From e7b9aa96b15c589ba0e5236be9bbadd69c8bcace Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sonic Zhang <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 15:05:35 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] blackfin: bf609: implement soft switch

Set up soft switch pins properly in board init code.

Signed-off-by: Sonic Zhang <>
Signed-off-by: Scott Jiang <>
Signed-off-by: Bob Liu <>
 board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.c | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.h |  71 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 251 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.c
 create mode 100644 board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.h

diff --git a/board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.c b/board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e1404f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * U-boot - main board file
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Analog Devices Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/blackfin.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <i2c.h>
+#include "soft_switch.h"
+#define SWITCH_ADDR     0x21
+#define NUM_SWITCH      3
+#define IODIRA          0x0
+#define IODIRB          0x1
+#define OLATA           0x14
+#define OLATB           0x15
+struct switch_config {
+	uchar dir0; /* IODIRA */
+	uchar dir1; /* IODIRB */
+	uchar value0; /* OLATA */
+	uchar value1; /* OLATB */
+static struct switch_config switch_config_array[NUM_SWITCH] = {
+	{
+	U45 Port A                     U45 Port B
+	7---------------  RMII_CLK_EN  |  7--------------- ~TEMP_THERM_EN
+	| 6------------- ~CNT0ZM_EN    |  | 6------------- ~TEMP_IRQ_EN
+	| | 5----------- ~CNT0DG_EN    |  | | 5----------- ~UART0CTS_146_EN
+	| | | 4--------- ~CNT0UD_EN    |  | | | 4--------- ~UART0CTS_RST_EN
+	| | | | 3------- ~CAN0RX_EN    |  | | | | 3------- ~UART0CTS_RTS_LPBK
+	| | | | | 2----- ~CAN0_ERR_EN  |  | | | | | 2----- ~UART0CTS_EN
+	| | | | | | 1--- ~CAN_STB      |  | | | | | | 1--- ~UART0RX_EN
+	| | | | | | | 0-  CAN_EN       |  | | | | | | | 0- ~UART0RTS_EN
+	| | | | | | | |                |  | | | | | | | |
+	O O O O O O O O                |  O O O O O O O O   (I/O direction)
+	1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1                |  1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0   (value being set)
+		.dir0 = 0x0, /* all output */
+		.dir1 = 0x0, /* all output */
+		.value0 = RMII_CLK_EN | CAN_STB | CAN_EN,
+		.value1 = TEMP_THERM_EN | TEMP_IRQ_EN | UART0CTS_146_EN
+	},
+	{
+	U46 Port A                       U46 Port B
+	7--------------- ~LED4_GPIO_EN   |  7---------------  EMPTY
+	| 6------------- ~LED3_GPIO_EN   |  | 6------------- ~SPI0D3_EN
+	| | 5----------- ~LED2_GPIO_EN   |  | | 5----------- ~SPI0D2_EN
+	| | | 4--------- ~LED1_GPIO_EN   |  | | | 4--------- ~SPIFLASH_CS_EN
+	| | | | 3-------  SMC0_LP0_EN    |  | | | | 3------- ~SD_WP_EN
+	| | | | | 2-----  EMPTY          |  | | | | | 2----- ~SD_CD_EN
+	| | | | | | 1---  SMC0_EPPI2     |  | | | | | | 1--- ~PUSHBUTTON2_EN
+			  _LP1_SWITCH
+	| | | | | | | 0-  OVERRIDE_SMC0  |  | | | | | | | 0- ~PUSHBUTTON1_EN
+			  _LP0_BOOT
+	| | | | | | | |                  |  | | | | | | | |
+	O O O O O O O O                  |  O O O O O O O O   (I/O direction)
+	0 0 0 0 0 X 0 1                  |  X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   (value being set)
+		.dir0 = 0x0, /* all output */
+		.dir1 = 0x0, /* all output */
+		.value0 = OVERRIDE_SMC0_LP0_BOOT,
+		.value0 = SMC0_EPPI2_LP1_SWITCH,
+		.value1 = 0x0,
+	},
+	{
+	U47 Port A                         U47 Port B
+	7--------------- ~PD2_SPI0MISO |  7---------------  EMPTY
+			  _EI3_EN
+	| 6------------- ~PD1_SPI0D3   |  | 6-------------  EMPTY
+			  _EPPI1D17
+			  _SPI0SEL2
+			  _EI3_EN
+	| | 5----------- ~PD0_SPI0D2   |  | | 5-----------  EMPTY
+			  _EPPI1D16
+			  _SPI0SEL3
+			  _EI3_EN
+	| | | 4--------- ~WAKE_PUSH    |  | | | 4---------  EMPTY
+	| | | | 3------- ~ETHERNET_EN  |  | | | | 3-------  EMPTY
+	| | | | | 2-----  PHYAD0       |  | | | | | 2-----  EMPTY
+	| | | | | | 1---  PHY_PWR      |  | | | | | | 1--- ~PD4_SPI0CK_EI3_EN
+			  _DWN_INT
+	| | | | | | | 0- ~PHYINT_EN    |  | | | | | | | 0- ~PD3_SPI0MOSI_EI3_EN
+	| | | | | | | |                |  | | | | | | | |
+	O O O O O I I O                |  O O O O O O O O   (I/O direction)
+	1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0                |  X X X X X X 1 1   (value being set)
+		.dir0 = 0x6, /* bits 1 and 2 input, all others output */
+		.dir1 = 0x0, /* all output */
+		.value0 = PD1_SPI0D3_EN | PD0_SPI0D2_EN,
+		.value1 = 0,
+	},
+static int setup_soft_switch(int addr, struct switch_config *config)
+	int ret = 0;
+	ret = i2c_write(addr, OLATA, 1, &config->value0, 1);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = i2c_write(addr, OLATB, 1, &config->value1, 1);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	ret = i2c_write(addr, IODIRA, 1, &config->dir0, 1);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return i2c_write(addr, IODIRB, 1, &config->dir1, 1);
+int config_switch_bit(int num, int port, int bit, int dir, uchar value)
+	int addr = SWITCH_ADDR + num;
+	int ret, data_reg, dir_reg;
+	uchar tmp;
+	if (port == IO_PORT_A) {
+		data_reg = OLATA;
+		dir_reg = IODIRA;
+	} else {
+		data_reg = OLATB;
+		dir_reg = IODIRB;
+	}
+	if (dir == IO_PORT_INPUT) {
+		ret = i2c_read(addr, dir_reg, 1, &tmp, 1);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		tmp |= bit;
+		return i2c_write(addr, dir_reg, 1, &tmp, 1);
+	} else {
+		ret = i2c_read(addr, data_reg, 1, &tmp, 1);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		if (value)
+			tmp |= bit;
+		else
+			tmp &= ~bit;
+		ret = i2c_write(addr, data_reg, 1, &tmp, 1);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		ret = i2c_read(addr, dir_reg, 1, &tmp, 1);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		tmp &= ~bit;
+		return i2c_write(addr, dir_reg, 1, &tmp, 1);
+	}
+int setup_board_switches(void)
+	int ret;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < NUM_SWITCH; i++) {
+		ret = setup_soft_switch(SWITCH_ADDR + i,
+				&switch_config_array[i]);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.h b/board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da0e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/bf609-ezkit/soft_switch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * U-boot - main board file
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Analog Devices Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPL-2 or later.
+ */
+#ifndef __SOFT_SWITCH_H__
+#define __SOFT_SWITCH_H__
+/* switch 0 port A */
+#define CAN_EN                 0x1
+#define CAN_STB                0x2
+#define CAN0_ERR_EN            0x4
+#define CAN0RX_EN              0x8
+#define CNT0UD_EN              0x10
+#define CNT0DG_EN              0x20
+#define CNT0ZM_EN              0x40
+#define RMII_CLK_EN            0x80
+/* switch 0 port B */
+#define UART0RTS_EN            0x1
+#define UART0RX_EN             0x2
+#define UART0CTS_EN            0x4
+#define UART0CTS_RTS_LPBK      0x8
+#define UART0CTS_RST_EN        0x10
+#define UART0CTS_146_EN        0x20
+#define TEMP_IRQ_EN            0x40
+#define TEMP_THERM_EN          0x80
+/* switch 1 port A */
+#define OVERRIDE_SMC0_LP0_BOOT 0x1
+#define SMC0_EPPI2_LP1_SWITCH  0x2
+#define SMC0_LP0_EN            0x8
+#define LED1_GPIO_EN           0x10
+#define LED2_GPIO_EN           0x20
+#define LED3_GPIO_EN           0x40
+#define LED4_GPIO_EN           0x80
+/* switch 1 port B */
+#define PUSHBUTTON1_EN         0x1
+#define PUSHBUTTON2_EN         0x2
+#define SD_CD_EN               0x4
+#define SD_WP_EN               0x8
+#define SPIFLASH_CS_EN         0x10
+#define SPI0D2_EN              0x20
+#define SPI0D3_EN              0x40
+/* switch 2 port A */
+#define PHYINT_EN              0x1
+#define PHY_PWR_DWN_INT        0x2
+#define PHYAD0                 0x4
+#define ETHERNET_EN            0x8
+#define WAKE_PUSHBUTTON_EN     0x10
+#define PD0_SPI0D2_EN          0x20
+#define PD1_SPI0D3_EN          0x40
+#define PD2_SPI0MISO_EN        0x80
+/* switch 2 port B */
+#define PD3_SPI0MOSI_EN        0x1
+#define PD4_SPI0CK_EN          0x2
+#define IO_PORT_A              0
+#define IO_PORT_B              1
+#define IO_PORT_INPUT          0
+#define IO_PORT_OUTPUT         1
+int config_switch_bit(int num, int port, int bit, int dir, uchar value);
+int setup_board_switches(void);