@ -168,12 +168,13 @@ class SectionCtxMgr(object):
Objects of this type should be created by factory functions in the Logfile
class rather than directly . """
def __init__ ( self , log , marker ) :
def __init__ ( self , log , marker , anchor ) :
""" Initialize a new object.
Args :
log : The Logfile object to log to .
marker : The name of the nested log section .
anchor : The anchor value to pass to start_section ( ) .
Returns :
Nothing .
@ -181,9 +182,10 @@ class SectionCtxMgr(object):
self . log = log
self . marker = marker
self . anchor = anchor
def __enter__ ( self ) :
self . log . start_section ( self . marker )
self . anchor = self . log . start_section ( self . marker , self . ancho r )
def __exit__ ( self , extype , value , traceback ) :
self . log . end_section ( self . marker )
@ -206,11 +208,70 @@ class Logfile(object):
self . last_stream = None
self . blocks = [ ]
self . cur_evt = 1
self . anchor = 0
shutil . copy ( mod_dir + ' /multiplexed_log.css ' , os . path . dirname ( fn ) )
self . f . write ( ''' \
< html >
< head >
< link rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " href = " multiplexed_log.css " >
< script src = " http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js " > < / script >
< script >
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
/ / Copy status report HTML to start of log for easy access
sts = $ ( " .block#status_report " ) [ 0 ] . outerHTML ;
$ ( " tt " ) . prepend ( sts ) ;
/ / Add expand / contract buttons to all block headers
btns = " <span class= \\ \" block-expand hidden \\ \" >[+] </span> " +
" <span class= \\ \" block-contract \\ \" >[-] </span> " ;
$ ( " .block-header " ) . prepend ( btns ) ;
/ / Pre - contract all blocks which passed , leaving only problem cases
/ / expanded , to highlight issues the user should look at .
/ / Only top - level blocks ( sections ) should have any status
passed_bcs = $ ( " .block-content:has(.status-pass) " ) ;
/ / Some blocks might have multiple status entries ( e . g . the status
/ / report ) , so take care not to hide blocks with partial success .
passed_bcs = passed_bcs . not ( " :has(.status-fail) " ) ;
passed_bcs = passed_bcs . not ( " :has(.status-xfail) " ) ;
passed_bcs = passed_bcs . not ( " :has(.status-xpass) " ) ;
passed_bcs = passed_bcs . not ( " :has(.status-skipped) " ) ;
/ / Hide the passed blocks
passed_bcs . addClass ( " hidden " ) ;
/ / Flip the expand / contract button hiding for those blocks .
bhs = passed_bcs . parent ( ) . children ( " .block-header " )
bhs . children ( " .block-expand " ) . removeClass ( " hidden " ) ;
bhs . children ( " .block-contract " ) . addClass ( " hidden " ) ;
/ / Add click handler to block headers .
/ / The handler expands / contracts the block .
$ ( " .block-header " ) . on ( " click " , function ( e ) {
var header = $ ( this ) ;
var content = header . next ( " .block-content " ) ;
var expanded = ! content . hasClass ( " hidden " ) ;
if ( expanded ) {
content . addClass ( " hidden " ) ;
header . children ( " .block-expand " ) . first ( ) . removeClass ( " hidden " ) ;
header . children ( " .block-contract " ) . first ( ) . addClass ( " hidden " ) ;
} else {
header . children ( " .block-contract " ) . first ( ) . removeClass ( " hidden " ) ;
header . children ( " .block-expand " ) . first ( ) . addClass ( " hidden " ) ;
content . removeClass ( " hidden " ) ;
} ) ;
/ / When clicking on a link , expand the target block
$ ( " a " ) . on ( " click " , function ( e ) {
var block = $ ( $ ( this ) . attr ( " href " ) ) ;
var header = block . children ( " .block-header " ) ;
var content = block . children ( " .block-content " ) . first ( ) ;
header . children ( " .block-contract " ) . first ( ) . removeClass ( " hidden " ) ;
header . children ( " .block-expand " ) . first ( ) . addClass ( " hidden " ) ;
content . removeClass ( " hidden " ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
< / script >
< / head >
< body >
< tt >
@ -273,45 +334,60 @@ class Logfile(object):
if not self . last_stream :
self . f . write ( ' </pre> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream-trailer " id= " ' +
self . last_stream . name + ' " >End stream: ' +
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream-trailer block-trailer " >End stream: ' +
self . last_stream . name + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' </div> \n ' )
self . last_stream = None
def _note ( self , note_type , msg ) :
def _note ( self , note_type , msg , anchor = None ) :
""" Write a note or one-off message to the log file.
Args :
note_type : The type of note . This must be a value supported by the
accompanying multiplexed_log . css .
msg : The note / message to log .
anchor : Optional internal link target .
Returns :
Nothing .
self . _terminate_stream ( )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " ' + note_type + ' " > \n <pre> ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " ' + note_type + ' " > \n ' )
if anchor :
self . f . write ( ' <a href= " # %s " > \n ' % anchor )
self . f . write ( ' <pre> ' )
self . f . write ( self . _escape ( msg ) )
self . f . write ( ' \n </pre></div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' \n </pre> \n ' )
if anchor :
self . f . write ( ' </a> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' </div> \n ' )
def start_section ( self , marker ) :
def start_section ( self , marker , anchor = None ) :
""" Begin a new nested section in the log file.
Args :
marker : The name of the section that is starting .
anchor : The value to use for the anchor . If None , a unique value
will be calculated and used
Returns :
Nothing .
Name of the HTML anchor emitted before section .
self . _terminate_stream ( )
self . blocks . append ( marker )
if not anchor :
self . anchor + = 1
anchor = str ( self . anchor )
blk_path = ' / ' . join ( self . blocks )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section " id= " ' + blk_path + ' " > \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section-header " id= " ' + blk_path +
' " >Section: ' + blk_path + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section block " id= " ' + anchor + ' " > \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section-header block-header " >Section: ' +
blk_path + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section-content block-content " > \n ' )
return anchor
def end_section ( self , marker ) :
""" Terminate the current nested section in the log file.
@ -331,12 +407,13 @@ class Logfile(object):
( marker , ' / ' . join ( self . blocks ) ) )
self . _terminate_stream ( )
blk_path = ' / ' . join ( self . blocks )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section-trailer " id= " section-trailer- ' +
blk_path + ' " >End section: ' + blk_path + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " section-trailer block-trailer " > ' +
' End section: ' + blk_path + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' </div> \n ' )
self . blocks . pop ( )
def section ( self , marker ) :
def section ( self , marker , anchor = None ) :
""" Create a temporary section in the log file.
This function creates a context manager for Python ' s " with " statement,
@ -349,12 +426,13 @@ class Logfile(object):
Args :
marker : The name of the nested section .
anchor : The anchor value to pass to start_section ( ) .
Returns :
A context manager object .
return SectionCtxMgr ( self , marker )
return SectionCtxMgr ( self , marker , anchor )
def error ( self , msg ) :
""" Write an error note to the log file.
@ -404,65 +482,70 @@ class Logfile(object):
self . _note ( " action " , msg )
def status_pass ( self , msg ) :
def status_pass ( self , msg , anchor = None ) :
""" Write a note to the log file describing test(s) which passed.
Args :
msg : A message describing the passed test ( s ) .
anchor : Optional internal link target .
Returns :
Nothing .
self . _note ( " status-pass " , msg )
self . _note ( " status-pass " , msg , anchor )
def status_skipped ( self , msg ) :
def status_skipped ( self , msg , anchor = None ) :
""" Write a note to the log file describing skipped test(s).
Args :
msg : A message describing the skipped test ( s ) .
anchor : Optional internal link target .
Returns :
Nothing .
self . _note ( " status-skipped " , msg )
self . _note ( " status-skipped " , msg , anchor )
def status_xfail ( self , msg ) :
def status_xfail ( self , msg , anchor = None ) :
""" Write a note to the log file describing xfailed test(s).
Args :
msg : A message describing the xfailed test ( s ) .
anchor : Optional internal link target .
Returns :
Nothing .
self . _note ( " status-xfail " , msg )
self . _note ( " status-xfail " , msg , anchor )
def status_xpass ( self , msg ) :
def status_xpass ( self , msg , anchor = None ) :
""" Write a note to the log file describing xpassed test(s).
Args :
msg : A message describing the xpassed test ( s ) .
anchor : Optional internal link target .
Returns :
Nothing .
self . _note ( " status-xpass " , msg )
self . _note ( " status-xpass " , msg , anchor )
def status_fail ( self , msg ) :
def status_fail ( self , msg , anchor = None ) :
""" Write a note to the log file describing failed test(s).
Args :
msg : A message describing the failed test ( s ) .
anchor : Optional internal link target .
Returns :
Nothing .
self . _note ( " status-fail " , msg )
self . _note ( " status-fail " , msg , anchor )
def get_stream ( self , name , chained_file = None ) :
""" Create an object to log a single stream ' s data into the log file.
@ -519,9 +602,10 @@ class Logfile(object):
if stream != self . last_stream :
self . _terminate_stream ( )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream " id= " %s " > \n ' % stream . name )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream-header " id= " ' + stream . name +
' " >Stream: ' + stream . name + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream block " > \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream-header block-header " >Stream: ' +
stream . name + ' </div> \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <div class= " stream-content block-content " > \n ' )
self . f . write ( ' <pre> ' )
if implicit :
self . f . write ( ' <span class= " implicit " > ' )