upstream u-boot with additional patches for our devices/boards: (AXP crashes) ; Gbit ethernet patch for some LIME2 revisions ; with SPI flash support

88 lines
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* (C) Copyright 2009 Faraday Technology
* Po-Yu Chuang <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Andes Technology Corporation
* Shawn Lin, Andes Technology Corporation <>
* Macpaul Lin, Andes Technology Corporation <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#include <common.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <faraday/ftpmu010.h>
/* OSCC: OSC Control Register */
void ftpmu010_32768osc_enable(void)
static struct ftpmu010 *pmu = (struct ftpmu010 *)CONFIG_FTPMU010_BASE;
unsigned int oscc;
/* enable the 32768Hz oscillator */
oscc = readl(&pmu->OSCC);
writel(oscc, &pmu->OSCC);
/* wait until ready */
while (!(readl(&pmu->OSCC) & FTPMU010_OSCC_OSCL_STABLE))
/* select 32768Hz oscillator */
oscc = readl(&pmu->OSCC);
writel(oscc, &pmu->OSCC);
/* MFPSR: Multi-Function Port Setting Register */
void ftpmu010_mfpsr_select_dev(unsigned int dev)
static struct ftpmu010 *pmu = (struct ftpmu010 *)CONFIG_FTPMU010_BASE;
unsigned int mfpsr;
mfpsr = readl(&pmu->MFPSR);
mfpsr |= dev;
writel(mfpsr, &pmu->MFPSR);
void ftpmu010_mfpsr_diselect_dev(unsigned int dev)
static struct ftpmu010 *pmu = (struct ftpmu010 *)CONFIG_FTPMU010_BASE;
unsigned int mfpsr;
mfpsr = readl(&pmu->MFPSR);
mfpsr &= ~dev;
writel(mfpsr, &pmu->MFPSR);
/* PDLLCR0: PLL/DLL Control Register 0 */
void ftpmu010_dlldis_disable(void)
static struct ftpmu010 *pmu = (struct ftpmu010 *)CONFIG_FTPMU010_BASE;
unsigned int pdllcr0;
pdllcr0 = readl(&pmu->PDLLCR0);
pdllcr0 |= FTPMU010_PDLLCR0_DLLDIS;
writel(pdllcr0, &pmu->PDLLCR0);
void ftpmu010_sdram_clk_disable(unsigned int cr0)
static struct ftpmu010 *pmu = (struct ftpmu010 *)CONFIG_FTPMU010_BASE;
unsigned int pdllcr0;
pdllcr0 = readl(&pmu->PDLLCR0);
pdllcr0 |= FTPMU010_PDLLCR0_HCLKOUTDIS(cr0);
writel(pdllcr0, &pmu->PDLLCR0);
/* SDRAMHTC: SDRAM Signal Hold Time Control */
void ftpmu010_sdramhtc_set(unsigned int val)
static struct ftpmu010 *pmu = (struct ftpmu010 *)CONFIG_FTPMU010_BASE;
unsigned int sdramhtc;
sdramhtc = readl(&pmu->SDRAMHTC);
sdramhtc |= val;
writel(sdramhtc, &pmu->SDRAMHTC);