@ -17,85 +17,8 @@ endif |
# Convert hexadecimal value to bytes
define hex2bin |
$(shell echo -n "$1" | sed 's/0x//;s/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)/\4\3\2\1/;s/../\\\\x&/g') |
endef |
# Compute the post-IVT size field value for the U-Boot binary.
# The value is the result of adding the following:
# -> The size of U-Boot binary aligned to 64B (u-boot.bin)
# -> The size of IVT block aligned to 64B (u-boot.ivt)
# -> The size of U-Boot signature (u-boot.sig), 3904 B
# -> The 64B hole in front of U-Boot binary for 'struct mxs_spl_data' passing
define uboot_ivt_size |
$(shell expr `stat -c "%s" $1` + 64 + 3904 + 128 | xargs printf 0x%08x) |
endef |
$(OBJTREE)/mxsimage.cfg: $(SRCTREE)/$(CPUDIR)/$(SOC)/mxsimage.$(MKIMAGE_TARGET-y).cfg |
sed "s@OBJTREE@$(OBJTREE)@g" $^ > $@
# HAB signature is i.MX28 only
$(OBJTREE)/mxsimage-signed.cfg: $(SRCTREE)/$(CPUDIR)/$(SOC)/mxsimage-signed.cfg |
sed "s@OBJTREE@$(OBJTREE)@g" $^ > $@
$(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.ivt: $(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.bin |
# Align U-Boot SPL binary to 64B
dd if=$^ of=$@ ibs=64 conv=sync 2>/dev/null
mv $@ $^
# Assemble IVT, append size field and align it to 64B.
(echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x402000d1)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,$(CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE))" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00008000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00008040)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,$(call uboot_ivt_size,$^))" \
) | dd of=$@ ibs=64 count=1 conv=sync 2>/dev/null
$(OBJTREE)/u-boot.ivt: $(OBJTREE)/u-boot.bin |
# Align U-Boot binary to 64B
dd if=$^ of=$@ ibs=64 conv=sync 2>/dev/null
mv $@ $^
# Assemble IVT, append size field and align it to 64B.
(echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x402000d1)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,$(CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE))" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x40001000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x40001040)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,0x00000000)" ; \
echo -ne "$(call hex2bin,$(call uboot_ivt_size,$^))" \
) | dd of=$@ ibs=64 count=1 conv=sync 2>/dev/null
$(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.csf: $(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.ivt $(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.bin $(TOPDIR)/board/$(VENDOR)/$(BOARD)/sign/u-boot-spl.csf |
# Assemble the CSF file
sed "s@TOPDIR@$(TOPDIR)@g;s@VENDOR@$(VENDOR)@g;s@BOARD@$(BOARD)@g" \
$(word 3,$^) > $@
sed -i "/^##Blocks.*/ d" $@
echo " Blocks = $(CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE) 0x0 " \
"`stat -c '%s' $(word 2,$^)` \"$(word 2,$^)\" , \\" \
>> $@
echo " 0x8000 0x0 0x40 \"$(word 1,$^)\"" >> $@
$(OBJTREE)/u-boot.csf: $(OBJTREE)/u-boot.ivt $(OBJTREE)/u-boot.bin $(TOPDIR)/board/$(VENDOR)/$(BOARD)/sign/u-boot.csf |
# Assemble the CSF file
sed "s@TOPDIR@$(TOPDIR)@g;s@VENDOR@$(VENDOR)@g;s@BOARD@$(BOARD)@g" \
$(word 3,$^) > $@
sed -i "/^##Blocks.*/ d" $@
echo " Blocks = $(CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE) 0x0 " \
"`stat -c '%s' $(word 2,$^)` \"$(word 2,$^)\" , \\" \
>> $@
echo " 0x40001000 0x0 0x40 \"$(word 1,$^)\"" >> $@
%.sig: %.csf |
cst -o $@ < $^
$(OBJTREE)/u-boot-signed.sb: $(OBJTREE)/u-boot.ivt $(OBJTREE)/u-boot.sig $(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.ivt $(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.sig $(OBJTREE)/mxsimage-signed.cfg |
$(OBJTREE)/tools/mkimage -n $(OBJTREE)/mxsimage-signed.cfg -T mxsimage $@
$(OBJTREE)/u-boot.sb: $(OBJTREE)/u-boot.bin $(OBJTREE)/spl/u-boot-spl.bin $(OBJTREE)/mxsimage.cfg |
$(OBJTREE)/tools/mkimage -n $(OBJTREE)/mxsimage.cfg -T mxsimage $@