/* * (C) Copyright 2009 * Frank Bodammer <frank.bodammer@gcd-solutions.de> * (C) Copyright 2009 Semihalf, Grzegorz Bernacki * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <spi.h> #include <mpc5xxx.h> void spi_init(void) { struct mpc5xxx_spi *spi = (struct mpc5xxx_spi *)MPC5XXX_SPI; /* * Its important to use the correct order when initializing the * registers */ out_8(&spi->ddr, 0x0F); /* set all SPI pins as output */ out_8(&spi->pdr, 0x00); /* set SS low */ /* SPI is master, SS is general purpose output */ out_8(&spi->cr1, SPI_CR_MSTR | SPI_CR_SPE); out_8(&spi->cr2, 0x00); /* normal operation */ out_8(&spi->brr, 0x77); /* baud rate: IPB clock / 2048 */ } struct spi_slave *spi_setup_slave(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs, unsigned int max_hz, unsigned int mode) { struct spi_slave *slave; slave = spi_alloc_slave_base(bus, cs); if (!slave) return NULL; return slave; } void spi_free_slave(struct spi_slave *slave) { free(slave); } int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { return 0; } void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { return; } int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int bitlen, const void *dout, void *din, unsigned long flags) { struct mpc5xxx_spi *spi = (struct mpc5xxx_spi *)MPC5XXX_SPI; int i, iter = bitlen >> 3; const uchar *txp = dout; uchar *rxp = din; debug("spi_xfer: slave %u:%u dout %08X din %08X bitlen %u\n", slave->bus, slave->cs, *(uint *) dout, *(uint *) din, bitlen); if (flags & SPI_XFER_BEGIN) setbits_8(&spi->pdr, SPI_PDR_SS); for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) { udelay(1000); debug("spi_xfer: sending %x\n", txp[i]); out_8(&spi->dr, txp[i]); while (!(in_8(&spi->sr) & SPI_SR_SPIF)) { udelay(1000); if (in_8(&spi->sr) & SPI_SR_WCOL) { rxp[i] = in_8(&spi->dr); puts("spi_xfer: write collision\n"); return -1; } } rxp[i] = in_8(&spi->dr); debug("spi_xfer: received %x\n", rxp[i]); } if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) clrbits_8(&spi->pdr, SPI_PDR_SS); return 0; }