@ -32,6 +32,14 @@
* PCI config register " GPIOBASE "
* PCI I / O space + [ GPIOBASE ] = > start of GPIO registers
* GPIO registers = > gpio pin function , direction , value
* Danger Will Robinson ! Bank 0 ( GPIOs 0 - 31 ) seems to be fairly stable . Most
* ICH versions have more , but the decoding the matrix that describes them is
* absurdly complex and constantly changing . We ' ll provide Bank 1 and Bank 2 ,
* but they will ONLY work for certain unspecified chipsets because the offset
* from GPIOBASE changes randomly . Even then , many GPIOs are unimplemented or
* reserved or subject to arcane restrictions .
# include <common.h>
@ -42,21 +50,59 @@
/* Where in config space is the register that points to the GPIO registers? */
# define PCI_CFG_GPIOBASE 0x48
* There are often more than 32 GPIOs , depending on the ICH version .
* For now , we just support bank 0 because it ' s the same for all .
# define GPIO_MAX 31
# define NUM_BANKS 3
/* Within the I/O space, where are the registers to control the GPIOs? */
# define OFS_GPIO_USE_SEL 0x00
# define OFS_GPIO_IO_SEL 0x04
# define OFS_GP_LVL 0x0C
static struct {
u8 use_sel ;
u8 io_sel ;
u8 lvl ;
} gpio_bank [ NUM_BANKS ] = {
{ 0x00 , 0x04 , 0x0c } , /* Bank 0 */
{ 0x30 , 0x34 , 0x38 } , /* Bank 1 */
{ 0x40 , 0x44 , 0x48 } /* Bank 2 */
} ;
static pci_dev_t dev ; /* handle for 0:1f:0 */
static u32 gpiobase ; /* offset into I/O space */
static int found_it_once ; /* valid GPIO device? */
static u32 lock [ NUM_BANKS ] ; /* "lock" for access to pins */
static pci_dev_t dev ; /* handle for 0:1f:0 */
static u32 gpiobase ; /* offset into I/O space */
static int found_it_once ; /* valid GPIO device? */
static int in_use [ GPIO_MAX ] ; /* "lock" for access to pins */
static int bad_arg ( int num , int * bank , int * bitnum )
int i = num / 32 ;
int j = num % 32 ;
if ( num < 0 | | i > NUM_BANKS ) {
debug ( " %s: bogus gpio num: %d \n " , __func__ , num ) ;
return - 1 ;
* bank = i ;
* bitnum = j ;
return 0 ;
static int mark_gpio ( int bank , int bitnum )
if ( lock [ bank ] & ( 1UL < < bitnum ) ) {
debug ( " %s: %d.%d already marked \n " , __func__ , bank , bitnum ) ;
return - 1 ;
lock [ bank ] | = ( 1 < < bitnum ) ;
return 0 ;
static void clear_gpio ( int bank , int bitnum )
lock [ bank ] & = ~ ( 1 < < bitnum ) ;
static int notmine ( int num , int * bank , int * bitnum )
if ( bad_arg ( num , bank , bitnum ) )
return - 1 ;
return ! ( lock [ * bank ] & ( 1UL < < * bitnum ) ) ;
static int gpio_init ( void )
@ -77,11 +123,14 @@ static int gpio_init(void)
debug ( " %s: wrong VendorID \n " , __func__ ) ;
return - 1 ;
pci_read_config_word ( dev , PCI_DEVICE_ID , & tmpword ) ;
debug ( " Found %04x:%04x \n " , PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL , tmpword ) ;
* We ' d like to check the Device ID too , but pretty much any
* We ' d like to validate the Device ID too , but pretty much any
* value is either a ) correct with slight differences , or b )
* correct but undocumented . We ' ll have to check other things
* instead . . .
* correct but undocumented . We ' ll have to check a bunch of other
* things instead . . .
/* I/O should already be enabled (it's a RO bit). */
@ -143,100 +192,99 @@ static int gpio_init(void)
return 0 ;
int gpio_request ( unsigned gpio , const char * label /* UNUSED */ )
int gpio_request ( unsigned num , const char * label /* UNUSED */ )
u32 tmplong ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
/* Are we doing it wrong? */
if ( gpio > GPIO_MAX | | in_use [ gpio ] ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio unavailable \n " , __func__ ) ;
/* Is the hardware ready? */
if ( gpio_init ( ) )
return - 1 ;
/* Is the hardware ready? */
if ( gpio_init ( ) ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio_init failed \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( bad_arg ( num , & i , & j ) )
return - 1 ;
* Make sure that the GPIO pin we want isn ' t already in use for some
* built - in hardware function . We have to check this for every
* requested pin .
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + OFS_GPIO_USE_SEL ) ;
if ( ! ( tmplong & ( 1UL < < gpio ) ) ) {
debug ( " %s: reserved for internal use \n " , __func__ ) ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . use_sel ) ;
if ( ! ( tmplong & ( 1UL < < j ) ) ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio %d is reserved for internal use \n " , __func__ ,
num ) ;
return - 1 ;
in_use [ gpio ] = 1 ;
return 0 ;
return mark_gpio ( i , j ) ;
int gpio_free ( unsigned gpio )
int gpio_free ( unsigned num )
if ( gpio > GPIO_MAX | | ! in_use [ gpio ] ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio unavailable \n " , __func__ ) ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
if ( notmine ( num , & i , & j ) )
return - 1 ;
in_use [ gpio ] = 0 ;
clear_gpio ( i , j ) ;
return 0 ;
int gpio_direction_input ( unsigned gpio )
int gpio_direction_input ( unsigned num )
u32 tmplong ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
if ( gpio > GPIO_MAX | | ! in_use [ gpio ] ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio unavailable \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( notmine ( num , & i , & j ) )
return - 1 ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + OFS_GPIO_IO_SEL ) ;
tmplong | = ( 1UL < < gpio ) ;
outl ( gpiobase + OFS_GPIO_IO_SEL , tmplong ) ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . io_sel ) ;
tmplong | = ( 1UL < < j ) ;
outl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . io_sel , tmplong ) ;
return 0 ;
int gpio_direction_output ( unsigned gpio , int value )
int gpio_direction_output ( unsigned num , int value )
u32 tmplong ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
if ( gpio > GPIO_MAX | | ! in_use [ gpio ] ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio unavailable \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( notmine ( num , & i , & j ) )
return - 1 ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + OFS_GPIO_IO_SEL ) ;
tmplong & = ~ ( 1UL < < gpio ) ;
outl ( gpiobase + OFS_GPIO_IO_SEL , tmplong ) ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . io_sel ) ;
tmplong & = ~ ( 1UL < < j ) ;
outl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . io_sel , tmplong ) ;
return 0 ;
int gpio_get_value ( unsigned gpio )
int gpio_get_value ( unsigned num )
u32 tmplong ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
int r ;
if ( gpio > GPIO_MAX | | ! in_use [ gpio ] ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio unavailable \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( notmine ( num , & i , & j ) )
return - 1 ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + OFS_GP_LVL ) ;
return ( tmplong & ( 1UL < < gpio ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . lvl ) ;
r = ( tmplong & ( 1UL < < j ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
return r ;
int gpio_set_value ( unsigned gpio , int value )
int gpio_set_value ( unsigned num , int value )
u32 tmplong ;
int i = 0 , j = 0 ;
if ( gpio > GPIO_MAX | | ! in_use [ gpio ] ) {
debug ( " %s: gpio unavailable \n " , __func__ ) ;
if ( notmine ( num , & i , & j ) )
return - 1 ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + OFS_GP_LVL ) ;
tmplong = inl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . lvl ) ;
if ( value )
tmplong | = ( 1UL < < gpio ) ;
tmplong | = ( 1UL < < j ) ;
tmplong & = ~ ( 1UL < < gpio ) ;
outl ( gpiobase + OFS_GP_LVL , tmplong ) ;
tmplong & = ~ ( 1UL < < j ) ;
outl ( gpiobase + gpio_bank [ i ] . lvl , tmplong ) ;
return 0 ;