upstream u-boot with additional patches for our devices/boards: (AXP crashes) ; Gbit ethernet patch for some LIME2 revisions ; with SPI flash support

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* (C) Copyright 2004-2010
* Texas Instruments, <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#ifndef _OMAP2PLUS_I2C_H_
#define _OMAP2PLUS_I2C_H_
/* I2C masks */
/* I2C Interrupt Enable Register (I2C_IE): */
#define I2C_IE_GC_IE (1 << 5)
#define I2C_IE_XRDY_IE (1 << 4) /* Transmit data ready interrupt enable */
#define I2C_IE_RRDY_IE (1 << 3) /* Receive data ready interrupt enable */
#define I2C_IE_ARDY_IE (1 << 2) /* Register access ready interrupt enable */
#define I2C_IE_NACK_IE (1 << 1) /* No acknowledgment interrupt enable */
#define I2C_IE_AL_IE (1 << 0) /* Arbitration lost interrupt enable */
/* I2C Status Register (I2C_STAT): */
#define I2C_STAT_SBD (1 << 15) /* Single byte data */
#define I2C_STAT_BB (1 << 12) /* Bus busy */
#define I2C_STAT_ROVR (1 << 11) /* Receive overrun */
#define I2C_STAT_XUDF (1 << 10) /* Transmit underflow */
#define I2C_STAT_AAS (1 << 9) /* Address as slave */
#define I2C_STAT_GC (1 << 5)
#define I2C_STAT_XRDY (1 << 4) /* Transmit data ready */
#define I2C_STAT_RRDY (1 << 3) /* Receive data ready */
#define I2C_STAT_ARDY (1 << 2) /* Register access ready */
#define I2C_STAT_NACK (1 << 1) /* No acknowledgment interrupt enable */
#define I2C_STAT_AL (1 << 0) /* Arbitration lost interrupt enable */
/* I2C Interrupt Code Register (I2C_INTCODE): */
#define I2C_INTCODE_MASK 7
#define I2C_INTCODE_NONE 0
#define I2C_INTCODE_AL 1 /* Arbitration lost */
#define I2C_INTCODE_NAK 2 /* No acknowledgement/general call */
#define I2C_INTCODE_ARDY 3 /* Register access ready */
#define I2C_INTCODE_RRDY 4 /* Rcv data ready */
#define I2C_INTCODE_XRDY 5 /* Xmit data ready */
/* I2C Buffer Configuration Register (I2C_BUF): */
#define I2C_BUF_RDMA_EN (1 << 15) /* Receive DMA channel enable */
#define I2C_BUF_XDMA_EN (1 << 7) /* Transmit DMA channel enable */
/* I2C Configuration Register (I2C_CON): */
#define I2C_CON_EN (1 << 15) /* I2C module enable */
#define I2C_CON_BE (1 << 14) /* Big endian mode */
#define I2C_CON_STB (1 << 11) /* Start byte mode (master mode only) */
#define I2C_CON_MST (1 << 10) /* Master/slave mode */
#define I2C_CON_TRX (1 << 9) /* Transmitter/receiver mode */
/* (master mode only) */
#define I2C_CON_XA (1 << 8) /* Expand address */
#define I2C_CON_STP (1 << 1) /* Stop condition (master mode only) */
#define I2C_CON_STT (1 << 0) /* Start condition (master mode only) */
/* I2C System Test Register (I2C_SYSTEST): */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_ST_EN (1 << 15) /* System test enable */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_FREE (1 << 14) /* Free running mode, on brkpoint) */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_TMODE_MASK (3 << 12) /* Test mode select */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_TMODE_SHIFT (12) /* Test mode select */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_SCL_I (1 << 3) /* SCL line sense input value */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_SCL_O (1 << 2) /* SCL line drive output value */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_SDA_I (1 << 1) /* SDA line sense input value */
#define I2C_SYSTEST_SDA_O (1 << 0) /* SDA line drive output value */
/* I2C System Status Register (I2C_SYSS): */
#define I2C_SYSS_RDONE (1 << 0) /* Internel reset monitoring */
#define I2C_SCLL_SCLL 0
#define I2C_SCLL_SCLL_M 0xFF
#define I2C_SCLL_HSSCLL 8
#define I2C_SCLH_HSSCLL_M 0xFF
#define I2C_SCLH_SCLH 0
#define I2C_SCLH_SCLH_M 0xFF
#define I2C_SCLH_HSSCLH 8
#define I2C_SCLH_HSSCLH_M 0xFF
#define OMAP_I2C_STANDARD 100000
#define OMAP_I2C_FAST_MODE 400000
#define OMAP_I2C_HIGH_SPEED 3400000
#define SYSTEM_CLOCK_12 12000000
#define SYSTEM_CLOCK_13 13000000
#define SYSTEM_CLOCK_192 19200000
#define SYSTEM_CLOCK_96 96000000
/* Use the reference value of 96MHz if not explicitly set by the board */
#ifndef I2C_IP_CLK
* The reference minimum clock for high speed is 19.2MHz.
* The linux 2.6.30 kernel uses this value.
* The reference minimum clock for fast mode is 9.6MHz
* The reference minimum clock for standard mode is 4MHz
* In TRM, the value of 12MHz is used.
#define I2C_INTERNAL_SAMPLING_CLK 19200000
* The equation for the low and high time is
* tlow = scll + scll_trim = (sampling clock * tlow_duty) / speed
* thigh = sclh + sclh_trim = (sampling clock * (1 - tlow_duty)) / speed
* If the duty cycle is 50%
* tlow = scll + scll_trim = sampling clock / (2 * speed)
* thigh = sclh + sclh_trim = sampling clock / (2 * speed)
* In TRM
* scll_trim = 7
* sclh_trim = 5
* The linux 2.6.30 kernel uses
* scll_trim = 6
* sclh_trim = 6
* These are the trim values for standard and fast speed
/* These are the trim values for high speed */
#define I2C_PSC_MAX 0x0f
#define I2C_PSC_MIN 0x00
#endif /* _OMAP24XX_I2C_H_ */