upstream u-boot with additional patches for our devices/boards: (AXP crashes) ; Gbit ethernet patch for some LIME2 revisions ; with SPI flash support

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* Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#ifndef _S3C24X0_I2C_H
#define _S3C24X0_I2C_H
struct s3c24x0_i2c {
u32 iiccon;
u32 iicstat;
u32 iicadd;
u32 iicds;
u32 iiclc;
struct exynos5_hsi2c {
u32 usi_ctl;
u32 usi_fifo_ctl;
u32 usi_trailing_ctl;
u32 usi_clk_ctl;
u32 usi_clk_slot;
u32 spi_ctl;
u32 uart_ctl;
u32 res1;
u32 usi_int_en;
u32 usi_int_stat;
u32 usi_modem_stat;
u32 usi_error_stat;
u32 usi_fifo_stat;
u32 usi_txdata;
u32 usi_rxdata;
u32 res2;
u32 usi_conf;
u32 usi_auto_conf;
u32 usi_timeout;
u32 usi_manual_cmd;
u32 usi_trans_status;
u32 usi_timing_hs1;
u32 usi_timing_hs2;
u32 usi_timing_hs3;
u32 usi_timing_fs1;
u32 usi_timing_fs2;
u32 usi_timing_fs3;
u32 usi_timing_sla;
u32 i2c_addr;
struct s3c24x0_i2c_bus {
bool active; /* port is active and available */
int node; /* device tree node */
int bus_num; /* i2c bus number */
struct s3c24x0_i2c *regs;
struct exynos5_hsi2c *hsregs;
int is_highspeed; /* High speed type, rather than I2C */
unsigned clock_frequency;
int id;
unsigned clk_cycle;
unsigned clk_div;
#define I2C_WRITE 0
#define I2C_READ 1
#define I2C_OK 0
#define I2C_NOK 1
#define I2C_NACK 2
#define I2C_NOK_LA 3 /* Lost arbitration */
#define I2C_NOK_TOUT 4 /* time out */
/* S3C I2C Controller bits */
#define I2CSTAT_BSY 0x20 /* Busy bit */
#define I2CSTAT_NACK 0x01 /* Nack bit */
#define I2CCON_ACKGEN 0x80 /* Acknowledge generation */
#define I2CCON_IRPND 0x10 /* Interrupt pending bit */
#define I2C_MODE_MT 0xC0 /* Master Transmit Mode */
#define I2C_MODE_MR 0x80 /* Master Receive Mode */
#define I2C_START_STOP 0x20 /* START / STOP */
#define I2C_TXRX_ENA 0x10 /* I2C Tx/Rx enable */
#define I2C_TIMEOUT_MS 10 /* 10 ms */
#endif /* _S3C24X0_I2C_H */