# (C) Copyright 2000-2012
# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
# See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
# project.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundatio; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
VERSION = 2013
i f n e q "$(SUBLEVEL)" ""
e l s e
e n d i f
Move timestamp and version files into 'generated' subdir
There is a rather subtle build problem where the build time stamp is not
updated for out-of-tree builds if there exists an in-tree build which
has a valid timestamp file. So if you do an in-tree build, then an
out-of-tree build your timestamp will not change.
The correct timestamp_autogenerated.h lives in the object tree, but it
is not always found there. The source still lives in the source tree and
when compiling version.h, it includes timestamp_autogenerated.h. Since
the current directory is always searched first, this will come from the
source tree rather than the object tree if it exists there. This affects
dependency generation also, which means that common/cmd_version.o will not
even be rebuilt if you have ever done an in-tree build.
A similar problem exists with the version file.
This change moves both files into the 'generated' subdir, which is already
used for asm-offsets.h. Then timestamp.h and version.h are updated to
include the files from there.
There are other places where these generated files are included, but I
cannot see why these don't just use the timestamp.h and version.h headers.
So this change also tidies that up.
I have tested this with in- and out-of-tree builds, but not SPL. I have
looked at various other options for fixing this, including sed on the dep
files, -I- and -include flags to gcc, but I don't think they can be made
to work. Comments welcome.
Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
Acked-by: Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
14 years ago
TIMESTAMP_FILE = $( obj) include/generated/timestamp_autogenerated.h
VERSION_FILE = $( obj) include/generated/version_autogenerated.h
HOSTARCH := $( shell uname -m | \
sed -e s/i.86/x86/ \
-e s/sun4u/sparc64/ \
-e s/arm.*/arm/ \
-e s/sa110/arm/ \
-e s/ppc64/powerpc/ \
-e s/ppc/powerpc/ \
-e s/macppc/powerpc/\
-e s/sh.*/sh/)
HOSTOS := $( shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | \
sed -e 's/\(cygwin\).*/cygwin/' )
# Deal with colliding definitions from tcsh etc.
# Allow for silent builds
i f e q ( , $( findstring s ,$ ( MAKEFLAGS ) ) )
XECHO = echo
e l s e
e n d i f
# U-boot build supports producing a object files to the separate external
# directory. Two use cases are supported:
# 1) Add O= to the make command line
# 'make O=/tmp/build all'
# 2) Set environement variable BUILD_DIR to point to the desired location
# 'export BUILD_DIR=/tmp/build'
# 'make'
# The second approach can also be used with a MAKEALL script
# 'export BUILD_DIR=/tmp/build'
# Command line 'O=' setting overrides BUILD_DIR environent variable.
# When none of the above methods is used the local build is performed and
# the object files are placed in the source directory.
i f d e f O
i f e q ( "$(origin O)" , "command line" )
BUILD_DIR := $( O)
e n d i f
e n d i f
# Call a source code checker (by default, "sparse") as part of the
# C compilation.
# Use 'make C=1' to enable checking of re-compiled files.
# See the linux kernel file "Documentation/sparse.txt" for more details,
# including where to get the "sparse" utility.
i f d e f C
i f e q ( "$(origin C)" , "command line" )
e n d i f
e n d i f
i f n d e f C H E C K S R C
e n d i f
i f n e q ( $( BUILD_DIR ) , )
saved-output := $( BUILD_DIR)
# Attempt to create a output directory.
$( shell [ -d $ {BUILD_DIR } ] || mkdir -p $ {BUILD_DIR })
# Verify if it was successful.
BUILD_DIR := $( shell cd $( BUILD_DIR) && /bin/pwd)
$( if $ ( BUILD_DIR ) ,,$ ( error output directory "$ ( saved -output ) " does not exist ) )
e n d i f # ifneq ($(BUILD_DIR),)
OBJTREE := $( if $( BUILD_DIR) ,$( BUILD_DIR) ,$( CURDIR) )
MKCONFIG := $( SRCTREE) /mkconfig
i f n e q ( $( OBJTREE ) , $( SRCTREE ) )
e n d i f
# $(obj) and (src) are defined in config.mk but here in main Makefile
# we also need them before config.mk is included which is the case for
# some targets like unconfig, clean, clobber, distclean, etc.
i f n e q ( $( OBJTREE ) , $( SRCTREE ) )
obj := $( OBJTREE) /
src := $( SRCTREE) /
e l s e
obj :=
src :=
e n d i f
export obj src
# Make sure CDPATH settings don't interfere
u n export CDPATH
# The "tools" are needed early, so put this first
# Don't include stuff already done in $(LIBS)
# The "examples" conditionally depend on U-Boot (say, when USE_PRIVATE_LIBGCC
# is "yes"), so compile examples after U-Boot is compiled.
SUBDIR_EXAMPLES = examples/standalone examples/api
i f e q ( $( obj ) i n c l u d e / c o n f i g . m k , $( wildcard $ ( obj ) include /config .mk ) )
# Include autoconf.mk before config.mk so that the config options are available
# to all top level build files. We need the dummy all: target to prevent the
# dependency target in autoconf.mk.dep from being the default.
all :
s i n c l u d e $( obj ) i n c l u d e / a u t o c o n f . m k . d e p
s i n c l u d e $( obj ) i n c l u d e / a u t o c o n f . m k
i f n d e f C O N F I G _ S A N D B O X
e n d i f
# load ARCH, BOARD, and CPU configuration
i n c l u d e $( obj ) i n c l u d e / c o n f i g . m k
# set default to nothing for native builds
i f e q ( $( HOSTARCH ) , $( ARCH ) )
e n d i f
# load other configuration
i n c l u d e $( TOPDIR ) / c o n f i g . m k
# Targets which don't build the source code
NON_BUILD_TARGETS = backup clean clobber distclean mkproper tidy unconfig
# Only do the generic board check when actually building, not configuring
i f e q ( $( filter $ ( NON_BUILD_TARGETS ) ,$ ( MAKECMDGOALS ) ) , )
i f e q ( $( findstring _config ,$ ( MAKECMDGOALS ) ) , )
e n d i f
e n d i f
# If board code explicitly specified LDSCRIPT or CONFIG_SYS_LDSCRIPT, use
# that (or fail if absent). Otherwise, search for a linker script in a
# standard location.
i f n d e f L D S C R I P T
#LDSCRIPT := $(TOPDIR)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/u-boot.lds.debug
# need to strip off double quotes
LDSCRIPT := $( subst " ,, $( CONFIG_SYS_LDSCRIPT) )
e n d i f
# If there is no specified link script, we look in a number of places for it
i f n d e f L D S C R I P T
ifeq ( $( CONFIG_NAND_U_BOOT) ,y)
LDSCRIPT := $( TOPDIR) /board/$( BOARDDIR) /u-boot-nand.lds
ifeq ( $( wildcard $( LDSCRIPT) ) ,)
LDSCRIPT := $( TOPDIR) /$( CPUDIR) /u-boot-nand.lds
ifeq ( $( wildcard $( LDSCRIPT) ) ,)
LDSCRIPT := $( TOPDIR) /board/$( BOARDDIR) /u-boot.lds
ifeq ( $( wildcard $( LDSCRIPT) ) ,)
LDSCRIPT := $( TOPDIR) /$( CPUDIR) /u-boot.lds
ifeq ( $( wildcard $( LDSCRIPT) ) ,)
LDSCRIPT := $( TOPDIR) /arch/$( ARCH) /cpu/u-boot.lds
# We don't expect a Makefile here
ifeq ( $( wildcard $( LDSCRIPT) ) ,)
$( error could not find linker script )
e n d i f
# U-Boot objects....order is important (i.e. start must be first)
OBJS = $( CPUDIR) /start.o
i f e q ( $( CPU ) , p p c 4 x x )
OBJS += $( CPUDIR) /resetvec.o
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CPU ) , m p c 8 5 x x )
OBJS += $( CPUDIR) /resetvec.o
e n d i f
OBJS := $( addprefix $( obj) ,$( OBJS) )
HAVE_VENDOR_COMMON_LIB = $( if $( wildcard board/$( VENDOR) /common/Makefile) ,y,n)
LIBS-y += lib/libgeneric.o
LIBS-y += lib/lzma/liblzma.o
LIBS-y += lib/lzo/liblzo.o
LIBS-y += lib/zlib/libz.o
LIBS-$(CONFIG_TIZEN) += lib/tizen/libtizen.o
LIBS-$(HAVE_VENDOR_COMMON_LIB) += board/$( VENDOR) /common/lib$( VENDOR) .o
LIBS-y += $( CPUDIR) /lib$( CPU) .o
i f d e f S O C
LIBS-y += $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) /lib$( SOC) .o
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CPU ) , i x p )
LIBS-y += drivers/net/npe/libnpe.o
e n d i f
LIBS-$(CONFIG_OF_EMBED) += dts/libdts.o
LIBS-y += arch/$( ARCH) /lib/lib$( ARCH) .o
LIBS-y += fs/libfs.o \
fs/cbfs/libcbfs.o \
fs/cramfs/libcramfs.o \
fs/ext4/libext4fs.o \
fs/fat/libfat.o \
fs/fdos/libfdos.o \
fs/jffs2/libjffs2.o \
fs/reiserfs/libreiserfs.o \
fs/sandbox/libsandboxfs.o \
fs/ubifs/libubifs.o \
fs/yaffs2/libyaffs2.o \
LIBS-y += net/libnet.o
LIBS-y += disk/libdisk.o
LIBS-y += drivers/bios_emulator/libatibiosemu.o
LIBS-y += drivers/block/libblock.o
LIBS-$(CONFIG_BOOTCOUNT_LIMIT) += drivers/bootcount/libbootcount.o
LIBS-y += drivers/crypto/libcrypto.o
LIBS-y += drivers/dma/libdma.o
LIBS-y += drivers/fpga/libfpga.o
LIBS-y += drivers/gpio/libgpio.o
LIBS-y += drivers/hwmon/libhwmon.o
LIBS-y += drivers/i2c/libi2c.o
LIBS-y += drivers/input/libinput.o
LIBS-y += drivers/misc/libmisc.o
LIBS-y += drivers/mmc/libmmc.o
LIBS-y += drivers/mtd/libmtd.o
LIBS-y += drivers/mtd/nand/libnand.o
LIBS-y += drivers/mtd/onenand/libonenand.o
LIBS-y += drivers/mtd/ubi/libubi.o
LIBS-y += drivers/mtd/spi/libspi_flash.o
LIBS-y += drivers/net/libnet.o
LIBS-y += drivers/net/phy/libphy.o
LIBS-y += drivers/pci/libpci.o
LIBS-y += drivers/pcmcia/libpcmcia.o
LIBS-y += drivers/power/libpower.o \
drivers/power/fuel_gauge/libfuel_gauge.o \
drivers/power/pmic/libpmic.o \
LIBS-y += drivers/spi/libspi.o
LIBS-y += drivers/dfu/libdfu.o
i f e q ( $( CPU ) , m p c 8 3 x x )
LIBS-y += drivers/qe/libqe.o
LIBS-y += arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/libddr.o
LIBS-y += arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xxx/lib8xxx.o
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CPU ) , m p c 8 5 x x )
LIBS-y += drivers/qe/libqe.o
LIBS-y += drivers/net/fm/libfm.o
LIBS-y += arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/libddr.o
LIBS-y += arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xxx/lib8xxx.o
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( CPU ) , m p c 8 6 x x )
LIBS-y += arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xxx/ddr/libddr.o
LIBS-y += arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc8xxx/lib8xxx.o
e n d i f
LIBS-y += drivers/rtc/librtc.o
LIBS-y += drivers/serial/libserial.o
LIBS-y += drivers/sound/libsound.o
LIBS-y += drivers/tpm/libtpm.o
LIBS-y += drivers/twserial/libtws.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/eth/libusb_eth.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/gadget/libusb_gadget.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/host/libusb_host.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/musb/libusb_musb.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/musb-new/libusb_musb-new.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/phy/libusb_phy.o
LIBS-y += drivers/usb/ulpi/libusb_ulpi.o
LIBS-y += drivers/video/libvideo.o
LIBS-y += drivers/watchdog/libwatchdog.o
LIBS-y += common/libcommon.o
LIBS-y += lib/libfdt/libfdt.o
LIBS-y += api/libapi.o
LIBS-y += post/libpost.o
LIBS-y += test/libtest.o
i f n e q ( $( CONFIG_AM 33XX ) $( CONFIG_OMAP 34XX ) $( CONFIG_OMAP 44XX ) $( CONFIG_OMAP 54XX ) $( CONFIG_TI 814X ) , )
LIBS-y += $( CPUDIR) /omap-common/libomap-common.o
e n d i f
i f n e q ( , $( filter $ ( SOC ) , mx 25 mx 27 mx 5 mx 6 mx 31 mx 35 mxs vf 610) )
LIBS-y += arch/$( ARCH) /imx-common/libimx-common.o
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( SOC ) , s 5 p c 1 x x )
LIBS-y += $( CPUDIR) /s5p-common/libs5p-common.o
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( SOC ) , e x y n o s )
LIBS-y += $( CPUDIR) /s5p-common/libs5p-common.o
e n d i f
i f n e q ( $( CONFIG_TEGRA ) , )
LIBS-y += arch/$( ARCH) /cpu/$( SOC) -common/lib$( SOC) -common.o
LIBS-y += arch/$( ARCH) /cpu/tegra-common/libcputegra-common.o
LIBS-y += $( CPUDIR) /tegra-common/libtegra-common.o
e n d i f
LIBS := $( addprefix $( obj) ,$( sort $( LIBS-y) ) )
.PHONY : $( LIBS )
LIBBOARD = board/$( BOARDDIR) /lib$( BOARD) .o
LIBBOARD := $( addprefix $( obj) ,$( LIBBOARD) )
# Add GCC lib
i f d e f U S E _ P R I V A T E _ L I B G C C
i f e q ( "$(USE_PRIVATE_LIBGCC)" , "yes" )
PLATFORM_LIBGCC = $( OBJTREE) /arch/$( ARCH) /lib/libgcc.o
e l s e
e n d i f
e l s e
PLATFORM_LIBGCC := -L $( shell dirname ` $( CC) $( CFLAGS) -print-libgcc-file-name` ) -lgcc
e n d i f
# Special flags for CPP when processing the linker script.
# Pass the version down so we can handle backwards compatibility
# on the fly.
-include $( TOPDIR) /include/u-boot/u-boot.lds.h \
$( shell $( LD) --version | \
sed -ne 's/GNU ld version \([0-9][0-9]*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/-DLD_MAJOR=\1 -DLD_MINOR=\2/p' )
__OBJS := $( subst $( obj) ,,$( OBJS) )
__LIBS := $( subst $( obj) ,,$( LIBS) ) $( subst $( obj) ,,$( LIBBOARD) )
i f n e q ( $( CONFIG_BOARD_SIZE_LIMIT ) , )
@actual= ` wc -c $@ | awk '{print $$1}' ` ; \
limit = ` printf "%d" $( CONFIG_BOARD_SIZE_LIMIT) ` ; \
if test $$ actual -gt $$ limit; then \
echo " $@ exceeds file size limit: " >& 2 ; \
echo " limit: $$ limit bytes " >& 2 ; \
echo " actual: $$ actual bytes " >& 2 ; \
echo " excess: $$ ((actual - limit)) bytes " >& 2; \
exit 1; \
e l s e
e n d i f
# Always append ALL so that arch config.mk's can add custom ones
ALL-y += $( obj) u-boot.srec $( obj) u-boot.bin $( obj) System.map
ALL-$(CONFIG_NAND_U_BOOT) += $( obj) u-boot-nand.bin
ALL-$(CONFIG_ONENAND_U_BOOT) += $( obj) u-boot-onenand.bin
ALL-$(CONFIG_SPL) += $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.bin
ALL-$(CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE) += $( obj) u-boot.dtb $( obj) u-boot-dtb.bin
i f n e q ( $( CONFIG_SPL_TARGET ) , )
ALL-$(CONFIG_SPL) += $( obj) $( subst " ,, $( CONFIG_SPL_TARGET) )
e n d i f
# enable combined SPL/u-boot/dtb rules for tegra
i f n e q ( $( CONFIG_TEGRA ) , )
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE ) , y )
ALL-y += $( obj) u-boot-dtb-tegra.bin
e l s e
ALL-y += $( obj) u-boot-nodtb-tegra.bin
e n d i f
e n d i f
all : $( ALL -y ) $( SUBDIR_EXAMPLES )
$(obj)u-boot.dtb : $( obj ) u -boot
$( MAKE) -C dts binary
mv $( obj) dts/dt.dtb $@
$(obj)u-boot-dtb.bin : $( obj ) u -boot .bin $( obj ) u -boot .dtb
cat $^ >$@
$(obj)u-boot.hex : $( obj ) u -boot
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } -O ihex $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.srec : $( obj ) u -boot
$( OBJCOPY) -O srec $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.bin : $( obj ) u -boot
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } -O binary $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.ldr : $( obj ) u -boot
$( LDR) -T $( CONFIG_BFIN_CPU) -c $@ $< $( LDR_FLAGS)
$(obj)u-boot.ldr.hex : $( obj ) u -boot .ldr
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } -O ihex $< $@ -I binary
$(obj)u-boot.ldr.srec : $( obj ) u -boot .ldr
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } -O srec $< $@ -I binary
# U-Boot entry point, needed for booting of full-blown U-Boot
# from the SPL U-Boot version.
i f n d e f C O N F I G _ S Y S _ U B O O T _ S T A R T
e n d i f
$(obj)u-boot.img : $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( obj) tools/mkimage -A $( ARCH) -T firmware -C none \
-O u-boot -a $( CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE) \
-n $( shell sed -n -e 's/.*U_BOOT_VERSION//p' $( VERSION_FILE) | \
sed -e 's/"[ ]*$$/ for $(BOARD) board"/' ) \
-d $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.imx : $( obj ) u -boot .bin depend
$( MAKE) -C $( SRCTREE) /arch/arm/imx-common $( OBJTREE) /u-boot.imx
$(obj)u-boot.kwb : $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( obj) tools/mkimage -n $( CONFIG_SYS_KWD_CONFIG) -T kwbimage \
$(obj)u-boot.pbl : $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( obj) tools/mkimage -n $( CONFIG_PBLRCW_CONFIG) \
-R $( CONFIG_PBLPBI_CONFIG) -T pblimage \
-d $< $@
$(obj)u-boot.sha1 : $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( obj) tools/ubsha1 $( obj) u-boot.bin
$(obj)u-boot.dis : $( obj ) u -boot
$( OBJDUMP) -d $< > $@
$(obj)u-boot-with-spl.bin : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } --pad-to= $( CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO) \
-I binary -O binary $< $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.bin
cat $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.bin $( obj) u-boot.bin > $@
rm $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.bin
$(obj)u-boot-with-spl.imx : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( MAKE) -C $( SRCTREE) /arch/arm/imx-common \
$( OBJTREE) /u-boot-with-spl.imx
$(obj)u-boot-with-nand-spl.imx : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( MAKE) -C $( SRCTREE) /arch/arm/imx-common \
$( OBJTREE) /u-boot-with-nand-spl.imx
$(obj)u-boot.ubl : $( obj ) u -boot -with -spl .bin
$( obj) tools/mkimage -n $( UBL_CONFIG) -T ublimage \
-e $( CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE) -d $< $( obj) u-boot.ubl
$(obj)u-boot.ais : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .img
$( obj) tools/mkimage -s -n $( if $( CONFIG_AIS_CONFIG_FILE) ,$( CONFIG_AIS_CONFIG_FILE) ,"/dev/null" ) \
-T aisimage \
-d $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.bin \
$( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.ais
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } -I binary \
--pad-to= $( CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE) -O binary \
$( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.ais $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.ais
cat $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.ais $( obj) u-boot.img > \
$( obj) u-boot.ais
$(obj)u-boot.sb : $( obj ) u -boot .bin $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin
$( MAKE) -C $( SRCTREE) /$( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) / $( OBJTREE) /u-boot.sb
# On x600 (SPEAr600) U-Boot is appended to U-Boot SPL.
# Both images are created using mkimage (crc etc), so that the ROM
# bootloader can check its integrity. Padding needs to be done to the
# SPL image (with mkimage header) and not the binary. Otherwise the resulting image
# which is loaded/copied by the ROM bootloader to SRAM doesn't fit.
# The resulting image containing both U-Boot images is called u-boot.spr
$(obj)u-boot.spr : $( obj ) u -boot .img $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin
$( obj) tools/mkimage -A $( ARCH) -T firmware -C none \
-d $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.bin $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.img
tr "\000" "\377" < /dev/zero | dd ibs = 1 count = $( CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO) \
of = $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.img 2>/dev/null
dd if = $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.img of = $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.img \
conv = notrunc 2>/dev/null
cat $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.img $( obj) u-boot.img > $@
i f n e q ( $( CONFIG_TEGRA ) , )
$(obj)u-boot-nodtb-tegra.bin : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .bin
$( OBJCOPY) ${ OBJCFLAGS } --pad-to= $( CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE) -O binary $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.bin
cat $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.bin $( obj) u-boot.bin > $@
rm $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl-pad.bin
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE ) , y )
$(obj)u-boot-dtb-tegra.bin : $( obj ) u -boot -nodtb -tegra .bin $( obj ) u -boot .dtb
cat $( obj) u-boot-nodtb-tegra.bin $( obj) u-boot.dtb > $@
e n d i f
e n d i f
$(obj)u-boot-img.bin : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .img
cat $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.bin $( obj) u-boot.img > $@
# PPC4xx needs the SPL at the end of the image, since the reset vector
# is located at 0xfffffffc. So we can't use the "u-boot-img.bin" target
# and need to introduce a new build target with the full blown U-Boot
# at the start padded up to the start of the SPL image. And then concat
# the SPL image to the end.
$(obj)u-boot-img-spl-at-end.bin : $( obj ) spl /u -boot -spl .bin $( obj ) u -boot .img
tr "\000" "\377" < /dev/zero | dd ibs = 1 count = $( CONFIG_UBOOT_PAD_TO) \
of = $( obj) u-boot-pad.img 2>/dev/null
dd if = $( obj) u-boot.img of = $( obj) u-boot-pad.img \
conv = notrunc 2>/dev/null
cat $( obj) u-boot-pad.img $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.bin > $@
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_SANDBOX ) , y )
cd $( LNDIR) && $( CC) $( SYMS) -T $( obj) u-boot.lds \
-Wl,--start-group $( __LIBS) -Wl,--end-group \
$( PLATFORM_LIBS) -Wl,-Map -Wl,u-boot.map -o u-boot
e l s e
cd $( LNDIR) && $( LD) $( LDFLAGS) $( LDFLAGS_$( @F) ) \
$( __OBJS) \
--start-group $( __LIBS) --end-group $( PLATFORM_LIBS) \
-Map u-boot.map -o u-boot
e n d i f
$(obj)u-boot : depend \
$( SUBDIR_TOOLS) $( OBJS) $( LIBBOARD) $( LIBS) $( LDSCRIPT) $( obj) u-boot.lds
i f e q ( $( CONFIG_KALLSYMS ) , y )
smap = ` $( call SYSTEM_MAP,$( obj) u-boot) | \
awk '$$2 ~ /[tTwW]/ {printf $$1 $$3 "\\\\000"}' ` ; \
$( CC) $( CFLAGS) -DSYSTEM_MAP= " \" $$ {smap}\" " \
-c common/system_map.c -o $( obj) common/system_map.o
$( GEN_UBOOT) $( obj) common/system_map.o
e n d i f
$(OBJS) : depend
$( MAKE) -C $( CPUDIR) $( if $( REMOTE_BUILD) ,$@ ,$( notdir $@ ) )
$(LIBS) : depend $( SUBDIR_TOOLS )
$( MAKE) -C $( dir $( subst $( obj) ,,$@ ) )
$(LIBBOARD) : depend $( LIBS )
$( MAKE) -C $( dir $( subst $( obj) ,,$@ ) )
$(SUBDIRS) : depend
$( MAKE) -C $@ all
$(SUBDIR_EXAMPLES) : $( obj ) u -boot
$(LDSCRIPT) : depend
$( MAKE) -C $( dir $@ ) $( notdir $@ )
$(obj)u-boot.lds : $( LDSCRIPT )
$( CPP) $( CPPFLAGS) $( LDPPFLAGS) -ansi -D__ASSEMBLY__ -P - <$< >$@
nand_spl : $( TIMESTAMP_FILE ) $( VERSION_FILE ) depend
$( MAKE) -C nand_spl/board/$( BOARDDIR) all
$(obj)u-boot-nand.bin : nand_spl $( obj ) u -boot .bin
cat $( obj) nand_spl/u-boot-spl-16k.bin $( obj) u-boot.bin > $( obj) u-boot-nand.bin
$(obj)spl/u-boot-spl.bin : $( SUBDIR_TOOLS ) depend
$( MAKE) -C spl all
updater :
$( MAKE) -C tools/updater all
# Explicitly make _depend in subdirs containing multiple targets to prevent
# parallel sub-makes creating .depend files simultaneously.
depend dep : $( TIMESTAMP_FILE ) $( VERSION_FILE ) \
$( obj) include/autoconf.mk \
$( obj) include/generated/generic-asm-offsets.h \
$( obj) include/generated/asm-offsets.h
for dir in $( SUBDIRS) $( CPUDIR) $( LDSCRIPT_MAKEFILE_DIR) ; do \
$( MAKE) -C $$ dir _depend ; done
TAG_SUBDIRS += $( dir $( __LIBS) )
TAG_SUBDIRS += include
FIND := find
checkstack :
$( CROSS_COMPILE) objdump -d $( obj) u-boot \
` $( FIND) $( obj) -name u-boot-spl -print` | \
perl $( src) tools/checkstack.pl $( ARCH)
tags ctags :
ctags -w -o $( obj) ctags ` $( FIND) $( FINDFLAGS) $( TAG_SUBDIRS) \
-name '*.[chS]' -print`
etags :
etags -a -o $( obj) etags ` $( FIND) $( FINDFLAGS) $( TAG_SUBDIRS) \
-name '*.[chS]' -print`
cscope :
$( FIND) $( FINDFLAGS) $( TAG_SUBDIRS) -name '*.[chS]' -print > \
cscope -b -q -k
$( NM) $1 | \
grep -v '\(compiled\)\|\(\.o$$\)\|\( [aUw] \)\|\(\.\.ng$$\)\|\(LASH[RL]DI\)' | \
LC_ALL = C sort
$(obj)System.map : $( obj ) u -boot
@$( call SYSTEM_MAP,$<) > $( obj) System.map
checkthumb :
@if test $( call cc-version) -lt 0404; then \
echo -n '*** Your GCC does not produce working ' ; \
echo 'binaries in THUMB mode.' ; \
echo '*** Your board is configured for THUMB mode.' ; \
false; \
# GCC 3.x is reported to have problems generating the type of relocation
# that U-Boot wants.
# See http://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2012-September/135156.html
checkgcc4 :
@if test $( call cc-version) -lt 0400; then \
echo -n '*** Your GCC is too old, please upgrade to GCC 4.x or newer' ; \
false; \
# Auto-generate the autoconf.mk file (which is included by all makefiles)
# This target actually generates 2 files; autoconf.mk and autoconf.mk.dep.
# the dep file is only include in this top level makefile to determine when
# to regenerate the autoconf.mk file.
$(obj)include/autoconf.mk.dep : $( obj ) include /config .h include /common .h
@$( XECHO) Generating $@ ; \
set -e ; \
: Generate the dependancies ; \
-MQ $( obj) include/autoconf.mk include/common.h > $@
$(obj)include/autoconf.mk : $( obj ) include /config .h
@$( XECHO) Generating $@ ; \
set -e ; \
: Extract the config macros ; \
$( CPP) $( CFLAGS) -DDO_DEPS_ONLY -dM include/common.h | \
sed -n -f tools/scripts/define2mk.sed > $@ .tmp && \
mv $@ .tmp $@
$(obj)include/generated/generic-asm-offsets.h : $( obj ) include /autoconf .mk .dep \
$( obj) lib/asm-offsets.s
@$( XECHO) Generating $@
tools/scripts/make-asm-offsets $( obj) lib/asm-offsets.s $@
$(obj)lib/asm-offsets.s : $( obj ) include /autoconf .mk .dep \
$( src) lib/asm-offsets.c
@mkdir -p $( obj) lib
$( CFLAGS) $( CFLAGS_$( BCURDIR) /$( @F) ) $( CFLAGS_$( BCURDIR) ) \
-o $@ $( src) lib/asm-offsets.c -c -S
$(obj)include/generated/asm-offsets.h : $( obj ) include /autoconf .mk .dep \
$( obj) $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) /asm-offsets.s
@$( XECHO) Generating $@
tools/scripts/make-asm-offsets $( obj) $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) /asm-offsets.s $@
$(obj)$(CPUDIR)/$(SOC)/asm-offsets.s : $( obj ) include /autoconf .mk .dep
@mkdir -p $( obj) $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC)
if [ -f $( src) $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) /asm-offsets.c ] ; then \
$( CFLAGS) $( CFLAGS_$( BCURDIR) /$( @F) ) $( CFLAGS_$( BCURDIR) ) \
-o $@ $( src) $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) /asm-offsets.c -c -S; \
else \
touch $@ ; \
e l s e # !config.mk
a l l $( obj ) u - b o o t . h e x $( obj ) u - b o o t . s r e c $( obj ) u - b o o t . b i n \
$( obj ) u - b o o t . i m g $( obj ) u - b o o t . d i s $( obj ) u - b o o t \
$( filter -out tools ,$ ( SUBDIRS ) ) \
updater depend dep tags ctags etags cscope $(obj)System.map :
@echo "System not configured - see README" >& 2
@ exit 1
$( MAKE) -C $@ all
e n d i f # config.mk
# ARM relocations should all be R_ARM_RELATIVE.
checkarmreloc : $( obj ) u -boot
@if test "R_ARM_RELATIVE" != \
" `readelf -r $< | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | grep R_ARM | sort -u` " ; \
then echo " $< contains relocations other than \
R_ARM_RELATIVE" ; false; fi
@mkdir -p $( dir $( VERSION_FILE) )
@( localvers = '$(shell $(TOPDIR)/tools/setlocalversion $(TOPDIR))' ; \
printf '#define PLAIN_VERSION "%s%s"\n' \
" $( U_BOOT_VERSION) " " $$ {localvers} " ; \
printf '#define U_BOOT_VERSION "U-Boot %s%s"\n' \
" $( U_BOOT_VERSION) " " $$ {localvers} " ; \
) > $@ .tmp
@( printf '#define CC_VERSION_STRING "%s"\n' \
'$(shell $(CC) --version | head -n 1)' ) >> $@ .tmp
@( printf '#define LD_VERSION_STRING "%s"\n' \
'$(shell $(LD) -v | head -n 1)' ) >> $@ .tmp
@cmp -s $@ $@ .tmp && rm -f $@ .tmp || mv -f $@ .tmp $@
@mkdir -p $( dir $( TIMESTAMP_FILE) )
@LC_ALL= C date +'#define U_BOOT_DATE "%b %d %C%y"' > $@ .tmp
@LC_ALL= C date +'#define U_BOOT_TIME "%T"' >> $@ .tmp
@cmp -s $@ $@ .tmp && rm -f $@ .tmp || mv -f $@ .tmp $@
easylogo env gdb :
$( MAKE) -C tools/$@ all MTD_VERSION = ${ MTD_VERSION }
gdbtools : gdb
xmldocs pdfdocs psdocs htmldocs mandocs : tools /kernel -doc /docproc
$( MAKE) U_BOOT_VERSION = $( U_BOOT_VERSION) -C doc/DocBook/ $@
tools-all : easylogo env gdb $( VERSION_FILE ) $( TIMESTAMP_FILE )
$( MAKE) -C tools HOST_TOOLS_ALL = y
git log --no-merges U-Boot-1_1_5.. | \
unexpand -a | sed -e 's/\s\s*$$//' > $@
include/license.h : tools /bin 2header COPYING
cat COPYING | gzip -9 -c | ./tools/bin2header license_gzip > include/license.h
unconfig :
@rm -f $( obj) include/config.h $( obj) include/config.mk \
$( obj) board/*/config.tmp $( obj) board/*/*/config.tmp \
$( obj) include/autoconf.mk $( obj) include/autoconf.mk.dep
%_config :: unconfig
@$( MKCONFIG) -A $( @:_config= )
s i n c l u d e $( obj ) . b o a r d s . d e p e n d
$(obj).boards.depend : boards .cfg
@awk '(NF && $$1 !~ /^#/) { print $$1 ": " $$1 "_config; $$(MAKE)" }' $< > $@
# Functions to generate common board directory names
lcname = $( shell echo $( 1) | sed -e 's/\(.*\)_config/\L\1/' )
ucname = $( shell echo $( 1) | sed -e 's/\(.*\)_config/\U\1/' )
clean :
@rm -f $( obj) examples/standalone/82559_eeprom \
$( obj) examples/standalone/atmel_df_pow2 \
$( obj) examples/standalone/eepro100_eeprom \
$( obj) examples/standalone/hello_world \
$( obj) examples/standalone/interrupt \
$( obj) examples/standalone/mem_to_mem_idma2intr \
$( obj) examples/standalone/sched \
$( obj) examples/standalone/smc911{ 11,x} _eeprom \
$( obj) examples/standalone/test_burst \
$( obj) examples/standalone/timer
@rm -f $( obj) examples/api/demo{ ,.bin}
@rm -f $( obj) tools/bmp_logo $( obj) tools/easylogo/easylogo \
$( obj) tools/env/{ fw_printenv,fw_setenv} \
$( obj) tools/envcrc \
$( obj) tools/gdb/{ astest,gdbcont,gdbsend} \
$( obj) tools/gen_eth_addr $( obj) tools/img2srec \
$( obj) tools/mk{ env,} image $( obj) tools/mpc86x_clk \
$( obj) tools/mk{ smdk5250,} spl \
$( obj) tools/mxsboot \
$( obj) tools/ncb $( obj) tools/ubsha1 \
$( obj) tools/kernel-doc/docproc
@rm -f $( obj) board/cray/L1/{ bootscript.c,bootscript.image} \
$( obj) board/matrix_vision/*/bootscript.img \
$( obj) board/voiceblue/eeprom \
$( obj) u-boot.lds \
$( obj) arch/blackfin/cpu/bootrom-asm-offsets.[ chs] \
$( obj) arch/blackfin/cpu/init.{ lds,elf}
@rm -f $( obj) include/bmp_logo.h
@rm -f $( obj) include/bmp_logo_data.h
@rm -f $( obj) lib/asm-offsets.s
@rm -f $( obj) include/generated/asm-offsets.h
@rm -f $( obj) $( CPUDIR) /$( SOC) /asm-offsets.s
@$( MAKE) -s -C doc/DocBook/ cleandocs
@find $( OBJTREE) -type f \
\( -name 'core' -o -name '*.bak' -o -name '*~' -o -name '*.su' \
-o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.a' -o -name '*.exe' \
-o -name '*.cfgtmp' \) -print \
| xargs rm -f
# Removes everything not needed for testing u-boot
tidy : clean
@find $( OBJTREE) -type f \( -name '*.depend*' \) -print | xargs rm -f
clobber : tidy
@find $( OBJTREE) -type f \( -name '*.srec' \
-o -name '*.bin' -o -name u-boot.img \) \
-print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
@rm -f $( OBJS) $( obj) *.bak $( obj) ctags $( obj) etags $( obj) TAGS \
$( obj) cscope.* $( obj) *.*~
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot $( obj) u-boot.map $( obj) u-boot.hex $( ALL-y)
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.kwb
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.pbl
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.imx
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot-with-spl.imx
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot-with-nand-spl.imx
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.ubl
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.ais
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.dtb
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.sb
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.bd
@rm -f $( obj) u-boot.spr
@rm -f $( obj) nand_spl/{ u-boot.{ lds,lst} ,System.map}
@rm -f $( obj) nand_spl/{ u-boot-nand_spl.lds,u-boot-spl,u-boot-spl.map}
@rm -f $( obj) spl/{ u-boot-spl,u-boot-spl.bin,u-boot-spl.map}
@rm -f $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl.lds
@rm -f $( obj) MLO MLO.byteswap
@rm -f $( obj) SPL
@rm -f $( obj) tools/xway-swap-bytes
@rm -f $( obj) arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc824x/bedbug_603e.c
@rm -f $( obj) arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc83xx/ddr-gen?.c
@rm -fr $( obj) include/asm/proc $( obj) include/asm/arch $( obj) include/asm
@rm -fr $( obj) include/generated
@[ ! -d $( obj) nand_spl ] || find $( obj) nand_spl -name "*" -type l -print | xargs rm -f
@rm -f $( obj) dts/*.tmp
@rm -f $( obj) spl/u-boot-spl{ ,-pad} .ais
m r p r o p e r \
distclean : clobber unconfig
i f n e q ( $( OBJTREE ) , $( SRCTREE ) )
rm -rf $( obj) *
e n d i f
backup :
F = ` basename $( TOPDIR) ` ; cd .. ; \
gtar --force-local -zcvf ` LC_ALL = C date " + $$ F-%Y-%m-%d-%T.tar.gz " ` $$ F