You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

442 lines
12 KiB

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<div class="container">
{{define "person-row"}}
<tr id="person-{{.Anchor}}">
<td class="column-small-name">{{if .Name}}{{.Name}}{{else}}<em>Geen naam</em>{{end}}</td>
<td class="column-small-name">{{.Function}}</td>
<td class="column-medium-name">{{.Address}}</td>
<td class="column-small-name">{{if .AGB}}AGB: {{.AGB}}{{end}}</td>
{{define "medi-group-epi"}}
{{$root := .}}
<table class="table">
<th class="column-date">Datum</th>
<th class="column-code">Type</th>
<th class="column-date">ICPC</th>
<th class="column-name">Beschrijving</th>
{{if eq .Extra.verbose_icpc_description "true"}}
<th class="column-desc">Beschrijving arts</th>
<th class="column-desc"></th>
{{range .Episodes}}
<tr{{if .Anchor}} id="medigroup-{{.Anchor}}"{{end}}>
{{if eq $root.Extra.verbose_icpc_description "true"}}
{{if eq .Description ""}}
<td colspan="2">{{.Title}}</td>
<td colspan="2">{{.Description}}</td>
{{define "medi-group-ica"}}
{{$root := .}}
<table class="table">
<th class="column-date">Datum</th>
<th class="column-code">Type</th>
<th class="column-date">ICPC</th>
<th class="column-name" colspan="2">Beschrijving</th>
{{if eq $root.Extra.verbose_icpc_description "true"}}
<th class="column-desc"></th>
{{range .Indicators}}
<tr{{if .Anchor}} id="medigroup-{{.Anchor}}"{{end}}>
{{if eq $root.Extra.verbose_icpc_description "true"}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr" data-his="{{.HIS}}">
<table class="table">
{{template "person-row" .GP}}
{{if .Pharmacy.Anchor}}{{template "person-row" .Pharmacy}}{{end}}
{{if .Practitioners}}
<h4 data-fold-toggle="practicioners" data-fold-hide="1">Medebehandelaren</h4>
<div data-fold="practicioners">
<table class="table">{{range .Practitioners}}
{{template "person-row" .}}{{end}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr">
<table class="patient">
{{if .Patient.BSN}}
{{range .Patient.OtherFields}}
<td{{if eq .Key "Toegepast filter"}} title="Een filter is een (standaard) filter dat door een huisarts over alle of een deel van de patiëntendossiers wordt toegepast. De minimale professionele samenvatting (PS) bevat een samenvatting van alleen zeer recente informatie uit het huisartsdossier, met alleen actuele / chronische medicatie. Dit is minder informatie dan de standaard NHG PS, die journaalregels tot 4 maanden terug, of de laatste 5 consultverslagen kan bevatten. Houd er svp rekening mee dat geen enkel type PS alle, of gegarandeerd volledige of correcte informatie bevat."{{end}}>{{.Value}}
{{if .Memo}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr">
{{if .Episodes}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr">
{{template "medi-group-epi" .}}
{{if .Indicators}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr">
<h3>Contra-indicaties, interacties en allergie&#235;n</h3>
{{template "medi-group-ica" .}}
{{if .Medication}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr">
<h3 data-fold-toggle="med-table">Medicatieoverzicht</h3>
<table data-fold="med-table" class="table">
<th class="column-large-name">Recept</th>
<th class="column-instr">Gebruiksvoorschrift</th>
<th class="column-quantity">Hoeveelheid</th>
<th class="column-date">Ingang</th>
<th class="column-date">Vervalt</th>
{{range $index, $med := .Medication}}
{{if gt (len $med.Fold) 1}}
<tr data-fold-toggle="medfold-{{$index}}" data-fold-hide="1">
<td>{{ YieldDosage $med }}</td>
{{range $fold := $med.Fold}}
<tr data-fold="medfold-{{$index}}">
<td>{{ if ne $med.Instructions $fold.Instructions}}{{$fold.Instructions}}{{else}}{{end}}</td>
<td>{{ YieldDosage $fold }}</td>
<td>{{ YieldDosage $med }}</td>
{{end }}
{{if .Journal}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr-white">
{{range .Journal}}
<div class="seg seg-hdr">
<div class="seg-date">{{.Date}}</div>
<div class="seg-content-offset" title="{{.AuthorName}}{{if .Kind}} ({{.Kind}}){{end}}">
{{if .Results}}
<div class="row">
<table class="results">
<th class="column-result-id">Identificatie</th>
<th class="column-result-name">Resultaat</th>
<th class="column-result-desc">Beschrijving</th>
{{range .Results}}
<tr {{if .Episode}}data-episode="{{.Episode}}"{{end}}><td>{{.Kind}}</td>
<td>{{if eq .Identification "Buiten normaalwaarde"}}<strong>{{.Identification}}</strong>{{else}}{{.Identification}}{{end}}
{{if and .Identification .Description}}<br>{{end}}
{{range .Lines}}
<div class="row"{{if .Episode}} data-episode="{{.Episode}}"{{end}}>
<table class="SOEPkind">
{{if .SOEP}}
<th style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top;">{{.SOEP}}:
<td style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top;">{{ConvertLinebreaks .Text}}
{{if .Kind}}
<th style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top;">{{.Kind}}{{if .Text}}:{{end}}
<td style="padding-top: 10px; vertical-align: top;">{{ConvertLinebreaks .Text}}
{{if .Extra.csrf_token }}
<div class="seg seg-hdr-white">
<h3 id="feedback-header"><button onClick="feedbackHeaderClicked()">Notitie schrijven</button></h3>
<form id="feedback-form" class="hidden" method="POST" onSubmit="sendFeedback(); return false"> <!-- TODO: contruct proper URL in golang -->
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="{{.Extra.csrf_token}}" id="csrf">
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<p><br><input type="submit" value="Opsturen">
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