@ -802,14 +802,15 @@ u-boot.hex u-boot.srec: u-boot FORCE |
OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.bin := -O binary
binary_size_check: u-boot.bin System.map FORCE |
binary_size_check: u-boot.bin FORCE |
@file_size=$(shell wc -c u-boot.bin | awk '{print $$1}') ; \
map_size=$(shell cat System.map | \
map_size=$(shell cat u-boot.map | \
awk '/_image_copy_start/ {start = $$1} /_image_binary_end/ {end = $$1} END {if (start != "" && end != "") print "ibase=16; " toupper(end) " - " toupper(start)}' \
| sed 's/0X//g' \
| bc); \
if [ "" != "$$map_size" ]; then \
if test $$map_size -ne $$file_size; then \
echo "System.map shows a binary size of $$map_size" >&2 ; \
echo "u-boot.map shows a binary size of $$map_size" >&2 ; \
echo " but u-boot.bin shows $$file_size" >&2 ; \
exit 1; \
fi \