@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ For the initramfs, we will need static binaries of \emph{busybox}, \emph{kexec-t
\section{Flashing ROTS}
To write the ROTS image to the SPI NOR flash, we can either use an external programmer or boot the device in FEL mode and use the \emph{sunxi-fel} tool.
To write the images, it is strongly recommended to use the \emph{sunxi-fel} tool as it is much faster than using an external programmer.
However, to configure the write-protection an external programmer must be used, as there are few tools that support configuring the write-protection of the SPI NOR flash.
\subsection{Using an External Programmer}
In order to be able to program the SPI NOR flash with an external programmer, we will need an external programmer such as the BusPirate v3.6a or the BusPirate v4.0 and SOIC clip.