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Bas Kloosterman
2 years ago | |
protobuf | 2 years ago | |
go.mod | 2 years ago | |
okapi-errors.pb.go | 2 years ago | |
okapi-events.pb.go | 2 years ago | |
okapi-onboarding.pb.go | 2 years ago | |
okapi-patient-registration.pb.go | 2 years ago | |
okapi-service-config.pb.go | 2 years ago | |
okapi.pb.go | 2 years ago | |
okapi_grpc.pb.go | 2 years ago | | | 2 years ago |
This repository contains the protobuf specification and accompanying go module for the OKAPI standard. Read the OKAPI specification for more information.
Compile protobufs into go package on macos
Compiling the protobuf files yourself is not necessary but here are instructions as how one should compile it if needed (MacOs).
$ brew install protoc protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-go-grpc
$ cd protobuf
$ protoc --go_out=.. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative okapi-errors.proto okapi-onboarding.proto okapi-service-config.proto okapi-events.proto okapi-patient-registration.proto okapi.proto