@ -147,6 +147,32 @@ For evb_rk3036 board:
Note: rk3036 SDMMC and debug uart use the same iomux, so if you boot from SD, the
debug uart must be disabled
Booting from an SD card on RK3188
For rk3188 boards the general storage onto the card stays the same as
described above, but the image creation needs a bit more care.
The bootrom of rk3188 expects to find a small 1kb loader which returns
control to the bootrom, after which it will load the real loader, which
can then be up to 29kb in size and does the regular ddr init.
Additionally the rk3188 requires everything the bootrom loads to be
rc4-encrypted. Except for the very first stage the bootrom always reads
and decodes 2kb pages, so files should be sized accordingly.
# copy tpl, pad to 1020 bytes and append spl
cat tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin > tplspl.bin
truncate -s 1020 tplspl.bin
cat spl/u-boot-spl.bin >> tplspl.bin
tools/mkimage -n rk3188 -T rksd -d tplspl.bin out
# truncate, encode and append u-boot.bin
truncate -s %2048 u-boot.bin
cat u-boot.bin | split -b 512 --filter='openssl rc4 -K 7C4E0304550509072D2C7B38170D1711' >> out
Using fastboot on rk3288
- Write GPT partition layout to mmc device which fastboot want to use it to