRINTF for correct output!
/* compress.c */
* We need a wrapper for gunzip() because the parameters are
* incompatible with the lzo decompressor.
static int gzip_decompress(const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len,
unsigned char *out, size_t *out_len)
unsigned long len = in_len;
return gunzip(out, *out_len, (unsigned char *)in, &len);
/* Fake description object for the "none" compressor */
static struct ubifs_compressor none_compr = {
.compr_type = UBIFS_COMPR_NONE,
.name = "no compression",
.capi_name = "",
.decompress = NULL,
static struct ubifs_compressor lzo_compr = {
.compr_type = UBIFS_COMPR_LZO,
.name = "LZO",
.capi_name = "lzo",
.decompress = lzo1x_decompress_safe,
static struct ubifs_compressor zlib_compr = {
.compr_type = UBIFS_COMPR_ZLIB,
.name = "zlib",
.capi_name = "deflate",
.decompress = gzip_decompress,
/* All UBIFS compressors */
struct ubifs_compressor *ubifs_compressors[UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT];
* ubifs_decompress - decompress data.
* @in_buf: data to decompress
* @in_len: length of the data to decompress
* @out_buf: output buffer where decompressed data should
* @out_len: output length is returned here
* @compr_type: type of compression
* This function decompresses data from buffer @in_buf into buffer @out_buf.
* The length of the uncompressed data is returned in @out_len. This functions
* returns %0 on success or a negative error code on failure.
int ubifs_decompress(const void *in_buf, int in_len, void *out_buf,
int *out_len, int compr_type)
int err;
struct ubifs_compressor *compr;
if (unlikely(compr_type < 0 || compr_type >= UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT)) {
ubifs_err("invalid compression type %d", compr_type);
return -EINVAL;
compr = ubifs_compressors[compr_type];
if (unlikely(!compr->capi_name)) {
ubifs_err("%s compression is not compiled in", compr->name);
return -EINVAL;
if (compr_type == UBIFS_COMPR_NONE) {
memcpy(out_buf, in_buf, in_len);
*out_len = in_len;
return 0;
err = compr->decompress(in_buf, in_len, out_buf, (size_t *)out_len);
if (err)
ubifs_err("cannot decompress %d bytes, compressor %s, "
"error %d", in_len, compr->name, err);
return err;
* compr_init - initialize a compressor.
* @compr: compressor description object
* This function initializes the requested compressor and returns zero in case
* of success or a negative error code in case of failure.
static int __init compr_init(struct ubifs_compressor *compr)
ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type] = compr;
ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type]->name += gd->reloc_off;
ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type]->capi_name += gd->reloc_off;
ubifs_compressors[compr->compr_type]->decompress += gd->reloc_off;
return 0;
* ubifs_compressors_init - initialize UBIFS compressors.
* This function initializes the compressor which were compiled in. Returns
* zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
int __init ubifs_compressors_init(void)
int err;
err = compr_init(&lzo_compr);
if (err)
return err;
err = compr_init(&zlib_compr);
if (err)
return err;
ubifs_compressors[UBIFS_COMPR_NONE] = &none_compr;
return 0;
* ubifsls...
static int filldir(struct ubifs_info *c, const char *name, int namlen,
u64 ino, unsigned int d_type)
struct inode *inode;
char filetime[32];
switch (d_type) {
inode = ubifs_iget(c->vfs_sb, ino);
if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
printf("%s: Error in ubifs_iget(), ino=%lld ret=%p!\n",
__func__, ino, inode);
return -1;
ctime_r((time_t *)&inode->i_mtime, filetime);
printf("%9lld %24.24s ", inode->i_size, filetime);
printf("%s\n", name);
return 0;
static int ubifs_printdir(struct file *file, void *dirent)
int err, over = 0;
struct qstr nm;
union ubifs_key key;
struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
struct inode *dir = file->f_path.dentry->d_inode;
struct ubifs_info *c = dir->i_sb->s_fs_info;
dbg_gen("dir ino %lu, f_pos %#llx", dir->i_ino, file->f_pos);
if (file->f_pos > UBIFS_S_KEY_HASH_MASK || file->f_pos == 2)
* The directory was seek'ed to a senseless position or there
* are no more entries.
return 0;
if (file->f_pos == 1) {
/* Find the first entry in TNC and save it */
lowest_dent_key(c, &key, dir->i_ino);
nm.name = NULL;
dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
err = PTR_ERR(dent);
goto out;
file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
file->private_data = dent;
dent = file->private_data;
if (!dent) {
* The directory was seek'ed to and is now readdir'ed.
* Find the entry corresponding to @file->f_pos or the
* closest one.
dent_key_init_hash(c, &key, dir->i_ino, file->f_pos);
nm.name = NULL;
dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
err = PTR_ERR(dent);
goto out;
file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
file->private_data = dent;
while (1) {
dbg_gen("feed '%s', ino %llu, new f_pos %#x",
dent->name, (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(dent->inum),
key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key));
ubifs_assert(le64_to_cpu(dent->ch.sqnum) > ubifs_inode(dir)->creat_sqnum);
nm.len = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
over = filldir(c, (char *)dent->name, nm.len,
le64_to_cpu(dent->inum), dent->type);
if (over)
return 0;
/* Switch to the next entry */
key_read(c, &dent->key, &key);
nm.name = (char *)dent->name;
dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
err = PTR_ERR(dent);
goto out;
file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
file->private_data = dent;
if (err != -ENOENT) {
ubifs_err("cannot find next direntry, error %d", err);
return err;
file->private_data = NULL;
file->f_pos = 2;
return 0;
static int ubifs_finddir(struct super_block *sb, char *dirname,
unsigned long root_inum, unsigned long *inum)
int err;
struct qstr nm;
union ubifs_key key;
struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
struct ubifs_info *c;
struct file *file;
struct dentry *dentry;
struct inode *dir;
file = kzalloc(sizeof(struct file), 0);
dentry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct dentry), 0);
dir = kzalloc(sizeof(struct inode), 0);
if (!file || !dentry || !dir) {
printf("%s: Error, no memory for malloc!\n", __func__);
err = -ENOMEM;
goto out;
dir->i_sb = sb;
file->f_path.dentry = dentry;
file->f_path.dentry->d_parent = dentry;
file->f_path.dentry->d_inode = dir;
file->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino = root_inum;
c = sb->s_fs_info;
dbg_gen("dir ino %lu, f_pos %#llx", dir->i_ino, file->f_pos);
/* Find the first entry in TNC and save it */
lowest_dent_key(c, &key, dir->i_ino);
nm.name = NULL;
dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
err = PTR_ERR(dent);
goto out;
file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
file->private_data = dent;
while (1) {
dbg_gen("feed '%s', ino %llu, new f_pos %#x",
dent->name, (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(dent->inum),
key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key));
ubifs_assert(le64_to_cpu(dent->ch.sqnum) > ubifs_inode(dir)->creat_sqnum);
nm.len = le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen);
if ((strncmp(dirname, (char *)dent->name, nm.len) == 0) &&
(strlen(dirname) == nm.len)) {
*inum = le64_to_cpu(dent->inum);
return 1;
/* Switch to the next entry */
key_read(c, &dent->key, &key);
nm.name = (char *)dent->name;
dent = ubifs_tnc_next_ent(c, &key, &nm);
if (IS_ERR(dent)) {
err = PTR_ERR(dent);
goto out;
file->f_pos = key_hash_flash(c, &dent->key);
file->private_data = dent;
if (err != -ENOENT) {
ubifs_err("cannot find next direntry, error %d", err);
return err;
if (file)
if (dentry)
if (dir)
if (file->private_data)
file->private_data = NULL;
file->f_pos = 2;
return 0;
static unsigned long ubifs_findfile(struct super_block *sb, char *filename)
int ret;
char *next;
char fpath[128];
char *name = fpath;
unsigned long root_inum = 1;
unsigned long inum;
strcpy(fpath, filename);
/* Remove all leading slashes */
while (*name == '/')
* Handle root-direcoty ('/')
inum = root_inum;
if (!name || *name == '\0')
return inum;
for (;;) {
/* Extract the actual part from the pathname. */
next = strchr(name, '/');
if (next) {
/* Remove all leading slashes. */
while (*next == '/')
*(next++) = '\0';
ret = ubifs_finddir(sb, name, root_inum, &inum);
* Check if directory with this name exists
/* Found the node! */
if (!next || *next == '\0') {
if (ret)
return inum;
root_inum = inum;
name = next;
return 0;
int ubifs_ls(char *filename)
struct ubifs_info *c = ubifs_sb->s_fs_info;
struct file *file;
struct dentry *dentry;
struct inode *dir;
void *dirent = NULL;
unsigned long inum;
int ret = 0;
c->ubi = ubi_open_volume(c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id, UBI_READONLY);
inum = ubifs_findfile(ubifs_sb, filename);
if (!inum) {
ret = -1;
goto out;
file = kzalloc(sizeof(struct file), 0);
dentry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct dentry), 0);
dir = kzalloc(sizeof(struct inode), 0);
if (!file || !dentry || !dir) {
printf("%s: Error, no memory for malloc!\n", __func__);
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto out_mem;
dir->i_sb = ubifs_sb;
file->f_path.dentry = dentry;
file->f_path.dentry->d_parent = dentry;
file->f_path.dentry->d_inode = dir;
file->f_path.dentry->d_inode->i_ino = inum;
file->f_pos = 1;
file->private_data = NULL;
ubifs_printdir(file, dirent);
if (file)
if (dentry)
if (dir)
return ret;
* ubifsload...
/* file.c */
static inline void *kmap(struct page *page)
return page->addr;
static int read_block(struct inode *inode, void *addr, unsigned int block,
struct ubifs_data_node *dn)
struct ubifs_info *c = inode->i_sb->s_fs_info;
int err, len, out_len;
union ubifs_key key;
unsigned int dlen;
data_key_init(c, &key, inode->i_ino, block);
err = ubifs_tnc_lookup(c, &key, dn);
if (err) {
if (err == -ENOENT)
/* Not found, so it must be a hole */
memset(addr, 0, UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
return err;
ubifs_assert(le64_to_cpu(dn->ch.sqnum) > ubifs_inode(inode)->creat_sqnum);
len = le32_to_cpu(dn->size);
if (len <= 0 || len > UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE)
goto dump;
dlen = le32_to_cpu(dn->ch.len) - UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ;
err = ubifs_decompress(&dn->data, dlen, addr, &out_len,
if (err || len != out_len)
goto dump;
* Data length can be less than a full block, even for blocks that are
* not the last in the file (e.g., as a result of making a hole and
* appending data). Ensure that the remainder is zeroed out.
memset(addr + len, 0, UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - len);
return 0;
ubifs_err("bad data node (block %u, inode %lu)",
block, inode->i_ino);
dbg_dump_node(c, dn);
return -EINVAL;
static int do_readpage(struct ubifs_info *c, struct inode *inode, struct page *page)
void *addr;
int err = 0, i;
unsigned int block, beyond;
struct ubifs_data_node *dn;
loff_t i_size = inode->i_size;
dbg_gen("ino %lu, pg %lu, i_size %lld",
inode->i_ino, page->index, i_size);
addr = kmap(page);
block = page->index << UBIFS_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE_SHIFT;
beyond = (i_size + UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) >> UBIFS_BLOCK_SHIFT;
if (block >= beyond) {
/* Reading beyond inode */
memset(addr, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE);
goto out;
if (!dn) {
err = -ENOMEM;
goto error;
i = 0;
while (1) {
int ret;
if (block >= beyond) {
/* Reading beyond inode */
err = -ENOENT;
memset(addr, 0, UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE);
} else {
ret = read_block(inode, addr, block, dn);
if (ret) {
err = ret;
if (err != -ENOENT)
} else if (block + 1 == beyond) {
int dlen = le32_to_cpu(dn->size);
int ilen = i_size & (UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
if (ilen && ilen < dlen)
memset(addr + ilen, 0, dlen - ilen);
block += 1;
if (err) {
if (err == -ENOENT) {
/* Not found, so it must be a hole */
goto out_free;
ubifs_err("cannot read page %lu of inode %lu, error %d",
page->index, inode->i_ino, err);
goto error;
return 0;
return err;
int ubifs_load(char *filename, u32 addr, u32 size)
struct ubifs_info *c = ubifs_sb->s_fs_info;
unsigned long inum;
struct inode *inode;
struct page page;
int err = 0;
int i;
int count;
char link_name[64];
struct ubifs_inode *ui;
c->ubi = ubi_open_volume(c->vi.ubi_num, c->vi.vol_id, UBI_READONLY);
inum = ubifs_findfile(ubifs_sb, filename);
if (!inum) {
err = -1;
goto out;
* Read file inode
inode = ubifs_iget(ubifs_sb, inum);
if (IS_ERR(inode)) {
printf("%s: Error reading inode %ld!\n", __func__, inum);
err = PTR_ERR(inode);
goto out;
* Check for symbolic link
ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
if (((inode->i_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) && ui->data_len) {
memcpy(link_name, ui->data, ui->data_len);
printf("%s is linked to %s!\n", filename, link_name);
* Now we have the "real" filename, call ubifs_load()
* again (recursive call) to load this file instead
return ubifs_load(link_name, addr, size);
* If no size was specified or if size bigger than filesize
* set size to filesize
if ((size == 0) || (size > inode->i_size))
size = inode->i_size;
count = (size + UBIFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) >> UBIFS_BLOCK_SHIFT;
printf("Loading file '%s' to addr 0x%08x with size %d (0x%08x)...\n",
filename, addr, size, size);
page.addr = (void *)addr;
page.index = 0;
page.inode = inode;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
err = do_readpage(c, inode, &page);
if (err)
page.addr += PAGE_SIZE;
if (err)
printf("Error reading file '%s'\n", filename);
return err;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#ifndef _LINUX_MATH64_H
#define _LINUX_MATH64_H
#include <linux/types.h>
#if BITS_PER_LONG == 64
* div_u64_rem - unsigned 64bit divide with 32bit divisor with remainder
* This is commonly provided by 32bit archs to provide an optimized 64bit
* divide.
static inline u64 div_u64_rem(u64 dividend, u32 divisor, u32 *remainder)
*remainder = dividend % divisor;
return dividend / divisor;
* div_s64_rem - signed 64bit divide with 32bit divisor with remainder
static inline s64 div_s64_rem(s64 dividend, s32 divisor, s32 *remainder)
*remainder = dividend % divisor;
return dividend / divisor;
* div64_u64 - unsigned 64bit divide with 64bit divisor
static inline u64 div64_u64(u64 dividend, u64 divisor)
return dividend / divisor;
#elif BITS_PER_LONG == 32
#ifndef div_u64_rem
static inline u64 div_u64_rem(u64 dividend, u32 divisor, u32 *remainder)
*remainder = do_div(dividend, divisor);
return dividend;
#ifndef div_s64_rem
extern s64 div_s64_rem(s64 dividend, s32 divisor, s32 *remainder);
#ifndef div64_u64
extern u64 div64_u64(u64 dividend, u64 divisor);
#endif /* BITS_PER_LONG */
* div_u64 - unsigned 64bit divide with 32bit divisor
* This is the most common 64bit divide and should be used if possible,
* as many 32bit archs can optimize this variant better than a full 64bit
* divide.
#ifndef div_u64
static inline u64 div_u64(u64 dividend, u32 divisor)
u32 remainder;
return div_u64_rem(dividend, divisor, &remainder);
* div_s64 - signed 64bit divide with 32bit divisor
#ifndef div_s64
static inline s64 div_s64(s64 dividend, s32 divisor)
s32 remainder;
return div_s64_rem(dividend, divisor, &remainder);
u32 iter_div_u64_rem(u64 dividend, u32 divisor, u64 *remainder);
#endif /* _LINUX_MATH64_H */

@ -18,7 +18,12 @@
#include <malloc.h>
#include <div64.h>
#include <linux/crc32.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/list.h>
#include <linux/rbtree.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/mtd/mtd.h>
#include <linux/mtd/ubi.h>
#include <onenand_uboot.h>
@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ static inline long IS_ERR(const void *ptr)
/* module */
#define THIS_MODULE 0
#define try_module_get(...) 0
#define try_module_get(...) 1
#define module_put(...) do { } while (0)
#define module_init(...)
#define module_exit(...)
@ -206,7 +211,9 @@ static inline long IS_ERR(const void *ptr)
#define MODULE_AUTHOR(...)
#define MODULE_LICENSE(...)
#ifndef __UBIFS_H__
#include "../drivers/mtd/ubi/ubi.h"
/* functions */
extern int ubi_mtd_param_parse(const char *val, struct kernel_param *kp);
