upstream u-boot with additional patches for our devices/boards: (AXP crashes) ;
Gbit ethernet patch for some LIME2 revisions ;
with SPI flash support
10 lines
426 B
10 lines
426 B
setenv kernelname zImage;
setenv boot_kernel "setenv bootargs \"${console} root=/dev/mmcblk${mmcrootdev}p${mmcrootpart} rootfstype=${rootfstype} rootwait ${opts}\";
load mmc ${mmcbootdev}:${mmcbootpart} 0x40007FC0 '${kernelname}';
if load mmc ${mmcbootdev}:${mmcbootpart} 40800000 ${fdtfile}; then
bootz 0x40007FC0 - 40800000;
echo Warning! Booting without DTB: '${fdtfile}'!;
bootz 0x40007FC0 -;
run boot_kernel; |