@ -81,24 +81,25 @@ def RunTests(debug, args):
def RunTestCoverage ( ) :
""" Run the tests and check that we get 100 % c overage """
# This uses the build output from sandbox_spl to get _libfdt.so
cmd = ( ' PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH: %s /sandbox_spl/tools coverage run '
cmd = ( ' PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH: %s /sandbox_spl/tools python- coverage run '
' --include " tools/binman/*.py " --omit " *test*,*binman.py " '
' tools/binman/binman.py -t ' % options . build_dir )
os . system ( cmd )
stdout = command . Output ( ' coverage ' , ' report ' )
stdout = command . Output ( ' python- coverage' , ' report ' )
lines = stdout . splitlines ( )
test_set = set ( [ os . path . basename ( line . split ( ) [ 0 ] )
for line in lines if ' /etype/ ' in line ] )
glob_list = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( our_path , ' etype/*.py ' ) )
all_set = set ( [ os . path . basename ( item ) for item in glob_list ] )
all_set = set ( [ os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( item ) ) [ 0 ]
for item in glob_list if ' _testing ' not in item ] )
missing_list = all_set
missing_list . difference_update ( test_set )
missing_list . remove ( ' _testing.py ' )
coverage = lines [ - 1 ] . split ( ' ' ) [ - 1 ]
ok = True
if missing_list :
print ' Missing tests for %s ' % ( ' , ' . join ( missing_list ) )
print stdout
ok = False
if coverage != ' 100 % ' :
print stdout