Secure Boot Target is added for NAND for P3041.
For mpc85xx SoCs, the core begins execution from address 0xFFFFFFFC.
In case of secure boot, this default address maps to Boot ROM.
The Boot ROM code requires that the bootloader(U-boot) must lie
in 0 to 3.5G address space i.e. 0x0 - 0xDFFFFFFF.
In case of NAND Secure Boot, CONFIG_SYS_RAMBOOT is enabled and CPC is
configured as SRAM. U-Boot binary will be located on SRAM configured
at address 0xBFF00000.
In the U-Boot code, TLB entries are created to map the virtual address
0xFFF00000 to physical address 0xBFF00000 of CPC configured as SRAM.
Signed-off-by: Saksham Jain <>
Signed-off-by: Ruchika Gupta <>
Signed-off-by: Aneesh Bansal <>
Reviewed-by: York Sun <>
When boot from PCIE, slave's core should be in holdoff after powered on for
some specific requirements. Master will release the slave's core at the
right time by PCIE interface.
Slave's ucode and ENV can be stored in master's memory space, then slave
can fetch them through PCIE interface. For the corenet platform, ucode is
for Fman.
NOTE: Because the slave can not erase, write master's NOR flash by
PCIE interface, so it can not modify the ENV parameters stored
in master's NOR flash using "saveenv" or other commands.
environment and requirement:
1. NOR flash for its own u-boot image, ucode and ENV space.
2. Slave's u-boot image is in master NOR flash.
3. Put the slave's ucode and ENV into it's own memory space.
4. Normally boot from local NOR flash.
5. Configure PCIE system if needed.
1. Just has EEPROM for RCW. No flash for u-boot image, ucode and ENV.
2. Boot location should be set to one PCIE interface by RCW.
3. RCW should configure the SerDes, PCIE interfaces correctly.
4. Must set all the cores in holdoff by RCW.
5. Must be powered on before master's boot.
For the slave module, need to finish these processes:
1. Set the boot location to one PCIE interface by RCW.
2. Set a specific TLB entry for the boot process.
3. Set a LAW entry with the TargetID of one PCIE for the boot.
4. Set a specific TLB entry in order to fetch ucode and ENV from
5. Set a LAW entry with the TargetID one of the PCIE ports for
ucode and ENV.
6. Slave's u-boot image should be generated specifically by
make xxxx_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_config.
This will set SYS_TEXT_BASE=0xFFF80000 and other configurations.
In addition, the processes are very similar between boot from SRIO and
boot from PCIE. Some configurations like the address spaces can be set to
the same. So the module of boot from PCIE was added based on the existing
module of boot from SRIO, and the following changes were needed:
1. Updated the README.srio-boot-corenet to add descriptions about
boot from PCIE, and change the name to
2. Changed the compile config "xxxx_SRIOBOOT_SLAVE" to
"xxxx_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT", and the image builded with
"xxxx_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT" can support both the boot from SRIO and
from PCIE.
3. Updated other macros and documents if needed to add information
about boot from PCIE.
Signed-off-by: Liu Gang <>
Signed-off-by: Andy Fleming <>
When boot from SRIO, slave's ucode can be stored in master's memory space,
then slave can fetch the ucode image through SRIO interface. For the
corenet platform, ucode is for Fman.
Master needs to:
1. Put the slave's ucode image into it's own memory space.
2. Set an inbound SRIO window covered slave's ucode stored in master's
memory space.
Slave needs to:
1. Set a specific TLB entry in order to fetch ucode from master.
2. Set a LAW entry with the TargetID SRIO1 or SRIO2 for ucode.
Signed-off-by: Liu Gang <>
Signed-off-by: Shaohui Xie <>
For the powerpc processors with SRIO interface, boot location can be configured
from SRIO1 or SRIO2 by RCW. The processor booting from SRIO can do without flash
for u-boot image. The image can be fetched from another processor's memory
space by SRIO link connected between them.
The processor boots from SRIO is slave, the processor boots from normal flash
memory space and can help slave to boot from its memory space is master.
They are different environments and requirements:
1. NOR flash for its own u-boot image, ucode and ENV space.
2. Slave's u-boot image in master NOR flash.
3. Normally boot from local NOR flash.
4. Configure SRIO switch system if needed.
1. Just has EEPROM for RCW. No flash for u-boot image, ucode and ENV.
2. Boot location should be set to SRIO1 or SRIO2 by RCW.
3. RCW should configure the SerDes, SRIO interfaces correctly.
4. Slave must be powered on after master's boot.
5. Must define CONFIG_SYS_QE_FMAN_FW_IN_REMOTE because of no ucode
For the slave module, need to finish these processes:
1. Set the boot location to SRIO1 or SRIO2 by RCW.
2. Set a specific TLB entry for the boot process.
3. Set a LAW entry with the TargetID SRIO1 or SRIO2 for the boot.
4. Slave's u-boot image should be generated specifically by
make xxxx_SRIOBOOT_SLAVE_config.
This will set SYS_TEXT_BASE=0xFFF80000 and other configurations.
Signed-off-by: Liu Gang <>
Signed-off-by: Shaohui Xie <>
The P2041RDB has almost identical setup for TLB, LAWS, and PCI with
other P-Series CoreNet platforms.
The only difference between P2041RDB & P3041DS/P4080DS/P5020DS is the
CPLD vs PIXIS FPGA which we can handle via some simple #ifdefs in the
TLB and LAW setup tables.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
We currently support 4 SoC/Boards from the P-Series of QorIQ SoCs that
are based on the 'CoreNet' Architecture: P2041RDB, P3041DS, P4080DS, and
P5020DS. There is a significant amount of commonality shared between
these boards that we can refactor into common code:
* Initial LAW setup
* Initial TLB setup
* PCI setup
We start by moving the shared code between P3041DS, P4080DS, and P5020DS
into a common directory to be shared with other P-Series CoreNet boards.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
We shouldn't be setting execute permissions on TLB entries that will not
actually have any code run from them.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Add ifdef protection in LAW & TLB code to handle the case in which
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
The P3041DS & P5020DS boards are almost identical (except for the
processor in them). Additionally they are based on the P4080DS board
design so we use the some board code for all 3 boards.
Some ngPIXIS (FPGA) registers where reserved on P4080DS and now have
meaning on P3041DS/P5020DS. We utilize some of these for SERDES clock
Additionally, the P3041DS/P5020DS support NAND.
Signed-off-by: Timur Tabi <>
Signed-off-by: Shaohui Xie <>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
PBL(pre-boot loader): SPI flash used as RCW(Reset Configuration Word) and
PBI(pre-boot initialization) source, CPC(CoreNet Platform Cache) used as
1M SRAM where PBL will copy whole U-BOOT image to, U-boot can boot from
CPC after PBL completes RCW and PBI phases.
Signed-off-by: Chunhe Lan <>
Signed-off-by: Mingkai Hu <>
Signed-off-by: Shaohui Xie <>
Signed-off-by: Roy Zang <>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Add support for the P4080DS board, with the following features:
* 36-bit only
* Boots from NOR flash
* FMAN drivers NOT supported
* SPD DDR initialization
Signed-off-by: Ed Swarthout <>
Signed-off-by: Emil Medve <>
Signed-off-by: Becky Bruce <>
Signed-off-by: Ashish Kalra <>
Signed-off-by: Stuart Yoder <>
Signed-off-by: Dave Liu <>
Signed-off-by: Lan Chunhe-B25806 <>
Signed-off-by: Scott Wood <>
Signed-off-by: Kim Phillips <>
Signed-off-by: Roy Zang <>
Signed-off-by: Timur Tabi <>
Signed-off-by: Andy Fleming <>
Signed-off-by: York Sun <>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
We already map the page cache-inhibited. There is no reason we
shouldn't also be marking it guarded to prevent speculative accesses.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
The patch adds support for P2020DS reference platform.
DDR3 interface uses hard-coded initialization rather than SPD
for now and was tested at 667Mhz. Some PIXIS register
definitions and associated code sections need to be fixed.
TSEC1/2/3, NOR flash, MAC/SYS ID EEPROM, PCIE1/2/3 are all
tested under u-boot.
Signed-off-by: Srikanth Srinivasan <>
Signed-off-by: Travis Wheatley <>
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Introduce a new define to seperate out the virtual address that PCI
IO space is at from the physical address. In most situations these are
mapped 1:1. However any code accessing the bus should use VIRT.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Acked-by: Andy Fleming <>
Introduce a new define to seperate out the virtual address that PCI
memory is at from the physical address. In most situations these are
mapped 1:1. However any code accessing the bus should use VIRT.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Acked-by: Andy Fleming <>
Added a CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE_PHYS for use as the physical address and
maintain CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_BASE as the virtual address of the flash.
This allows us to deal with 36-bit phys on these boards in the future.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Acked-by: Andy Fleming <>
Added a PIXIS_BASE_PHYS for use as the physical address and maintain
PIXIS_BASE as the virtual address of the PIXIS fpga registers.
This allows us to deal with 36-bit phys on these boards in the future.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
Acked-by: Andy Fleming <>
- Move the TLB entry of PIXIS_BASE from TLB0 to TLB1[8], because in CAMP mode,
all the TLB0 entries will be invalidated after cpu1 brings up kernel, thus cpu0
can not access PIXIS_BASE anymore (any access will cause DataTLBError exception)
- Set CONFIG_SYS_DDR_TLB_START to 9 for MPC8572DS board.
Signed-off-by: Haiying Wang <>
This patch defines 1M TLB&LAW size for NAND on MPC8572DS, assigns
0xffa00000 for CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE and adds other NAND supports in
config file.
It also moves environment(CONFIG_ENV_ADDR) outside of u-boot image, to
make room for the increased code size with NAND enabled.
Signed-off-by: Jason Jin <>
Signed-off-by: Haiying Wang <>
Signed-off-by: Scott Wood <>
Changing the flash from cacheable to cache-inhibited was taking a significant
amount of time due to the fact that we were iterating over the full 256M of
flash. Instead we can just flush the L1 d-cache and invalidate the i-cache.
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>
When we go to 36-bit physical addresses we need to keep the concept of
the physical CCSRBAR address seperate from the virtual one.
For the majority of boards CFG_CCSBAR_PHYS == CFG_CCSRBAR
Signed-off-by: Kumar Gala <>